Growths Disappear
My first encounter with supernatural
healing was when I was about
8 years old. I had these really
painful growths all over the fingers
of my right hand which is my
dominant hand. This made it really
hard to grip things and generally
use the hand. I told my mum and
She immediately said "we will pray
and the growth will disappear".
I believed her because she said it
with so much confidence.
We prayed immediately and I don't
know when exactly the growths
disappeared but they did and now
over 25 years later, they have never
This has shaped my view of healing
and I have taught it to
my daughter who is just a little
under 5 years old.
Apart from vaccinations and general
health check-ups, we have not had
a reason to visit the hospital.
She has formed a habit of praying
for her friends when they are sick
and she expects and sees results.
We recently visited a family friend
whose infant was very sick. This had
gone on for well over a month
before we heard. On getting to
the hospital, my daughter kept
saying "mummy, pray, so they can
go home".
I immediately asked her to lay
her hands on the boy and we prayed.
She told the boy's mum "you'll
go back home soon, my mummy
has prayed" I was wowed!
Three days later, the boy was
discharged and has been fine
ever since. When I shared the news,
she said
"Yes, Jesus heals!" Her faith is
the boost I need most times
when I feel discouraged.
Ps. 8:2a says "out of the mouths
of babes and sucklings hast thou
ordained strength."
In Mark 16: 17&18, Jesus Christ
asked us to lay our
hands on the sick and they will
recover, therefore, I lay my hands
on the sick and they recover.
Above is an encounter of Supernatural
Healing as shared by @Tdunsine.
Don't just read this, practice,
replicate and let it fan into flames
the fire of God burning in your hearts.
Are you struggling with pain or sickness?
Do you desire healing?
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