Greg's Experiment

Greg's Experiment

I met a man in 2018, a man of God 
He got converted to Christianity at 
the age of 19 at a crusade 
He was a secondary school dropout 
whose father died when he was 15 
He was also born into another 
religion and the religion encourages 
the use of charms and all to secure 
an advantage over others in life 
As a believer, he joined the prayer 
warrior and through him, a lot of signs 
and wonders began to happen 
For example, the church where he 
went through new believer's training 
was built on a piece of land that the 
previous local chief had given to an 
occultic group 
The local chief became a Christian and 
changed his mind 
He called a pastor and told him he 
wanted a church to be built on the land 
This led to a big issue between the 
cult members and the church 
This brother and his prayer team went 
into forty days fasting and prayer over
During this time a lot of things were 
done on the land by the occultic group 
Sacrifices, charms, spells, enchantments, 
and so on 
The group went camping at a popular 
campground to pray 
After forty days, they returned to the 
The next Sunday, the head of the cult gang
walked into the church with the intention 
of warning the church members to leave 
the land 
As soon as he stepped into the land, 
he fell down and died, just like that 
(The church is still at Oworosoki and 
still standing strong today) 
The prayer team stood over the body 
and prayed, the dead cult leader was 
brought back to life after two hours of 
earnest prayers 
That was the end of the power tussle 
The cult rested their cast 
The church building began 
(They had been holding services under 
a canopy) 
The cultist that was raised from the 
dead contributed bags of cement to 
the church project 
The church leadership recognized the 
anointing of God in the life of this young 
He was the one to whom the prayer 
warriors looked for direction at this time 
He was indeed a prayer champion 
He was promoted into an altar minister, 
his presence in the church brought in 
many other converts who knew him on 
the street 
He also started taking adult education 
classes to polish His command of English 
He was a tailor by profession 
The church supported him to get a shop 
and machines so that he can make ends 
meet easily 
He was a blessing!
After four years as the head of the prayer 
department, he was ordained as a deacon 
He was also posted to another parish in Iju 
as the assistant parish pastor 
The hand of God was seriously upon his life 
After spending four years in Iju, he was due 
for ordination officially to the position of 
Assistant Pastor 
He had been acting in that capacity but 
he had not been ordained officially by 
the church to that position 
The criteria for ordination changed 
They made it compulsory for intending 
Assistant Pastors to have a diploma in 
Theology from the mission's Bible college 
He had always wanted to have a 
certificate that is greater than the 
secondary school level 
A diploma was a step in the right direction 
He enrolled 
One of the courses, they had to study 
was demonology 
Now this course is comprised mostly of 
conjectures and assumptions
The main class note stayed on the 
mention of demons in the Bible and their 
effect on human beings 
The study included their origin, 
mode of operation, point of entry into 
human lives, and how to cast them out 
The class was academic and didn't 
hold any spiritual weight in any form
After class, one of his classmates said 
"Our lecturers don't really know much 
about demons, they were just using 
common sense. 
I have seen a demon that can do this 
and that and those 
This brother got interested and asked
 the classmate how he saw demons 
The classmate told him to
get a white bowl, a mirror and, some 
camwood (He also gave him some 
instructions i cannot write here due 
to the "use your handrail, the floor 
is slippery signs I am seeing right 
He was to place these items outside 
by a certain time of the night and 
retrieve them after the morning dew 
had fallen upon them 
He was then asked to use the water in 
the white bowl to wash his face, use 
the camwood to line his eyebrows and 
stare into the mirror for some time in 
total darkness while standing naked 
in the bathroom at a certain time of 
the morning 
He followed the instructions out of 
curiosity When he did it, his wife was 
five months pregnant and was asleep 
in their room and parlour apartment 
While he was starring into the mirror, 
his wife suddenly screamed 
(Meanwhile he had been told that 
whatever happens, he must not allow 
the mirror to break or rush out of the 
bathroom because if he did he might 
go mad 
So he stayed put in the bathroom until 
his wife stopped screaming 
And then he saw some "dark waves" stuff 
oozing in and out of the mirror 
He didn't feel any discomfort whatsoever, 
he carefully put this mirror aside when 
he was done and left the bathroom 
He met his wife fast asleep 
There was no blood, no problem 
He laid down and slept off 
A piercing scream jolted him awake from 
sleep some hours later 
His wife ran out of the bathroom and 
asked him to see what was there 
It was the baby
Fully formed head, arm, leg, just 
remaining  fingers, eyes, ear and hair 
but the skeleton of a human being 
was fully formed. 
It just dropped off her. 
He knew without a doubt that it had 
everything to do with the experiment 
he performed earlier 
He went on his knees and prayed for
the baby to come to life 
His wife summoned the courage to come 
into the bathroom after a few minutes 
He told her what it was 
His wife cried for many days 
The shocking thing was, the tummy 
continued to grow as if a baby was there 
They went to the hospital for evacuation
They did a scan and discovered the 
tummy was empty and yet, the tummy 
continued to grow and his wife feelt 
something moving in her belly 
The doctors called it phantom 
pregnancy and so on 
This was their situation when i met them 
He had thrown away the mirror and the 
camwood and other things 
He had fasted and prayed and pleaded 
His wife's tummy refused to come down
She looked pregnant and had all the
health issues associated with pregnancy 
They had gone to several churches 
for help 
When he spoke with his classmate that 
taught him what he did 
The classmate said he shouldn't have 
done it when there was someone else 
in the house...
Nobody knew what to do to deliver his wife 
She was in great agony 
The people he told the story refused to 
get involved in the matter 
Those he didn't tell the story didn't take 
the matter as seriously as he felt they 
ought to 
Everybody blamed him for peeping into 
a realm he had no business in 
He came to Night of Glory (June 2019) 
(I had been aware of their case via
Whatsapp before they came for the 
programme) with his wife 
They had been battling with the phantom 
pregnancy for seven years 
He was still a deacon, he couldn't finish 
Bible college because of the challenge 
he and his wife were facing 
He was thin and frail due to fasting
He was completely eaten up by guilt 
(Which I believe was one of the reasons 
his wife was not healed) 
The devil has a way of tricking many into 
believing they are praying when all they 
were doing was pleading guilty 
Do you want to know how the wife 
was set free? 
It was so simple
It was through laughing in the Holy Ghost 
I met them at my office and we began to 
pray in tongues by 9 AM 
I laid hands on the wife and she began 
to laugh 
She laughed and cried and laughed 
for over three hours with a lot of 
farting and belching
When they were leaving the tummy
still looked big but all the feeling of
heaviness, weakness and pregnancy
symptoms were gone
She felt light on her feet and her heart
was full of joy
Three days later, tummy was flat
I didn't have to know the demon or 
study it 
I know the one Who lives in me 
I know the one whose name was 
named upon me 
I know the greater one that dwells 
in me 
My Father that dwells in me is 
always doing the work 
Christ in me is all I know 
Christ in you, is all you need to know

PS: I have met many people who
said the source of their affliction
was a church service
They went to church hale and hearty
and returned home with affliction
How can one be afflicted in the house
of God?
It is because the atmosphere created
by the church leaders was not an
atmosphere of love and transparency
When you create an atmosphere of
dread, fear and terror, you open the
door to vultures because they feed 
on dead flesh
Growing up, when you attend a service
in some churches, the pastors will say
dont touch the wall, dont open your
eyes and dont sleep otherwise you
will use your head to carry another
person's affliction
This was so wrong!
Eutychus slept when Apostle Paul
was preaching
He fell from a storey building and 
died as a result
Apostle Paul brought him back to
life and restored him to the church
in good health
We have to change a lot of things
about our services and mindset
You will never hear me talk about
anything demonic in a supernatural
When we have out Prophetic Hour
in our services, i am always quick
to kill negative vibes and revelations
I know the implication of vultures
coming to feast among eagles
No man can ever finish learning
He is the one whom we have accepted
as our Lord and saviour and it is to
His stature that we aim to grow daily!
GSW's notes: The more you practice
a skill the better you get at it
The more you practice Christ, the 
better you get at becoming Christ
Studying anyone but Christ is a
Christianity is not an academic 
It is a daily walk that demands
consistency to master
Don't be distracted by those
who think they can know Christ
and other things and use the
knowledge as appropriate using
their discretion
They are making a grave mistake
by mixing Christ with other things
He that is full of God knows all
Let your eyes be single and your
body shall be full of light