Tongues of Healing
Brother Gbenga, I took a screenshot of
that prophecy page from our last 12 hours
The second prophecy was a direct
message for me.
My mother has been behaving strange
lately.. she has been selling family
property without consulting us.
When we find out and confront her,
she will say we want to kill her and
inherit her property
My mother almost sold another choice
land in my state that has been in my
family for generations.
I only got to know about it when they
didn't settle on the price.
I was angry initially like why would
you want to sell that land.
We were on that matter when that
prophecy came and immediately
the Holy Spirit told me to tell my
husband to buy it.
My testimony is double-edged because
my husband does not believe in
buying anything and in 13 years of
marriage, we have nothing to show
for our hard work.
So I told my husband and he got
excited and my mum also agreed
to sell to him quietly at half the
price the buyers were asking.
The testimony is somehow, because
that is a land I should inherit into
my marriage but having d kind of
mother I have and knowing she
will sell it off without thinking of us,
I am thankful for the hand of God
that kept the land for us and for
making us landlords after many years.
I am thankful to this God
Second testimony, during the 8 hours
prayers, there was a prophecy of
healing for a young boy with down
syndrome, at that meeting, another
person described the little boy
clearly as having smallish head with
strange looks.
I didn't screen shoot that prophecy
at the time, till I got this one during
the 12hours.
Now, there is a client of mine turned
family friend whose son attends the
centre .
Remember I told you am a speech
therapist and I run a centre for
special children?
So I invited this child to live with us
for a while during this lockdown as
the centre was not open and the
parents were worried about him
not meeting some developmental
Also, the boy was involved in a
domestic accident and sustained
burns on his face, making him look
scary or strange.
So, too many things, the family was
looking for a boarding facility to dump
the boy but I believe in my heart that
the boy could get better.
So to ease the tension in the family
and to provide solace for the boy,
I took him in.
When he came to my house, he was
not potty trained, nonverbal, not
able to feed himself, in fact, too
many things.
At almost 5 years, he was like a six
months old baby. But the compassion
in my heart will not allow me
abandon him alongside everyone else.
It felt like I was d only one he had.
It was not easy but I did everything
I knew in therapy without any
major changes.
This was around the time I joined
PSSBC School 5.
So every night during prayer time,
I will bring him into my room and
put my phone on speaker just
speak in tongues.
In the process, I noticed that he
started saying what am saying.
I thought he was imitating me but
when I keep quiet and listen to him,
he is also praying.
And I am persuaded that he had
started speaking in tongues at
some point.
That was how this boy started
imitating my children and small small
started saying people's names in
the house, saying food, water, poopoo
( he got potty trained in the shortest
time in my career), after the first
prophecy, he suddenly started
saying more by making short
sentences like "I want food",
"I am fine thank you",etc.
I'm overwhelmed and in tears as
I type this because I needed to travel
last weekend, and I asked the
family to pick him for the period i
am away.
They didn't believe the progress so far..
They are calling every day with new
Above all, they called me last night
to ask what he does every night by
putting his hand on his head and
saying strange things blablablabla....
The boy went home and continued our
9 pm routine of praying in tongues.
He was supposed to stay the weekend.
Up till today they have not brought
him back because they are happy
with his development.
To God be all the glory
And strangely, the scar on his face
seems to be clearing..
It didn't happen at once but last
week, the scar is almost not there again
God is Him alone be all the glory
Pastor am still in tears.
The boy holds a special place in my
heart because I can't explain the
compassion or pity or whatever made
me accept him in my house.
It was like madness but my husband
and children God touched them and
everybody accepted him.
I will bring him to Theikos Doxa one
Sunday when he comes back.
IF he come back oh because now
the rejected stone is now the star boy
in his house
God is real and he proved himself in
my home
I know it's God because the way I
struggled to remain a part of this
bible school, the struggle was too
much in my head.
In fact I decided to stay to even see
what will happen.
Not two weeks in, I knew it was
the devil himself trying to keep me
away from this school.
Me that will not have cash before
in any account, now in spite of the
lockdown and no work, I walk in
It can only be God
- Sister Joy A. (22:13, 03/09/2020)
PS: There are some testimonies
that makes you cry
You cannot be modest about
sharing such a testimony
The young man must one day
read it and know the enormity
of what God did for him and how
many people celebrated it
The day I met the Lord was the
best day of my life
Testimonies like this make
everything worthwhile
GSW's note: Our 8 hours prayer
and the 12 hours prayer produced
some testimonies that are beyond
I had to bench many
I kept some among the ministers
and shared but a few
I have my reasons
And the Holy Spirit understands
them too
It is good to pray and it is very
very important to pray in tongues
If you are yet to receive this
precious gift, please send me a
message via Whatsapp
God bless you
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