Keep it Tender

Keep it Tender

A tender heart is one of the basic 
signs you see in a believer who has 
met the Lord 
A heart that cannot bear a bruised 
A heart that is soft and compassionate 
towards all men 
A heart that does not want any to perish 
but desires that all come to the reality 
of the Father’s love
Jesus had such a heart, so did John 
and Peter and James and Philip and 
A heart that forgives the most grievous 
injury and counts the wickedness of men 
as a product of their ignorance. 
Jesus said “Father forgive them for 
they know not what they do” just as 
he was being led to the cross to die 
for my sin. 
He knew I didn’t deserve it or even 
appreciate it and yet 
He did it because he wanted me to 
have that option. 
Before Jesus came, mankind couldn’t 
have everlasting life. 
The Pharisees had an idea that there 
was a way to get it and they searched
the scriptures diligently for that way 
without any result! 
Jesus, while addressing them in 
John 5:29 told them they pored the 
scriptures thinking in them you will 
find eternal life: and the same scriptures 
testify of me and yet you refuse to 
come to me so that you may be saved!
He was eternal life He was what they 
had been searching diligently for 
They rejected him and yet he still gave 
them that option by dying for them 
on the cross 
He knew they would be hopeless without 
that option 
That option was what led me to the reality 
I walk in by the power of the Holy Spirit 
Many who claim to be believers still don’t 
know this reality and you can tell by the 
things they seem to put their energy and 
passion into. 
You can tell by their inability to see others 
as deserving of the eternal life and 
salvation which was their own
Living hope. 
A man once came to my office 
The man said “I think evangelism is a 
waste of time because God knows the 
number of people he wanted to save 
and he has the power to save them so 
I think we are just wasting our time as 
believers when we evangelize) 
He said it so casually
So I asked him if anybody talked to 
him about Jesus before he gave his 
life to Christ 
He said yes I said and you didn’t regard 
that as important? 
He said “So many people had spoken 
to me before then, God just said that 
would be my day and that is what will 
happen to others too”
He felt nothing for the unsaved 
His heart was unperturbed by the 
teeming number of unsaved people 
all around He had been saved and 
as far as he was concerned, that 
was enough. 
Christians like that are what apostle 
Paul called babes 
They have not been transformed 
by the renewing of their minds through 
the washing of the word. 
They are still carnal 
Their opinion is still anchored on logic 
and ideologies other than Christ 
They are the type that will cheer when 
a supposedly bad man was gruesomely 
killed in a movie or real life 
Eternity has not dawned on such. 
Every human life is precious God does 
not consider any life too bad or too 
good to be saved Remember the thief 
by the right hand? 
He didn’t have to pray and beg for 
The moment he acknowledged the 
divinity of Jesus, he was given an 
express entry into paradise!
A heart of stone is of no use to God 
because he desires to write upon the 
tablets of our hearts through the 
Holy Spirit. 
Please learn to forgive those who 
had treated you unjustly, learn to heal 
from emotional trauma, learn to be free 
of the dross that has kept many in one spot
As regards their walk with the Holy Spirit 
Religious people usually have very hard 
Crucify him...
Stone her... 
Thrust him through...
That's their stock in trade 
They believe they must tear you to pieces 
because your cup of sin is full 
They would rather condemn and cast away 
than forgive and gather 
Jesus had several run-ins with them and 
at the end of the day their religious mindset 
led to the death of Jesus 
If you are a believer and you’re still angry, 
bitter, venomous and frustrated over the 
recent happenings in Nigeria
I will like to ask you to please
consider the state of your heart 
Feeding your heart with too much 
falsehood will only weaken you as a 
Feeding your heart with so much 
negativity does you no good 
Remember that the Holy Spirit is in 
you and must be nurtured 
He thrives only on the word of God 
and the atmosphere of Heaven which 
is righteousness, peace and joy in 
the Holy Ghost. 

PS: I urge you to let go of the hurt and 
forgive those who have offended you 
so that you may heal 
I urge you to keep your heart tender 
The reason many do not hear from God 
is the state of their hearts.