Open Up!

Open Up!

March 29/30 2019

She came to the Brother in Jeans and 
T-shirt in fear and trembling
She said "Sir, I cannot stop cheating 
on my husband!
I cannot stop sleeping around
I have tried everything I know
I have fasted and prayed
I have locked myself in a room for 
many days in the last one year
I wanted to be faithful
I have gone for deliverance several
Please help me sir!"
She came at a very odd time
She came for their monthly vigil 
He had been on his feet for hours and
sleep was singing him several melodies
She didn't want to talk to him in the 
She waited until he was leaving
She waited by his car
Compulsive cheats have some attributes
he had come to identify over the year
1) They are love excitement
2)They get easily bored and unhappy
3)They court the attention of people
and are always afraid of going stale
4)They are afraid of being alone
5)They are very opportunistic
6)They usually resent the person they
are with and are hoping to get someone
better and/or
7) They have deep-seated insecurity 
8) The burden of guilt is crushing them
9)The fear of their past indiscretions is
hovering over them and 
10) No matter how expensive and 
customized their perfumes
are, they always feel dirty and unworthy!
All that was psychological
There are usually other reasons that
are deadlier
Those are spiritual
Some demons crave sexual intercourse
if someone gets afflicted by such a 
demon, he or she would become totally
insatiable sexually and would practically
go about begging for sex
He looked at her and said "Sis, I cannot
lie to you. I am so tired right now! My
legs are shaking and my eyes are closing!
Can we see some other time?
She held his hands and fell on her knees
"Please sir, this is going to cost me
everything! I will lose a good man and
i will rather kill myself than do that.
You need to help me sir
He drew her up to her feet
"Don't kneel for me sister, I wouldn't
be able to explain that to the Holy Spirit!
He prayed silently for strength
When he was done, they went back
into the church
She said "I wasn't always like this
I was a virgin till I finished my NYSC
I met my first boyfriend, he was a surveyor
somewhere in South-West
He loved me sir
He really loved me
He spent a lot of money on me
He treated me like I was a goddess
He truly loved me
I loved him too
Although not the way he loved me
Sometimes I got irritated by his
love for me
It was too sheepish, too gullible and
too lax
I could manipulate him as I desire
Sometimes I would lie to him, he would
know I was lying and he would still do
whatever I have requested of him to do
for me
My friends and I used to make jest of
He knew what we were doing but he
still loved me and cared for me
He had wanted to sleep with me
but I would never even consider it
Our relationship felt more to me like
that of a queen to a slave
It was how he presented himself daily
Always eager to do anything i want
Could you believe there was a day
he came to my room in the evening
I was dressing up and I told him
to wait by the door
He waited
I dressed up, started listening to
music and slept off
From evening until like 3AM
When I woke up, I wanted to go
and ease myself, I saw him there
By the door
Crying silently
He didn't go home since like 7pm
He didn't also knock again
He just stood there like a zombie
I was shocked
When I came back to the room, I
asked him to come into the room
I couldn't possibly leave him by
the door till morning
I could see the kind of love he had
for me
It was real
So I slept with him
It was more of pity-sex or a
compensation gesture
He did everything i had always dreamt
of and more
My mother loved him and so did my 
He wanted to marry me
He had a good job and offered me a
wonderful future
I sincerely was looking forward to
settling down with him
Then my mother's younger sister in the
United States sent me a document
Within a year, I was on my way to the
United States
My Mother's sister had filed for me
It was an offer I could never turn down
My man understood what happened
was not in my control
It was a twist of fate I had to grab with
both hands
We agreed to work on filing for him to
come over as soon as I settle down
When I got to the United States I met 
other people and everything became
We couldn't keep in touch as expected
He tried very hard but i discovered that
I really didn't love him
His lost puppy "pity me" attitude was
not what I wanted in a husband
I was always right with him
He practically worshipped me
I wanted more
So I did everything to make him fade 
Two years after I got to America
i met my husband
It was a whirlwind romance 
We got married within eight months
Three months after our wedding, i
got a phone call from my Aunty
She said my ex, the one i left at home
came calling
He had the address and everything!
What sort of rubbish devotion was that
I don't love him and I don't want
anything to do with him
Please don't get me wrong here
He is a good person and I believe
I am a good person
But I don't want him in my life
I travelled to my Aunt's house a
week later to meet with him
He had left his phone number with
my aunt and i know he wouldn't 
stop until he got to my doorstep
I had to meet with him and severe 
all ties
So we met and he carried on as if
nothing was wrong
I told him I was married
I told him I had moved on
I said so much
He has never changed a bit
He kept looking like a lost puppy
He nodded his head to everything
i said
Told me what he went through in
order to locate me
I felt so bad
How he managed to make me feel
so utterly wicked by his struggle
to get to me was a miracle
By the time we left my aunty's house
I was warm to him again
Sir, I followed him to his hotel and
slept with him that night
It was a pity-sex, a compensation
When we were done I told him I was
going to my husband and it was over
He said "Thank you"
As i was leaving he said "You will
continue to shift from fountain to
fountain seeking water! Nothing you
drink shall satisfy until you come
back to me"
I knew he said that to console himself
He was still a man afterward
I smiled and left
That was how my cheating lifestyle
began sir!
That year alone, I slept with six
people apart from my husband
I got pregnant and had my first baby
I thought I would settle down and
stop but I couldn't
I got fat, cut my hair in a bid to look
unattractive to men
Sir, I was still sleeping around
I cut myself with blades, I went
on hunger strike
Nothing changed
I am not a sex addict, I don't really
like sex more than any other normal
person but if i have sex with my
husband today, I will immediately 
start plotting how to sleep with 
someone else before i sleep with
my husband again!
Sometimes this cycle continues two 
or three times a month!
I am a mother of three
All my children are my husband's children
I have had three abortions 
My husband didn't know anything
about them
The pregnancies were the ones that
I doubted in my heart if they belonged
to my husband or not!
I had to get rid of every evidence
of my misdeed
Our marriage is ten years old
We relocated to Nigeria two years
I thought that would make me change
It didn't!
The solution was not external in any way
It was not internal too because I wanted
to stop but I can't!
We are surrounded by many familiar
faces here
I will eventually get caught
I feel this in my guts
I want to stop
I want to be free
I want to enjoy my husband and 
my home
Please help me sir!
I will do anything to be free sir
I have tried many options
Would you believe if I told you that
I had walked naked for one hour
dropping black eggs in T-junctions
somewhere in Lagos just because
I was searching for a solution?
It didn't work
Please sir, help me!
He asked her if she had ever given
her life to Christ
She told him she had always been
an adherent of another religion
She had been to churches for prayers
and counseling but she had never
been a Christian
He told her what she needed was
a total change of reality
She can only have this in Christ
He asked her if she would like to
give her life to Christ
She said Yes
He led her to Christ
Then he called a lady who was in
church for the vigil but hadn't left
because she was waiting for daybreak
He told the lady to hold her two hands
The lady held her hands while he
prayed in the spirit
The lady also prayed in the spirit
Suddenly there was a surge
She screamed and started crying
She struggled very hard to free her
Suddenly she started praying in the
(The battle within her had been won)
They were there for about 30 minutes
He said to her by the leading of the
Holy Spirit
"Your secret reality has been torn to 
shreds, all traces of it have been 
The Holy Spirit says your life is now 
brand new! 
An open book!
Everything is validated by Me"
When they finished praying, he
bade her farewell and ran into his car
where his brother was waiting to drive
him home
He really needed to sleep!

Ps: April 19/2020
I received a phone call from this
daughter of Zion today
She had been planning to come to the
April Night of Glory with her Husband
and family for a special thanksgiving
She had not only been transformed
Her husband and children had also
become believers within the last
one year
They host a house fellowship in their
house and have a very "real"
(Not religious)walk the Holy Spirit
Above all, she had never cheated again
She said the thirst was quenched!
Just like that.
Thank God she opened up
Some people will come to you and say
"The Holy Spirit will reveal my problem
to you or I know the Holy Spirit will
tell you everything about me"
Then they will expect you to go into
divination mode and be forming Ninja
If she had been one of those
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt would 
have gone home to sleep.
No time!
But she was wise and the Holy Spirit
is always willing to help the meek
in spirit.
Glory be to God!

PS: I was having a chat with 
PSSBCNigeria Students earlier today
We were talking about some things 
that makes pastors quake in their 
I love uncomfortable topics
I love the fringes of religious dogma
So it was not a problem for me to
tell people in real time what is going
on in my life
Jesus lived an open life
The Holy Spirit makes us live an open 
Pastors and leaders shouldn't have
skeletons in their cupboards that
could be footholds for the enemy
Secrets usually secrete bile on our
When you live an open life, the Holy
Spirit validates your reality in him
It has never been about rules
It has always been about the Holy
Spirit and the sincerity of our walk 
with him