He could tell precisely how they became friends
They were all living in the same community
His mother was a landlord and she also doubled as a caretaker for some properties in the community
Her father was also a landlord but he was a sailor
He came home only once or twice in four years
As teenagers they didn’t really move in the circle
She rarely left home unless she had been sent on an errand
He was often outdoor
Playing football with the other boys in the community was especially a passion
Her school was about fifteen minutes’ walk from his own
One day, very early in the morning a lady came into their compound to see one of their tenants
The lady was also a teenager
The lady was stunningly pretty
He was fetching water at the well when she walked past her to the tenant’s house
He quickly dropped his bucket and went to lie in wait for her at the gate
The lady was the type of girl one should talk to
Even if she wouldn’t give him an audience
People would see that he made an effort
Other teenagers in the community will respect him
They were all getting to that stage in life in which the opposite sex was beginning to make sense
That particular babe made a lot of sense at 7AM
Thirty minutes later, the lady emerged
He smiled at her and asked her for her name
The lady told him
The lady also told him she came to see the teen teacher of their church
She was the captain of the teens Sunday School class and the woman she came to see was their teacher
He was impressed
He was a Christian too but he rarely went to church
The following Sunday, he dressed as meticulously as he could
He went to her church and joined the teens class
The lady was who she claimed to be
Well versed in churchiness and religion
He decided he would have to pay more attention to his religious studies
After the service, he approached her and introduced himself
They both knew he came for her
But such things were never said, only known
She borrowed him her Sunday school manual
He promised her he would return the manual to her at her school the following Wednesday
“Do you know my school?” She asked him
“I was hoping you will tell me” He replied
She smiled and told him
The following Wednesday he was at her school gate five minutes before they closed
He sneaked out of his own school before closing time in order to make it on time
He waited for about fifteen minutes before he saw her
The lady of his dreams
What he didn’t envisage was the presence of the other girl from his community
Just as he was smiling cheerfully at the lady
The girl called his name
Girl: Hey, what are you doing here
He: I came to see a friend of mine
Girl: Oh! I didn’t know you guys are friends
He: We are
The girl left
The lady kept quiet throughout the exchange
They started walking home together
The lady told him there and then that he shouldn’t come to see her again
“I am a scripture union fellowship executive in this school, how do I explain a guy hanging around obviously looking to make me his girlfriend”
He told her he wouldn’t come to her school again, he would only come to the church
She said no!
She wasn’t ready for a relationship yet
They would be writing their final examinations in a few months and hopefully gaining admission into the university
A relationship would constitute only a distraction for her
He tried hard to talk her into seeing things his way
She refused to be swayed
He even argued that they be pen pals, just writing stuff to each other
But she wouldn’t have it
At a point as they walked on in silence, she told him to move to the other side of the road and stop walking with her because she doesn’t want to be seen with him
He was preparing to pitch his final argument when she said it
He wanted to speak but she shushed him
She told him she would embarrass him if he took a step further beside her
He gave up
He watched her walk away
The sway of her hips waving him goodbye as she walked into the sunset was sheer torture
When he got home, his only thought was about persuading her to change her stance
He thought about various strategies to use
Eventually he settled on the best he could think of
The following day, he went back to her school
He waited by the gate until the students started pouring out
He saw the lady
The lady also saw him and slowed down
As planned the girl from his community also showed up
He beamed his sexy smile at the girl from his community and told her he came to walk her home
And that was that!
From that day, he started walking the girl from his community home everyday
In the process they became great friends
The lady was forgotten within a month
The girl also fell in love with him
Perhaps it was the familiarity of their community that didn’t let him consider the girl as a potential girlfriend in the past
She was beautiful, well endowed, tall and has a very great heart
She was not a churchy person like him and he doesn’t have to be who he wasn’t just to please her or get to know her
As soon as they finished their final examinations, they became lovers
The girl told him she had promised herself she would keep her virginity only until 18
He was so too happy to hear it!
They were both very faithful to each other
They got admission into the same university to study Accounting
They lived in the same room for the last three of the four years they spent in the university
Their parents were practically relating as in-laws within the community
As expected, their relationship was not without its issues
The most prominent was the pregnancy and abortion issues
She got pregnant six times while they were together
He insisted on an abortion every time and she obliged him
They were married nine years after they became lovers, on her 27th birthday
They both became chartered accountants at the age of 31
Their marriage was a glorious one
They had more than enough to eat and drink
They make seven figures each and within a short time they owned properties all over the nation
He started his own accounting firm and it was an instant success
She worked for a very prominent bank
The only thing they both desired but didn’t have was a child!
They tried all they could
They met with specialists and medical experts
They consulted spiritualists and herbalists
They ate concoction and did IVF
He never wavered in loving her
Not even for once
It was the only consolation she had
She always told herself that whatever shame getting pregnant outside wedlock could have brought her
Not having a child had brought her so much more shame
Being barren was such a sickening stigma
She had prayed, offered sacrifices, swallowed substances she couldn’t even name
Her desperation was razor sharp
All in the name of getting pregnant
They were preparing for their annual trip to Europe to celebrate their wedding anniversary
When she received the august visitors
Her husband’s family members and friends
They came early on a Saturday morning
They talked and talked and talked
At the end of the day, they said her husband had impregnated a 19 year old girl who came for industrial Training at his office
Her husband wanted the young lady to abort the pregnancy
The young lady agreed but was too scared to go ahead with it
She reemerged in his office six months later
Her scan showed she was carrying a set of triplets
Her husband didn’t know what to do
He decided to call family members, friends and relatives
He wanted them to beg his wife on his behalf
He couldn’t tell either he was bewitched or perhaps it was just lust
He had never strayed before
Not even once
He could swear by anything
This was the only time he strayed
He did it at the Annual General Meeting they had in his company
The lady walked by his car at the most unfortunate minute
He called her and she jumped into the car
They did whatever they did right there in the back seat of the car
When the lady came to his office two months later claiming she was pregnant
He didn’t believe her sob story!
He felt she wanted to get some money from him
He gave her 50,000.00 to get the pregnancy fixed
He didn’t know “the Industrial training girl” would chicken out of the whole deal!
He messed up
What could he do to make amends?
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing
He would have three children?
She would be the one to lose out?
In what world was that ever going to be considered fair?
Her first instinct was to pretend all was well and find a way to kill the girl
But her emotions betrayed her
She flared up and threatened fire and brimstone!
Right there and then, before the whole family, she declared war!
When the family members insisted on placating her, she rushed into the room and retrieved her husband’s double barrel gun
Everybody scattered!
No man would ruin her life and live to enjoy his own life
Her husband never came back home!
Two weeks later, the company her husband built was suddenly engulfed in flames
A week later, the flat of the “IT girl” suddenly caught fire in the middle of the night
Everybody assumed she was dead
But she didn’t sleep at home that night
Everybody realized the wife meant business
The husband knew all the places they had visited while looking for a child
He knew he wouldn’t survive the mayhem she could unleash on him
He called her to beg
She wouldn’t budge
He went to the house to see her
She refused to open the gate for him
She told him she was determined to see to it that either he wouldn’t live to see the triplets or the triplets wouldn’t live to see him
The very next day, the “IT girl” now 7 months pregnant was suddenly became deaf and dumb
The man couldn’t bear it anymore
It is true that he wronged his wife but why was she so hell bent on ruining him?
He phoned her
He: What do you want? I will do anything.
She: Kill her and go to prison for the rest of your life
He: I am sorry, but I cannot do that
She: Then both of you will die a miserable death
He: I will pay you anything, please, have mercy on us
She: I have not even started dealing with you guys. By the time I am through with you, you will be begging for death!
By the time he hung up, he was sweating profusely
The next day she went into the groove of one of her herbalists
The man comes out for only three weeks in a year to consult for people
She told the man what she wanted
The man gave her a black egg
He told her to wait until midnight, bring out the black egg and call her husband’s name three times and the “IT girl’s” name three times
She should then smash the egg against the wall
He assured her that within seven days, all her enemies would be dead
She left the village in the afternoon
She got to Ojota garage IN Lagos at 5PM
The day was a Saturday
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was ministering on the theme “Waymaker”
Just as she climbed the pedestrian bridge
The preacher said “There is somebody here with an evil charm on you, you have made up your mind to battle the people who wronged you to the death! The Holy Spirit says “Come into my rest and I will restore you!”
She ignored the message and walked on
That night as she waited for 12 midnight to do as she was instructed
She remembered the warning again
Could she be restored?
She was determined to kill everybody and kill herself afterwards
She couldn’t carry out the instruction that night
The next morning, she went to make enquiries about the people who did the crusade
She was directed to the church
She met with the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She gave her life to Christ
She gave him the phone number of her husband
He went to see her husband the next day
Her husband also gave his life to Christ
The “IT Girl” was healed
She delivered the triplets through Caesarean birth six weeks later
Six months later, she returned to school
She dropped the triplets in the care of the man and his wife
One year three months and seventeen days later
At the age of 43
She was confirmed three months pregnant
PS: She had since delivered a baby boy
The “IT girl” got married in July 2018
She and her husband lives in Canada
The man and his wife now have four children
They live together in peace and harmony
This event happened in Lagos, Nigeria
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