Seeing Yet Blind
I have a friend who would say "You cannot be the aggressor and expect to control how those you affect with your decision will respond to your aggressive antics" The friend said this often to me, especially when I chose to go all out in dealing with an issue that might have been better handled with less aggression.
I learned a lot from this friend I also know that for some people aggression is the best language to speak to get their attention and stop them in the wake of their destructive tendencies.
Learning to be patient and allow the noise to die before making a move and when to strike first to stop a brewing storm from taking flight is an art.
When you are full of the Holy Spirit, you will learn through him how to make the best decisions in life 11 pm yesterday, after my PSSBC class, I decided to take a walk I do this daily, staying for hours in my hotel room during the day here in London is something I love. It is however monotonous and sedentary, so I go for walks four times a day, the moment I wake up after my prayers in the mid-day before my meal for the day at 7 pm and then at 11 pm I love the long walks and the sight of people going about their businesses. I love watching the pigeons, the squirrels, and the foxes roaming the streets, I love watching the dogs and their owners and the babies and their parents all having a good time.
I once chanced upon a scene at Tesco where a dude stole a bag full of alcohol and was chased down by one of the attendants until he dropped the bag on the street to escape being arrested.
Human nature is the same everywhere, I was once in a park and a blind man being led by his dog came to me and asked me to read to him the ingredients in his dog food, He said his dog was allergic to some things and he wanted to be sure the dog food he will be picking up does not have them. He gave me the package, I read the ingredients out loud and then I asked him why he couldn't read it himself He said "Oh, I can see a bit but I have been declared officially blind by my doctors" I knew he could see, maybe not much but he walked straight to me and he was not using a cane to walk. His dog was strutting about the park on its own He surely could see, but not enough to read and do other things those with better sights can do.
So I laid my hand on his eyes for about a minute then I gave him the package of dog food and said "Can you try to read for yourself" He took the package, looked at it, and screamed he could see the tiny prints, what followed was a lot of tears and joy he said his name was Anderson, but I could call him Andy He asked me who I was I told him my name He said how did you do what you just did I said I am a carrier of Jesus. He looked around and asked me "Where is he?" I laughed so loud and said "You are looking at Him, he is in me" I speak African English with pride, I see no need to twist my tongue when I engage people from other nationalities so it takes them a bit of time to process whatever I say to them. Sometimes that's all good I also take time to process their words, I wish they all would just speak in tongues and allow me to do that too, so we can understand each other with clarity.
Andy loves me, we exchanged phone numbers and I led him to Christ. My trip to London this time was to prepare for the coming days, the days of the White tree blossoming again, the days are at hand and I am determined to be ready for it.
Andy has a younger sister, Jasmine, he brought her to me at my hotel the following day. The gospel works that way One man or woman who has tasted it will draw many into it. Jasmine believed with all her heart that the Bible was a cock and bull story I had no issues with that, I am not a cock and bull story she came to see who helped her brother recover his sight I told her all about myself and how my belief in the Lord Jesus led me to the study of the scriptures and into the understanding of who those in Christ were meant to be and what they are capable of.
Jasmine was convinced and she gave her life to Christ, she also downloaded the Bible to her phone and began to read the book of John from that day.
Three days later, she got filled with the Holy Spirit while reading John Chapter 3, she was all by herself in a DLR train heading to London Waterloo from Canary Wharf she tried calling me but I was sleeping after pulling an all-nighter over the phone.
Eventually, she was able to disembark from the train and she took a cab to my hotel, this time Andy and two of their cousins came to meet her. The hotel staff came to check my room at about 4 pm to inform me I had guests waiting for me, I was not expecting anyone I went downstairs and there they were I spent three hours explaining to them who the Holy Spirit is and how he is the Spirit of Jesus.
Long story short they all gave their lives to Jesus Wait... Didn't many believers who travel abroad claim that it is difficult to preach the gospel in the West because of laws and all that? When you reduce the message of salvation to sharing tracts and condemning people's way of life on megaphones, why won't you become ineffective?
I have never found the gospel difficult to minister to in any nation I find myself in, I carry no Bible and I carry no megaphone but I am from above and I am above all. You cannot have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you bodily and struggle with bringing the unfulfilled into a place of fulfillment.
A man with free food does not struggle to attract the hungry now, Sue and Lucy were friends of Jasmine. They worked at a pub just down the street from my hotel, they heard all that had happened to Andy, Jasmine, Kent, and Boyd they became believers too (I have not met them yet).
Lucy is a fun girl, even though she worked at a pub to earn her wages, she is someone you will consider a free soul (I don't know how else to put it but what I mean is, when the pub owners need to send a babe to any of their customers for personal entertainment behind closed doors, Lucy is the girl they rely on to deliver). She is pretty, a blonde and she is 24 years old Lucy told the two pub owners that she wanted to quit, and they asked her why she told them about Jesus and how the Holy Spirit convicted her of her way of life. They were like, "Really?" She told them about Andy and Jasmine and how Boyd and Kent had also somehow changed their ways due to the power of the gospel. The two guys started laughing they were both dating ladies who were half Nigerian and Half Polish and they knew the antics of many Nigerian religious folks through their girlfriends so they closed their pub early yesterday evening and came to sit just outside my hotel by 10:30 pm because they had been told I take walks after my 10-11 pm class.
It is not a good thing to be so predictable sometimes I will work on it but I found myself meeting these two lovely guys yesterday evening They saw me as I walked out of the hotel and called my name "Sam, Sam the Nigerian, please come over here, we have been waiting to see you, pal" I walked over to them they asked me what I had in the Tesco bag I was carrying I told them it was my dinner they asked me what it was, I brought out the smoothie I usually take in the evening it was Dr Lolade who bought it for me about a year ago and I found it to be very healthy for my body So I take it in the night as dinner before my walks.
They laughed and asked me to sit down they said they were pub owners and had heard a lot about me, they were drunk but functional I never liked preaching the gospel to drunks So I just let them be on their table, they had all sorts of drinks and some packs of burger. The Indian guy said his name was Mikhisomething but I can call him Mick. The British guy in jeans shorts said his name was Pascal, they said Lucy was their girl and they wanted me to tell her it was all a gimmick because it would ruin their business a bit if she quits without giving them notice I nodded, they said they want to come to Nigeria to meet Babes, can I arrange it? I laughed they went on talking about Nigerian girls and certain body parts etc. I laughed Mick said, "You don't talk much, do you?" I said, "You are drunk, so if I talk I will just be wasting my breath".
They asked for my phone number and I gave it to them, one of them started searching for his pack of cigarettes the other told him to go and check the car, he went off and came back smiling He said "I found it in the car and all the while I thought you stole them" He was TALKING to me, I couldn't tell if he was joking or meant it, I didn't say anything.
They asked me if I was married and what I did for a living, we chatted a bit but they didn't stop drinking for a second. They drank beer, wine, whiskey, energy drinks, one in a green flat bottle, one in a bottle shaped like a dildo, all sorts. They engaged with me for about forty-five minutes then they said they had to go but would send me a text in the morning. As they left, I said, "Are you guys driving in this condition"? Indian guy looked at me like I was being a prude and said "No, who drives while drunk" In a sarcastic tone I said "You won't be able to drive sir, you will sleep in that car and when you wake up you will come looking for me" They laughed and left. I saw them get into the car, start it, and drive off.
I got on with my walk, I got back from my walk at about 1 AM, I slept at about 3 AM, and I got a knock on my door at 8:35 AM, I opened the door and it was the hotel guys they said two guys were in the parking lot, seated in their cars and asking for me I dressed up and walked to the car park I found Mick and Pascal behind the steering dressed the same way they did last night and sober, what happened? They had been driving in circles all night, No Kidding No Kidding at all. They drove around and around but couldn't go home. After every drive, they found themselves back at the hotel Mick said I had used "juju" on them I started laughing I didn't mean to be mean but it was funny, It was hilarious. I told them there was nothing like juju but I understood what had happened I explained to them how the angel of God works and that sometimes the angel can cloud people's minds and reasoning to such a degree that they will be seeing with their two eyes but be unable to make any other decision apart from what God desires of them.
2 Kings 6: 18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked.
19 Elisha told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to Samaria.
20 After they entered the city, Elisha said, “Lord, open the eyes of these men so they can see.” Then the Lord opened their eyes and they looked and there they were, inside Samaria. Blindness as seen here was not physical blindness, as you can read from the test, the guys could still see but they could not make an informed decision and they could not carry out their intention toward Elisha, they just did what he told them to do If they were all physically blind there was no way he could have successfully led them to the palace of the King. They listened to my story Pascal said "I want this, I so want this" Mick just started crying I led them to Christ and discovered the time was almost 11 AM they promised to call me as they drove home, It is ironic however that the man who started the whole drama was legally blind and got to see while the story this morning was about two guys who could see but yet were blind.
The Holy Spirit is at work in us to do and to will according to his good pleasure. I came back to my room to write this before taking my first walk of the day, Good morning
-GSW- London, 20.08.2024
PS: September is the Month of Hosanna, Our month of Prevailing Prayers, The Month of the Nachalah Convention, The month of the Feast of Divine Help, and the Feast of Divine Possession. We will be having our prophetic service tomorrow morning, early birds can join by 5 AM, others should join by 5:30 AM, and late birds can do 6 AM.
The UK retreat is starting on Thursday the USA retreat is starting on the 29th of August!
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