A Letter To Zion
A Letter To Zion
I have waited until now to write this story because I wanted to ensure you will understand it the very first time you read it. If we were Jews, this year would be the year of your Bar Mitzvah, the age Jesus and his folks went to Shiloh according to the scriptures.
I am sharing with you one of the most important events that happened a few years ago. I am sharing it because you were right at the centre of it, I am sharing this because I know somewhere in your heart, you feel this special pull towards God. I have observed you from afar and tried my best not to hinder or tamper with it by forcing religion down your throat in a bid to stoke the fire. I know the nurturing hand of the Holy Spirit, and I am very sure that hand is upon you.
When you were two years old, I dropped you off at school very early in the morning and I headed off to work as this was our daily routine at the time. If you recall, you were attending a primary school in Ketu at the time and I was working as a PA in Magodo, I remember picking you and your older brother up after school at about 2 pm (my break time) and dropping you off with the nanny before returning to the office because I didn't have much of a closing time those days.
At about 4 pm, I got a phone call from your nanny that you were not breathing well I thought it was something minor until the nanny called again and began to scream on the phone, I jumped out of my office and drove furiously home to see what the hullabaloo was about.
As I drove, I spoke in tongues and made many declarations I was so sure all I had to do was lay my hands on you and you will recover I had been doing this with positive results for many years.
When I got home, I saw you lying down on the couch fighting for your life my confidence flew out of the window I started screaming your name but you wouldn't open your eyes, you were breathing but it was as if you were running out of air in your body I carried you and we all rushed off to the car. As I drove, I kept one hand on you in the back seat and kept calling your name even as I drove to the hospital we were using then on CMD road It was a fancy hospital I could only afford due to the HMO provision from my office.
We got to the hospital in record time, I jumped out of the car without switching off the ignition or locking the doors. The nanny and your older brother also ran after me as we rushed you to the hospital. Luckily, it was not one of those days when they asked us to sit down while they put a call across to the doctor that a patient was waiting.
The doctor was on his seat, we barged into his office and I handed you over to him he saw immediately that you were almost lifeless and he swung into action He carried you by your legs, held you upside down and spanked you hard you didn't cry out .
The doctor looked at me and said "Spank him, don't pity him, spank him hard the same hand I had been using to nurture, pray and care for you since you were born, I used it to spank you as if you were not my son, my heart was beating so fast, I was afraid you were going to die as soon as my hand landed on your back, the thing blocking your airways flew out of your chest and you cried out in serious pain I don't think I have ever been happier to hear a baby cry in my life. The doctor turned you around and smiled He said "He is okay now, He is okay now, these things happen and sometimes you cannot arrest it. A mother just left here a few minutes ago before you came in, we tried but her baby couldn't be saved..." I didn't hear much of what he was saying I was relieved and angry at the same time why would God let this happen to my family, to my son, to me What did I do wrong? Why would the "enemy" want to spite me with the life of my son .
The security guy came into the hospital looking for me, the nurse called me I peeped out of the doctor's office while you were lying on the observation gurney with the nanny and your brother watching over you .The security man said I needed to come and park properly, switch off the ignition and lock my car ,he had been guarding the car since we rushed into the hospital and was about to finish his shift for the day I left the doctor's office, lost in thought and thanksgiving while wondering what I could have done better. As soon as I stepped out of the hospital building into the compound, I saw an ambulance It was there when we rushed in but i didn't register it I walked towards it, wondering why one of the back doors was open As soon as I got to the door, the Lord said to me "Look Inside the ambulance" I am usually not a peeping Tom, I was raised to mind my business by my mother but I did peep inside the ambulance and I saw a woman ,her son, who was about your age was in the ambulance she was beside him, holding his hand and crying ,I asked her what was wrong and she said her son was dead this was the woman the doctor was talking about earlier, the one whose son he couldn't save. They had arranged for an ambulance to pick them up and she was still waiting for the paperwork to be completed The Lord said to me, "This is the reason I brought you here, give my crying daughter her living son" I stepped into the ambulance and laid my hands on the baby, I said to the woman, "Stop crying, the Lord said I should give you a living baby and that is what I will do" I carried the child close to my chest for a few minutes, then I handed him over to his mother and told her to hold him to her bosom, while I laid my hands on her shoulder within minutes, the baby was warm again and the heartbeat was restored.
The woman came down from the ambulance with a living baby I followed her and stayed with her until her baby was admitted by the nurses the baby was not sick anymore but the woman wanted to be doubly sure it was not a fluke and he wouldn't relapse into death due to one reason or the other .The name of the baby was Enitan, his father died in America while the mother was still pregnant with him, he was readmitted to the hospital that same evening and I got to check on mother and child for two days until they were discharged.
I met you guys at the reception, the doctor was done with you and had already moved on to another case I held you by the hand as we all walked back to the car, as it was the way we arrived and drove back home. As I drove home, I asked the Lord what he meant by "This is the reason I brought you here" The Lord said the lady whose son died was asking him for divine intervention I was just one kilometre away from the hospital but I was not paying attention to the Holy Spirit I was feverishly working on a document for my boss and in my typical fashion, once I focus on a thing I do not pay attention to anything else he had to get my attention somehow, so he sent an angel to orchestrate an emergency that would take my attention away from my work and bring me to that hospital so that I could be of help. It is not something new, God has done something like that before in the Bible when Moses told Zipporah that he needed to circumcise their sons for him to be accepted by the Jews when he got to Egypt, Zipporah said No Circumcision was an excruciating process and Zipporah did not see any need for her sons to go through it so that they could be accepted by some slaves whom their father was going to rescue .
The Bible said one night, an angel of God pounced on Moses at the lodging they all stayed in for that night and almost killed him Exodus 4: 24 At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses[b] and was about to kill him. 25 But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it.[c] “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me,” she said. 26 So the Lord let him alone. (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision.) The "Lord" in the scripture above is the angel of God's presence, what the angel did forced Zipporah to circumcise her sons to save the life of Moses, the Lord showed me all these while I was driving you guys back home I realised that day that the hand of God specially is upon you, you have felt the touch of the angel of God's presence and that was a very wonderful thing .We went into the hospital trusting God you will live and came out shouting Hallelujah for two toddlers who were snatched from the jaws of death .
I also learnt a vital lesson, that the enemy cannot touch me or any member of my household ,we belong to the Lord It has been like that since that day .As you clock eleven in a few days and begin to open the curtains of awareness, be assured that the Holy Spirit is domiciled within you and He is the greatest gift ever that God has given the church to spur us from glory to Glory He will guide you and lead you to the fulfilment of your purpose in Christ.
PS: Learn to yield to the Lord,
Learn to listen to His voice,
Learn to tune into His frequency,
Learn to follow His Lead,
Learn to obey His promptings.
I would have saved myself from all the emotional keepy-uppy I went through that day if I was paying attention. No matter how busy you are and how stacked your desk is If you will yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, you will struggle less and make more advancements .God told Balaam in many words not to go to Balak to curse Israel Balaam kept playing smart guy until an angel ambushed him on the road to do his master's bidding .Obedience is a profitable path to follow in life, the more you yield the easier and softer your heart becomes towards God. The more you disobey the harder and tougher your heart becomes .As you grow in God, choose obedience it is the path of life.
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