He was bored
He was working at a place far beneath the capacity of his mind
The pace of the job was too slow
The pay was fair compared to the volume of work he had
It was better than sitting at home doing nothing
Worse than doing a job in which he was kept on his toes all day without pay
His previous job was exactly like that
He worked at a Television station
He would resume for work at 6AM and close at 11PM
Yet, at the end of the month there would be nothing
The management would apologise
They would do something about it soon
Promises upon promises
The MD was a semi-literate money miss road entrepreneur who enjoyed some political favours
His political connection got him some money
He got a loan from a bank
Started a television station
Made a lot of sugar coated promises
Failed to deliver at the end of the day
It was a though eight months
The MD told them during a meeting one day that he was doing them a favour
"Most of you would have been sitting at home idle, but I provided you a place to come to in the morning,
you could walk about with my ID cards on your necks and call yourselves employed
You could build a profile for yourself, get the necessary experience and grow
It is true that I am not paying you now but what does it matter
I am your messiah in so many ways!"
That was the day he decided enough was enough!
There are those who lacked the necessary skill and imagination to deliver on the job
He was not one of them!
He was quite good at what he does and his work spoke highly of him
He didnt bother resigning
He just sat at home while applying for another job!
It took him ten months to get another job
The pay was fair and constant but the job entails a lot of down time!
A friend suggested to him that he should write a book
He promised himself he would but he waited in vain for inspiration
He played games like Angry birds, Subway surfers, Talking Tom, Temple run etc
He found himself restless and discontented
One day while he was at the office he imagined
That a man brought his sick daughter to his office to meet with his boss who was a pastor
In his imagination, his boss prayed for the lady but the lady did not show any sign of improvement
Then like James Bond, he came out of the shadow,prayed for the lady and the lady was healed
When he snapped out of the movie he had taken time to create in his own head
He realised he stretched his imagination to a point of vividness
He laughed it off
Life went on
Two months later, a man came to see his boss
When the man and his boss emerged from his boss's office about an hour later
His boss simply told him to come with them
They walked for about seven minutes to the man's house
While they were walking, he gleaned from the conversation
between the man and his boss that they were going to pray for somebody
They got to the man's house
They saw the Lady
She was afflicted with clinical depression
She had been treated in France (Where she was schooling) but was eventually sent home
His boss laid hands on her and prayed
She continued to stare right ahead like someone in a trance
His boss finished praying and they left
When they got to the office, he remembered what he imagined!
He didn't follow the script!
He should have taken a bold step and prayed for the lady!
He picked two books on his table
He went to the Lady's house
He told her parents he came to give her some books to read
They let him in
He saw her and laid hands on her head
He commanded depression to GO!
The lady started shivering
Her parents watched with popping eyes
They didnt expect the Pastor's apprentice to command such an anointing
The lady screamed and hopped about for about fifteen minutes
She eventually fell on her knees and later on her face
He wanted to leave!
Her parents begged him to stay
"Please sir, let her wake up and let us observe her"
He waited
Five minutes later she was on her feet
Depression was gone!
She was smiling, laughing, talking, asking all sorts of questions
He blessed her and departed
For several weeks later, the lady would come to his office
She wanted to know what he did
How she got healed
She told her story
"I got afflicted through the social media,
i realised that the more I see my old friends on Instagram looking prettier,
achieving better, getting married, opening businesses and graduating from school
The more i felt like I was lagging behind and one day I just caved under the pressure!"
He told her the truth!
"You were never in competition with anybody, live your life for Jesus!"
His boss was very pleased when he heard what happened
He realised there is more to his assistant than meets the eye!
2. A man called him from a foreign country
The man said "I am a Nigerian living in Japan, I am into electronics business!
I am calling because of my business
Up until three years ago i was shipping three to four containers of electronics into Nigeria
When i came home three Christmases ago, one pastor approached me
He said he saw me with a chain around my waist like a monkey
He told me the powers of the devil had caught up with me
I didn't say anything
I just listened to him
Afterwards he said he wanted to pray with me and we prayed together
From that time, my business had been hitting a steady decline
I cannot say this is the reason but things just stopped working!
He listened to the man intently, then he said
"High Chief so and so, are you not from Imo state?"
The man said "Yes, i am from Imo state"
He said 'I saw you in my spirit right before you called me
You were wearing a feathered cao of an highpriest,
you had a chieftaincy bead on your neck and you were dressed in the traditional Igbo attire
You had many luxurious cars parked on every side with your name on them
I am not praying for you sir!
The Lord has restored you like Nebbuchadnezzar even before you called!
(He didnt see any vision at all!
He knew the man was affected by what he heard before,
all he needed to do redirect his course and take him away from worry and anxiety into confidence and peace
The man was shocked
Two months later, the man's business was booming again
3. She was five months pregnant when she started having the dream
She would see herself and her baby buried in a balck coffin
At first she ignored it but the dream persisted
She went to a church
As soon as the prophetess of the church saw her
The prophetess started prophesying
saying "I see you and this baby in a coffin"
She said to the prophetess!
That is a lie! I see myself and my baby alive and strong
The prophetess was shocked, she had never seen anybody react that way to her prophecy before
When the person that took her to the church chastised her for contradicting the prophetess
even though the prophetess saw exactly what she had been seeing
She told the person she would never give such a prophecy a voice
It is one thing to see evil
It is another thing to birth the evil by giving it a voice
Death and the coffin were in another realm
They were frantically seeking to be birthed into reality in this realm
I refuse to birth them!
I refuse to allow the prophetess birth them for me
I live and my baby lives
The person looked at her as if she had gone completely bonkers!!!
The day of her delivery came
Everybody got worried!
Her husband had been having terrible dreams
Her cousins and other relatives had dreams
Nobody thought she would survive it
She delivered her baby within an hour
It was the fastest delivery of the night!
She went on to have two more children
She tells whoever cared to listen
A dream is a suggestion
You are not powerless to tear it to pieces if you dont want it to come to life!
PS: If you are having a spiritual challenge like having sex in the dream
And you are a born again Christian
Pray in tongues very well
Use your imagination
Bring that being that dared to invade your space back into your spiritual space
Castrate and mutilate that thing that dared to invade your spiritual space
Command it by word of mouth never to venture into your spiritual space again
Gain the ascendancy by the power of the Holy Spirit
Gain the Mastery by the power of the Holy Spirit
Engage your imagination when you pray, break that glass ceiling!!!!
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