The Carnary
It started with a phone call
A neighbour called him very early
in the morning
He was in school, writing his final
The neighbour told him his mother was
very ill
"We had to rush your Mother to the
hospital yesterday
She slumped while spreading clothes
in the compound
The doctors said it was due to stress
She is fine now but you need to arrange
for someone to stay with her at the
I am just leaving her bedside now
I am going to the office and she will be
left all alone!
Please make the necessary arrangements!"
He thanked the neighbour and wondered
what to do
He had fourteen days left on campus
His mother had been battling ill health
for many years
He was her only child and he didn't want
anything to happen to her!
He fell on his knees and prayed
"Father, please heal my mother, send
help to her"
After praying, he weighed his options
He was far away from her
His school was located somewhere in
the North
His mother was located in the South-west
She had held on to life by a thin thread for
several months
But the Holy Spirit had assured him that
His mother would be healed
The Holy Spirit also gave him a date
All he was doing was holding on to God's word
and helping his mother get through each day
as best as he could while he counted
down to the day of the manifestation of
God's word!
He decided to call his fiance
He met his fiance at the JAMB office the day
he went to get his JAMB result
He recognized her as soon as he saw her
They were neighbours but had never exchanged
a word before
She checked her result first
She passed but curiously she waited until he
checked his result
He passed too
She approached him afterwards to ask him how
he fared
He shared the good news with her
That was how they became friends
She was a born again Christian, a virgin
He was a born again Christian, a virgin also
She was an orphan who lost her family
to one of the religious riots as a child
The church had been responsible for her
welfare ever since
He gained admission to a University in
the north
While she gained admission to a university
in the south
They had been together for five years
They spend as much time as possible together
He loved her with all his heart
She loved him too
They had concrete plans to get married
They opened an account towards their marriage
during the last holidays
Both of them started saving a set amount
in the account every month
They talked unfailingly every night and every
He called his fiance and explained the
situation to her
His mother was on admission at the University
clinic within his fiance's school
All he asked was for his fiance to pay
his mother a visit in the hospital and give
him an update as soon as possible
His fiance and his mother have the very best
His mother took his fiance as the daughter
she never had
From the day he introduced his fiance to
his mother
They took to each other like a needle to
a thread
His fiance told him she would go and see
his mother
immediately after her class at 11 AM
He went off to the library immediately
after the call
By 10 AM he started feeling unnecessarily
He fought the sleep as much as he could
He returned to his room by 10:30 AM
He needed to give in to nature!
He had been sleeping for a while when he saw a
strange sight
A door with room number C 25
The door opened and he saw his fiancee
reading a novel titled
"The Kummersdorf Konnection"
She was naked, her breasts covered from his
view by the novel she was holding!
A young man's head was resting on her laps
The young man was wearing only a pair of
There was a cheap alarm clock on the table
beside her! The time was 11:33 AM!
Then he saw the view of the hall
"Awolowo hall"
Awolowo hall was a mixed hostel
His fiance's room was B 11, not C 25
And who was the guy?
He woke up and checked his wristwatch
The time was 11:34 Am!
He picked up his phone and called her
She picked the call almost as soon as it
He said "What are you doing in room C 25,
Awolowo hall?
And who is that guy whose head is resting
on your laps right now?"
"Are you around?" She stammered
"Yes, I am standing right outside Room C 25,
should I wait for you or leave?" He asked her
"Please leave, I will come and see you at home
and explain everything"!
She cut the call!
He cried bitterly!
Later that evening, his mother called
"Are you around, I am still in Jaja clinic!
Your "wife" is here! She said you came to
check her at the hostel earlier in the day!
Why didn't you come
and see me? I told her I have not seen you!"
He told his mother he would call her back!
He wanted to tell his mother the truth but
he felt a strong restraint!
Later in the night, his fiance called him
"I have a lot to tell you but I will prefer that
we talk face to face! Please don't make any
decision until you have heard from me!"
He waited!
They stopped calling each other after that
There was nothing to say!
He finished his examinations and went home
His mother had been discharged and was
recuperating at home too
When he got home, his mother called him aside
She said "Your wife told me what happened,
I know you are hurting but you must not
judge her by one mistake!
A long-distance relationship is not ideal
for the young
Many marriages got broken because of distance
Your Father and I separated because of distance
You have to forgive her and let this indiscretion
She loves you and had been here day and night
since that day pleading with me and punishing
herself in various ways!
I know she is sorry!
He shrugged!
He wasn't hard-hearted but he hadn't been
himself since the incidence happened!
He couldn't breathe properly
It felt as if some words were stuck in
his throat Words he needed to speak but
couldn't find an expression for
His fiance arrived later that evening
Her eyes were red and puffy
She had been crying
As soon as she got into the sitting room
He saw his mother send her a signal
She fell on her knees before him
She didn't say anything, she was just crying!
He wanted to draw her to himself, tell her he
had forgiven her because that was how he felt!
As soon as his hands touched her
The words that were stuck in his throat
literally left him
It was as if the words jumped on her!
His fiance started crying profusely
Even much more than she was doing before
he drew close to her
Then she said "I was sent on assignment to
this family to destroy you and your mother!
Your mother started falling sick soon after
we met because I was afflicting her!
We saw your future and the great light in you
None of us could touch you but we know
you needed to be monitored!
That was why I was sent, to find a weak point
and snuff out the light!
The man you saw with me was my spiritual
He is my husband in this realm and seven other
I have given birth to all my children for him
You were just an assignment
I was waiting for our wedding night
That was the day you would have contacted
the disease that will finish you within
three years!
I was with him in this realm only once a year
I wonder how you were able to see us
The door was locked and the curtains were drawn
Yet you saw everything in the room!
I cry because I have failed in my task
I cry because I have sacrificed five years
of my life for nothing!"
He mother was already on her feet, mouth agape
He was seated there, gobsmacked, just
looking at her
She stood up, picked her handbag and left!
PS: He started his ministry two years later
He walked in a strange dimension of the spirit
Within a short time, it was obvious why so
much time and resource was dedicated to
stopping his sun from rising
He learnt a vital lesson from the event
Carrying a Bible and attending church
doesn't make you a "believer"
Apostle Paul said "henceforth know we no
man after the flesh"
Himself, his mother and the church were
fooled by an agent of the darkness parading
as a child of light!
We must certainly test every spirit!
He never saw her again
It was as if she never existed!
Her social media accounts, every trace of
her vanished
His mother was healed mysteriously
the day he started his full-time ministry
He got married in 2015!
Eight years after her sudden disappearance
This event happened in Ibadan, Oyo State (2009)
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