The Escape

The Escape

Bias and Justice can never co-exist

 Bias is pre-judging the action of a case regardless of evidence and facts

Justice is judging the outcome of a case based on evidence and facts

Bias is always harmful

Justice is always fair

He was handsome and well groomed

She saw danger!

Fine boys are after only one thing

Give them and they are gone

She had always been weary of such

Especially those from a privileged backgrounds

Ladies are playthings to them

They use and dump at will

Their life partners will eventually be selected by their parents

Run! Run!Run!!!

This guy was too smooth to be true

He schooled abroad, says all the right things and had tons of money

What does such a guy have in common with her


Warning bells were always ringing

A Nigerian footballer married Miss Nigeria 2017

Dumps her and Married Miss Nigeria 2018

It was as if he was trading in an old model of a car

Many cheered

Money talks

But she cringed

It is true she is exceptionally beautiful

But she does not want to be anybody's plaything

Oh No!

She has a life, a plan and a set future ahead of her

If only men will look the other way

Men can't

It is the curse of beauty to be wooed

The curse of beauty to attract attention from far and near

To refuse to marry is unthinkable

She actually wanted to marry

But it has to be for the right reasons

Decency, respect and honesty are key

Love is above all a must!

He never said the words

'I love you:

He is attentive, respectful, decent and honest

He called on her for almost a year

She liked him

But why wouldn't he profess his love like others?

In truth he is a man of few words

But she wants to hear it

He never said it

...He traveled abroad

Then came a guy

With exotic cars and a good dress sense

Always professing his love

Takes her to nice places

Opens the door for her

Her man

He was not so refined

But money is money

And he seemed to have some

She decided he must be it

She told her friends

'I will marry this one:

Her friends agreed

She was happy

Though something seemed off

But no woman has ever married a guy who is 100%

There has to be some doubt

He wanted to meet her folks

They picked a date

He insisted they make an Invitation for the Introduction

A cousin saw the Invitation

Called her


This guy is such and such

She deflated

Oh My God!

How could she be so dumb?

She called it off

What happened? Asked her friends

What happened? Asked her parents

I had a terrible premonition, she replied everyone

Everybody paused

She prayed

"God please give me a second chance''


He returned from the UK

He proposed

She knelt

He: What is the problem?

She: A guy came to me, he speaks my language and he proposed to me, I accepted but later called it off

He: So what?

She: My cousin called me, told me the guy was your Father's driver.

He: My Father's what?

He left

She was sure it was forever

She cried bitterly

Her friends consoled her

'You were trying to do right by yourself'

A month later

He returned

He proposed

She said 'Yes'

Eight years and three children later

She would joke: 'Lucky you I said no to the driver'

He would laugh