The Forth Teller
They met at a television station
He was an established news caster
She was there for the NYSC
She studied English and wanted to try her
hand at news reading
The station gave her a break
She was given a tiny spot on the morning belt
for newspaper review
She grabbed the opportunity with both hands
Sometimes when he was also on the morning belt
They would work together on the same set
He would anchor the three hours long breakfast show
While she would do her 15 minutes show somewhere i
n between
She desperately wanted to be retained by the
She was determined not to sit at home
hoping to get a job
She was very terrible at waiting for anything
He was the best news anchor they have in the
organization by a mile
His voice was silky baritone and he was decent
In her opinion, most of the guys in the media
are leeches
The ladies were equally untethered
She had seen a lady sleeping with three guys
in her office
She was able to juggle them for some time before
the whole thing crashed
Even then, it was only one of the guys that was
outraged enough to stop sleeping with her
The others just took in the information and moved on
She had also seen a mother of two, sleeping with a
programmes presenter
The affair was an open secret
When the husband found out, he traced his wife
and the presenter to a motel where they were
sleeping with each other and it became a fisticuff
She got her husband arrested and ruined her marriage
Without a shred of remorse or concern
That was the world of the media she walked into
The reality of the looseness in the media space
Female students that came to the station for
Industrial attachment
end up being "dip and pass" objects
The same goes for female Youth corps members
There seemed to be no official rules and
regulations on the
conduct of staff members within the organization
Anybody can sleep with anybody for any reason
The media world is a crazy world!
But he was different!
He would be in the office thirty minutes before
he goes on air
He was always polite with the makeup artists
Treated everybody with respect and grace
She was sure most of the ladies would jump into his
bed at the snap of his fingers
She has heard them talking about him several times
But he just wasn't that type of guy
The station started recruiting new staff members
about six months after she joined them
She had gotten comfortable with the camera and
had grown in confidence
But she knew it was not enough
The head of Presentation didn't seem to be very
impressed with her
She needed desperately to rev up her game
So she approached him right after his show one morning
She wanted him to give her a few tips on how to
improve her game
She had submitted her application and had been
shortlisted for
auditioning for the position of a news anchor
She wanted to audition to become a news anchor but
felt she wouldn't
make the cut without some extra-coaching
He listened to her and told her to meet him at the
old studio
They met at 4 pm
She read and he listened
Then he started working on her
When to look down, up, right into the camera,
enunciate her words
He was so good!
They worked together for just five days
She had her auditioning and it was a smash grab!
She impressed everybody!
She got the job!
She was the one she rushed to with the news
She was extremely excited
He was absolutely delighted too
They laughed, they giggled, they hugged and
then he kissed her!
Right on the lips
And all her mother's years of home training fled her
She didn't ask him why or slap him as she was taught
She didn't even consider it inappropriate
It felt so right, so normal, so expected, even wanted
She kissed him back, and yes, it began!
They would close together every day
They would go to his apartment or her own
They would watch movies, talk about each other's
family members
get into each other's life, kiss and make out like crazy
She sometimes dreamt of making love to him
It seemed they were heading in that direction and fast
They have knocked on that door so often, it would
soon break
She knew one thing was sure
She was about to join all the ladies she had criticized,
frowned at and cringed at their inappropriate conducts
with men at her office
She told him as much
"I love you and I want to make love with you
but I don't want to be a loose dog!
This dog must have a collar and an owner with a
house address"
He got the message
Three months after she got the job
He proposed and she said "Yes"
But there was a snag!
While the organization does not mind staff members
sleeping with each other
They have a zero tolerance policy for staff members
getting married!
Her options were simple
Retain her job and sleep with him
or resign her job and marry him
She found both options unacceptable
They talked about it
After a month of dilly-dallying
She was informed about another media
house recruitment
But it was in another state!
She went for it and she was given the job on the spot
She was given a week to resolve her previous employment
and resume
He was delighted for her
They started making plans about how to beat
the distance
He told her he would look out for new recruitment
opportunities close to her
But of course, he couldn't leave his job until he
found another
She was hoping it would be soon
She started counting the days
One month, five months, ten months,
eighteen months?
One of her friends in her former place of work told
her of a babe
A super sexy babe who got recruited right
after she resigned
The crux of the story was that the babe
had an eye for him
And he was gradually dancing to the melodies of
the babe's stiletto heels
She called him immediately and asked him what
he was doing
He told her she was a damsel in need of assistance
All he was doing was helping the sexy babe to get
better at her job
He had no ulterior motives, she was still the love of his life
She heard him but she knew his kindness would land
him between her thighs
It was not a question of trust!
It was a question of intuition, it was her insight
into reality!
A week later, she got a phone call from the sexy babe
The voice on the other end said "I was told you have
his remote control,
see, tonight, I will break that remote and reconfigure him
Find another man where you are, this one is mine"
She had seen the game played several times
The ladies in the state where she served have an
aggressive way
of marking territories
They boast and laugh about it all the time
SHe was not from that state and can never act that way
But it was a call to arms and she was helpless and gutted!
She called her man, with deep sorrow and tears
"What has happened between you and this babe?
She just called me now, is this the help you are helping her?"
He was silent, as silent as a graveyard
She could hear him sobbing silently, her "heart of gold" had
fallen short!
That was all she needed to hear
The silence of guilt and shame
A million sorries expressed in bitter
tears of helplessness
He had slept with the sexy lady,
conceded her territory to her
As decent as he was, a good as she
believed him to be
He had fallen into the honeypot of Delilah
She knew he was to blame, he was responsible
But so was the distance and the delay
in securing another job
Everything was falling apart!
She didn't know what to do
She had a guy who was asking her out in her
new company
But he was obnoxious and proud and insecure
She couldn't even entertain moving on
Moving on to what?
Just then her producer came into the Make-Up room
He found her in tears!
"What is going on?" He asked
She told him everything! Her predicament in five minutes
She didn't know why she was confiding in him
It just felt right, just felt natural!
He smiled and said "Stop crying, it is not a problem"
Within a month he will be here, working
with you in this organization
Within a year you guys will be married!"
Just like that!
She didn't know what to say
Who was this guy?
He was a news producer who was employed a
few days after she was employed
He didn't look spiritual to her, not in the least
He was always wearing a pair of Jeans and a T-shirt!
But false hope is sometimes better than no hope!
She wiped her tears and got on with her work
By the time she finished reading the news that evening
She had forgotten all about the incident
But she was oddly relieved
She told herself there was no point hurting over
that had been taken completely out of her hands
The next day, the manager of the Television station
invited her to his office
He asked her if there was a male newscaster she could
recommend for immediate employment by the station!
She told the manager about her man but also
explained their relationship
The manager told her the station does not have a policy
barring staff members from marrying each other
She called him immediately!
Her man travelled down to the station first thing
the following morning
He was auditioned and given the job on the spot
Like her, he was given a week to settle his issues
with the previous employer and even a month's pay
in lieu of notice
That was how the word of God came to pass within three
She asked one of the other newscasters about the producer
Is he a pastor? How come his words came to pass just
like that?
They told her he was a Christian fondly called
the Brother in Jeans and a T-shirt!
She took her man to him!
He blessed them and said
"The prophecy is incomplete
Until you guys get married, so start planning"
They started and help came from everywhere
They were able to settle the issue
of accommodation,
they bought a car and were planning
their wedding all within a year
Nine months after they started working together
in that television station, they got married
The manager of the Television station was the
chairman of their wedding, it was a blissful
PS: They got married in August 2017
They are blessed with a daughter!
He left the television station for a bigger
one in 2018
His wife started her own makeup outfit and
now owns her own make-up studio
They live in Lagos, Nigeria!
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