The Freak

The Freak

What she had was a strange gift
She was born with it
It was the ability to see the past, present and future
Or sometimes "hear" life problems and solutions
She noticed it at the age of four
Her mother used to leave her at home with 
one of her aunties who was a seamstress 
Her oldest sister picks her up by 2 pm on 
her way back from school
She used to follow her mother to the market
But not when her mother goes to the 
farmsteads to purchase her goods in bulk
Her mother was a trader 
She dealt in everything farmers produce and 
their by-products
Bags of charcoal, yam flour, black soap, kola nut, 
corn, maize, local sponge, cocoyam,
Cassava, pepper, okra, onions, and other edible things
Her mother was a very prosperous businesswoman
She was with her aunt one morning when one boy 
walked over to play with her
The boy wore a white attire and had deadlocked hair
They sat and played with the sand together
The boy was her friend
They are her food together and shared her bed
She didn’t know the boy’s parents
She didn’t even know where he lived 
He came to her Aunty’s shop by 10 am 
every day
He would be with her until her sister picked 
her up by two 
They would go to her house together and \
play till night
He usually left around 8 or 9 pm
Or sometime after she slept
Her family members didn’t seem to mind 
him being with her 
Or perhaps they didn’t know he was there
He was not imaginary in any way to her
They just couldn’t see him
He used to take her to strange places
But not physically
She would tell him he was hungry
He would touch her lips and bam!
They would be in a Golden restaurant 
somewhere strange 
She would eat until she was full and then 
they would return to her own reality 
Those watching them wouldn’t see them leave
They would just see her sitting down quietly 
playing with her doll or with the sand
They wouldn’t know she had crossed realms 
into another reality
He was her guide at the time
Showing her places
Teaching her strange things
He was with her until she was seven
She remembered vividly the day he 
stopped coming
She was sick for almost a month afterward
She wanted to go with him but he wouldn’t 
take her this time
He told her another guide will come for her
But she didn’t want another
She wanted him
It was while she was sick that her mother took 
her to a spiritualist 
The spiritualist told her mother her secret 
He said she had been to strange realms and
Made friends with the extra-mundane realities
He called her a mammy-water girl with
a marine spirit
He told her mother she was sick because 
she was tired of staying in this realm
She wanted to go 
Of course, her mother didn't understand
Her mother only thought of herself
”What can we do to prevent this disaster?
I don’t want my daughter to die” her mother lamented
Nobody asked for her opinion
Was it not her life?
The spiritualist made incisions around her wrist 
and underneath her eyes
He made some incantations
In all, she spent seven days with the spiritualist
Her mother took her home afterward 
Safe in the knowledge that she had chosen 
to live and not to die
What happened immediately she got home was 
equally shocking to her
She started seeing things around people
At first, she didn’t know what it meant
A man would stand and she would see a 
dark cloud around him
Or sometimes she would see a person’s right 
hand raised up in her mind 
(She found out this means the person had been called 
into ministry, as she grew older and learned)
Sometimes she went into a trance and saw the future 
Sometimes she would go for a long walk until she 
found herself in very strange places
As she grew older she got what the signs meant
She knew the mark of death and it’s smell
She knew the mark of prosperity and poverty
She saw patterns and similarities 
Sometimes someone would just walk up to her 
and greet her in a strange manner
By the time she was sixteen, she knew all the 
witches and other familiar spirits in her community 
and they also know her
She got admitted into the university
By this time she had learned how to ignore the things 
she saw or contain them without acting weird
She had learned that people do not want to associate 
with those who knew their secrets
The first guy to look at her the way a man looks at a 
woman was dating someone’s else in another school
As soon as he opened his mouth, she told him the 
lady’s name, school and how disappointed she was 
that he would want to cheat on his girlfriend with her
It was a very unwise thing to do
She learned this as she grew older
While she was on campus, friends, and colleagues 
would come to her for prayers
She was not a Christian but she had to pretend to be 
inebriated because she didn’t know how else to justify 
being a freak of nature 
The church she joined was a uniform-wearing one
She was addressed as Prophetess and highly respected
The problem with joining a church was having to pray 
and pretend to be under subjection to the church 
and it’s doctrine
She couldn’t do it
She hated praying
She loves having sex and going to wild parties
She loves drinking too
She lasted only two years in the church 
As soon as she graduated she was out
But the leadership of the church wanted her back in
Her prophecies were a unique selling point
But she refused
She relocated to another state and started her own Church
People love the spectacular
Within a short time, she had a teeming crowd
She was also on television
The “Unstoppable God” ministries (Not the real name)
She didn’t do anything diabolical
She didn’t associate with the diabolical 
But she also didn’t associate with the so-called Christians
She just wanted to leverage her gift to make a living
And she did
Come politicians came to her for her help
She told them what she saw and what they ought to do
It worked
All of them, members of a particular Caucus won 
their elections
She’s also got some major business people and 
individuals who wrote fat Cheques to say thank you
She saw visions with clarity and precision
She employed a pastor who tended to the 
affairs of the church 
By the age of 35, she had traveled to seven 
countries and was making serious waves
One Sunday morning, she woke up to discover 
that her eyes were seriously itching her
She got some water 
Washed her face
She saw faintly, through a blur 
She waited for some time for the most to clear
It didn’t!
Her eyes were as clear as day before she slept 
What could have happened?
She told one of her house girls to call the pastor
 she employed
The pastor prayed for her
No improvement 
She went to the hospital 
After hours of unbearable tension and tests
The doctors told her the eyes are perfect
Scientifically, medically, there was nothing 
wrong with her eyes
She was told to go home and rest the eyes 
for some time
She needed to sleep
She did so but the eyes still wouldn’t see
Within a month, she was legally blind even 
though she could still see faintly
She had to turn to other sources for help
Churches, spiritualists, herbalists 
She spent millions to no avail 
Through it all, she didn’t lose her gift
She couldn’t still see visions and prophesy 
The fact that she couldn’t see seemed to 
help her business
More people consulted the blind prophetess
She realized that people were just wicked
They came to her aiming to solve their own 
problems without any regard for her own
They came asking for prayers
Asking for this and that
Always asking
She charged them exorbitant consultation fees
They kept coming
She kept looking for the cure for her eyes
She traveled to India three times
The best of the best of the specialists had no clue
Then she noticed her left arm started seizing
She would want to raise it up and the arm 
would refuse to rise
She panicked 
It was as if parts of her body were packing 
up one at a time
She was told about a prayer mountain
She was told a blind prophet was on the mountain 
She was told he might be able to help her
She set out for the prayer mountain
Midway through the journey
They had a motor accident
At the very moment, the car was skidding off the road
she saw herself in Lagos
Somewhere in Magodo Phase 2, standing before
a church office building, all her faculties intact
That was all!
The car was seriously damaged
But none of them were hurt 
They didn’t continue their journey to the prayer mountain
She waited a week and told her driver to drive her to 
Magodo phase 2, Lagos
She couldn't see but she knew she would Know when 
she got to her destination
She told her driver to drive slowly within the estate 
Sure enough, she knew the place 
It was a church office
She told her driver to ask the security men if she could 
see any of the pastors
They told her none of the pastors were around
She sat in the car contemplating going to lodge in a 
hotel when the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt arrived
He parked right beside their SUV and walked straight 
into the office building 
She told her driver to lead her to him
She knew he was the one she came to see!
They met
She talked 
The meeting lasted for over three hours
She had seen so much in her life
She had been to places many men of God 
wouldn't dare to visit
She wanted her eyes and arm restored
He told her she lost them because she had no 
spiritual covering
He said: The name of Jesus gave believers very 
strange advantages
A believer can navigate the spirit realm without fear 
of consequences, but an unbeliever cannot! 
The protection Zion grants his children is 
eternal and sure!
It is true that you have a supernatural gift but to rely upon 
the gift alone in your line of work was not wise!
Demons and demonic agents test believers every day!
Most believers are so protected, that they don't even notice
But someone like you? 
A word from me or believer for that matter could shut 
down your gift and lock you out of it 
And so would any attack of the enemy!
This happened to you so that you can glorify God 
by coming into the light!
Would you like to give your life to Jesus now, 
become translated and untouchable?”
She said YES!
They prayed!
He laid hands on her and commanded her healing
The scale fell and her arm was fully restored 
All within thirty minutes
She cried for joy afterward
She said she didn't join any church because 
as a child Pastors called her demon possessed 
and labeled her a witch
She didn't know her gift could ever be from God
She said they used to say she had a spirit of 
divination and that is demonic!
He laughed!
He told her not to blame the pastors 
and prophets 
Many are ignorant in the things of the 
spirit and are quick to act as if they know!
They end up ruining destinies by giving their 
opinion on things they know nothing about! 

Ps: This event happened in Lagos, March 2018
Agabus had seven daughters all of whom prophesied!
There are individuals who were born with strange spiritual abilities
They are not of the devil
God made all things 
Rather than stone and condemn them for being different 
Help them to harness their gifts
Nurture them
Give them the love of Christ
Show them the spirit of Christ
They have their own purposes for the church
Don't take advantage of them and use them 
just to meet your own ends
It hardens their hearts
The lady is happily married now, her marriage
is two months old
She married a Pastor in New Orleans and
had relocated to America