The Mystery of Christ III

The Mystery of Christ III

Romans 3:24
The word freely is translated from the 
'Dorian', which means without cause, by 
his grace.
 We didn’t have to do something about 
our justification, to make it happen. That’s amazing.
When you were born again, you were born justified.

Romans 4:24-25
Jesus Christ was raised for our justification. 
We were justified with him when he was raised. 
Jesus was born again, by the resurrection 
from the dead. 
This is where the church came out of: from 
the resurrection, not from the cross. 
We didn’t come from the death, but from 
the resurrection. 
When he was raised up from the dead, 
he was born again. 
He came up with a new life. 
So in God’s mind, when he was raised, 
we were raised. 
We were born again. 
Being born again is a new life. 
We were a new kind of man. 
A different species.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Now you’re born again, you have no past. 
When you were born again, you were born 
a new creature. 
What happened to your past? 
It died with Jesus on the cross; 
because he died for the whole world. 
The whole world died in him. 
By his resurrection, new life was available 
for all mankind. 2 Corinthians 5:15.

2 Corinthians 5:19. 
The death of Jesus was the reconciliation 
of the whole world. 
That’s why it’s called gospel to the world. 
We tell everyone that Jesus died for 
them all; and if anyone believes, there will 
be a vital aspect actualization of the legal 
work that Christ did. 
Eternal life is suddenly realized in your spirit. 
It becomes real. 

Romans 4:25
There’s a great difference between 
forgiveness and acquittal. 
Unmerited favor was before the cross. 
From the resurrection, it’s not unmerited favor, 
we were born sons of God, 'teknon', with rights. 
We are joint heirs with him. 
Justification means you’re acquitted, not guilty. 
What about all the dumb things you did? 
He says you’re not guilty.
Jesus paid for my sins, so I have been set free. 
That is the babyhood level of the generic 
understanding of the gospel.
When you got born again, you are the 
result of the gospel of Jesus.

Salvation was not a mystery; the result of salvation is the mystery.
Buying the field is not a mystery; but buying the field for the sake of the treasure in the field is the mystery. Salvation is more than salvation from sin. It is more than what people say. It includes preservation; protection. When you received Jesus, you received eternal life into your spirit. First you become the living tabernacle of God; then the Holy Spirit comes to live in you, to dwell in you.
 This is what the prophets didn’t see. 
They prophesied

about the temple in Jerusalem. 
They didn’t see that God would have vital,
 living tabernacles, all over the world. 

Romans 4:25
To be justified is to be declared righteous. 
This is very important.

 Romans 5:1: this is a legal thing.
 A legal righteousness, why? 
Now you’re a new creature, with no past, 
no sins can be laid to your charge. 

Going to verse 17: The gift of righteousness, 
this begins to say something different, that 
you need to know. 

Romans 8:18:
He is connecting legality with vitality. 

Romans 8:19-20
When these men were made sinners, were they made legal sinners? No! they were both legal and vital sinners. Because sin passed upon all men, they became sons and daughters of Satan. 
Grace is far more powerful than sin.

Romans 5:21
Sin produces death, first in the human spirit, 
then it shows up in their physical bodies, 
through sickness, disease.
You have legal righteousness and vital 
righteousness. Life is vitality.
Righteousness is the nature of God; 
the rightness of God in a human spirit. 
This gives you the ability to stand before 
God without guilt or condemnation.

 Romans 8:1. This gives the ability to do right. 
Producing the rightness of God. 
In him, there’s no darkness at all. 
This is what happened when you became 
born again. 
Now you can walk in love, all the time. 
The consciousness of eternal life makes 
you walk in love. 
Eternal life is God at work.

Going back to Romans 3:24-25
Jesus Christ was set forth to be a place 
of appeasement. 
The mercy of seat, the medium of expiation; 
So God would use that to declare his 
righteousness, for sinners to go free. 

In the Old Testament, there was an annual 
atonement of sins. Now he declares his 
righteousness, for the absolute blotting 
away of sins; that’s why Jesus was made 
the permanent mercy seat. 
God gave those of the Old Testament, a 
promissory note, in the annual atonement of sin. 

Hebrews 10:4-14
Many, in some places, are trying to accept 
the remittance of sins, with the blood of 
bulls and goats. Some, even punishment. 
Brothers and sisters, Jesus is the 
appeasement of sins. There is no other way.
Jesus offered to God a perfect sacrifice, 
for all time and eternity. 
You don’t need another one. 
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Romans 3:25; Galatians 4:4-7
God overlooked the sins that were past, 
accepting, temporarily, the sacrifices of 
bulls and goats. 
Until the time be fulfilled for the ultimate 
If you were not a Jew, you were not 
under the law. 
What you got as a gentile, was not a redemption. 
The Jews got redemption because they were 
under the law. But we got adoption of sons, 
from his sacrifice and resurrection.
Because we are sons, we have received the 
spirit of his son, where we can call God, Father.

In the salvation message, there is no gender. 
The masculine pronoun is used in generic term. 
Then the man was created first, and was made 
a gender less spirit, which was named 'He'. 
The 'she' came later. in the absence of the 'she', the 
'he' exists. 
Now you have a 'He' for mankind, because He is 
a spirit. 
The genderless God is a He! 
So those clamoring for gender based notations 
in the Bible are wasting time, it’s not necessary.
We call the Holy Spirit "He", and He is a spirit
We have received an inheritance in Christ Jesus. 
We are heirs of God. And the inheritance is 
greater than what anyone from any part of the 
world can have.

Romans 8:16-17
In the now of our lives, we are the children 
of God. You don’t find out in heaven. 
So you have to know now; if you don’t, then 
you can’t go to heaven, because only 
children of God go to heaven.
We are joint heirs with Christ. 
That’s who we are.
There’s so much more glory to come. 
We are doing all we are doing because 
this is not all.
(2 Corinthians 4:16-18) imagine walking in 
this light all the time. 

Romans 8:16-17
We are heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ. 
The Greek word means fellow heirs. 
It’s like having a joint account. 
We are signatories together.
 He Shares his inheritance and gives us 
equal rights. 
That’s why he said ask for anything in 
my name, it will be done. 

Now we are ready to move into John 15:1



The productive branch is pruned to produce 
more fruits. The unproductive is cut off.

John 15:3-5
The word of Jesus is a cleanser. 
When you study the word, there’s a cleansing 
reagent in the word that cleans you. 
Always have this consciousness.
"The word purifies my heart and my mind."

 John 14:20. 
Now he is instructing them to abide in him, 
as he was about to cross the brook kidron, 
heading to the garden, because he knows 
that in a few hours, he would be dead.

Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, 
the shoot, another term is the limbs. 
Abide in me, and I in you. 
You become my house and I become yours. 
Bringing much fruit comes from abiding in him. 
We are one: I am in him and he is in me.
Jesus said so, don’t wait to feel it. 
You don’t need to feel God before knowing he
 is with you. 
Nepios are those that feel the presence of 
God before knowing that he was there with 
them. He was there before you came. 

Think about this, wherever you go, God goes with you. 
This is Christianity. We are talking about the mystery of Christ. He isn’t more present around you, than inside you. Remember that. He isn’t more present when you feel him, then when you don’t feel him. 

A lot of Christians, have carried Old Testament Christianity, where they walk in the flesh; When they have to feel God to know he is present. This is why they misunderstand the anointing. They want the anointing to hit them from somewhere. That’s the Old Testament walk, not the New Testament. If you ever feel like you’re not feeling God, look inside. Copy Jesus, not the prophets of old. Jesus said follow me; and Paul said follow me, as I follow Christ. Jesus is the main focus.
Stop creating your own theology, that is inconsistent with the New Testament....that’s the challenge with most Christians. They’ve lived there for so long. 

(Pastor gives reference to the anger of Elisha of the Old Testament). They had the spirit come upon them, and leave. In the New Testament, Jesus said he is with you and shall be in you. Then the spirit came. He said this spirit will abide with you forever. Now the spirit came, and abides with us, forever. 
So it doesn’t matter what you feel: happy, sad, stiff, angry, it doesn’t matter. 
Don’t use your senses to control God. Listen, learn and follow God. You would be amazed at the liberty of the spirit, and be living the New Testament life, and see the amazing flow of the spirit of God in your life.

John 15:5
Dwelling in him, and him dwelling in you, us how you bear much fruit. 
If you’re not abiding, then you’re only good for fuel. 
If his words abide in you, it then means that he abides in you.
Three things working together:
1. Prayer
2. Fellowship 
3. Fruitfulness.

John 14:10-13
Here is talking about the oneness with the father. If you believe in me, you will do greater works.
The father is glorified in the son, that is fruitfulness. 
Whether demanding, asking, declaring, it’s all prayer, because you are voicing them in the name of Jesus. 

John 15:7-8
The father is glorified when we bear much fruits. 

John 15:16
I’m ordained to receive results and answers to every prayer; and that you should have lasting results. I’m ordained to bear fruits. I’m anointed to produce results. 

John 15:5 is akin to Ephesians 5:30 
melos- limbs of his body, his flesh and of his bones. This is what we mean to him. He is the vine, we are the branches. We are the fruit bearing part of the vine. 

1 Corinthians 6:15-17 ( the brethren here were living like they were oblivious of this truth; so Paul had to remind them). We are the 'melos' of Christ. 

Romans 8:9
If you don’t have the spirit of Christ, then you’re none of his. 
Those who believe in Jesus but don’t have the Holy Spirit, us the reason there are multiple interpretations of this verse. 

Matthew 12:43-45
When you are born again, and you don’t have the Holy Spirit in you, the above scriptures defines you. Imagine God’s house decorated, garnished but empty. They are often the ones that become the deep states. They’re the ones that persecute the church. 
The title, the number o

f times will never give you the Holy Spirit. 
You love God, you are kind, but you’re empty; that is why it is easy for such folks to fall into temptations. 

Romans 8:13
You cannot control your body but by the Holy Ghost. Without him, you cannot restrain yourself, you will always fall into temptations.

Acts 19:2-6
There is a way those who have receive the Holy Ghost behave, and those who haven’t received the Holy Ghost behave.
Without the Holy Ghost, you can’t go far.

Romans 8:9; 
Here Paul is claiming the deity of Christ. The spirit of Christ is the Holy Ghost. The Christian life is not possible without the Holy Ghost. Without the Holy Spirit, you can’t live the life of Christ.

 Philippians 1:19; 1 Peter 1:10-11; the spirit of Christ spoke through the prophets.
 2 Peter 1:21. The spirit of Christ prompted the words of prophecy. The spirit of Christ is the Holy Ghost.