Walking In The Supernatural 3

Walking In The Supernatural 3

Principle Number Three.
James 2: 18. Yea, a man may say, 
Thou hast faith, and I have works: 
shew me thy faith without thy works, 
and I will shew thee my faith by 
my works.
Learn to take actions that correspond 
with the impartations you have received.
1. And when he had called unto him 
his twelve disciples, he gave them 
power against unclean spirits, to cast 
them out, and to heal all manner of 
sickness and all manner of disease.
7. And as ye go, preach, saying, 
The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
8. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, 
raise the dead, cast out devils: 
freely ye have received, freely give.
Matthew 10:1,7,8.
When Jesus gave His disciples 
power to heal all manner of sickness 
and disease,they weren't sitting 
down doing nothing and hoping 
that one day something would happen.
No,they went out preaching and 
healing the sick.
Many of God's children are not 
walking in the reality of the impartations 
they have received because they 
have refused to take corresponding actions.
A man of God who has witnessed 
tremendous success in seeing metal, 
iron, screws etc surgically inserted into 
people's bodies dissolve in his meetings 
during healing ministration laid hands 
on a woman of God who desired such 
dimensions in her life also.
The next thing that woman of God did 
after receiving the impartation from 
the man of God was buying a metal 
detector (to confirm whether the metal 
has disappeared/dissolved or not 
after ministering to those with metal) 
and she also began to lay hands on 
people who have such problems.
Today,she herself has witnessed 
several miracles of metal disappearing 
or dissolving supernaturally when she 
laid hands on people.
A few years ago, I had a dream in 
which a renowned prophet anointed 
my head, that very day I took a 
corresponding action by calling people 
on the phone and ministering to them 
Some of them were very surprised at 
the level of accuracy.
If you've received specific impartations,
take corresponding actions and you'll 
begin to walk in the reality of those 
impartations you've received.