They had a house help once
The lady was very good with their
children and acted more like a
younger sister to his wife
One day he returned from work
unexpectedly and found the house
help in his sitting room sleeping with
the boy repairing phones on the street
He just smiled and picked what he
came home to pick
He rushed straight to the airport and
traveled to Abuja for the emergency
meeting he had
He called his wife to explain that he
had traveled and why but he didn't
say a word about what he saw to
his wife on the phone
He knows his wife
His wife will sack the lady without
batting an eye
His wife wouldn't consider the fact
that he was out of Lagos and she
wouldn't be able to cope alone
with the children and her work
without any help
He felt they could address it when
he returned home from Abuja
He had contacted the agent that
brought the house help and was
told a replacement would be available
within two weeks
He felt it was wise to keep things as
they were until they can get a
His business in Abuja was concluded
in four days
He got home on Friday morning
He met the house help at home
Immediately he saw the house help,
he realized he had underestimated her
Her body language said "I a ready
for you"
When his wife got home that night,
his wife didn't waste any time accusing
him of trying to sleep with the house girl
The house help told his wife exactly
what happened but she switched the
roles played by the two men in the story
according to the house help, he
came back home and grabbed her
She struggled with him but he overpowered
He tore her clothes and had penetrated her
when the guy repairing phones down the
street came to the house to drop off her
phone which was undergoing repairs and
caught them in the act
The house girl told his wife she will produce
the guy repairing phones as her witness
if need be
His wife believed the house girl
The timing of his return home, the timeline
between that time and his flight
His wife cried and screamed and called
him all sorts of names
He didn't say anything!
His wife called his younger brother to
report the issue
His wife called his mother too
He didn't say a word to either of them
He just told them to trust him because
the truth will eventually surface
He didn't say a word
Not to his wife or the house girl
He just kept mum
After two weeks his wife became
uncomfortable with his silence
She called his mother again claiming
he was turning the table by waging
psychological warfare on her
He packed his bags and left home
He went to lodge in a hotel and told
his wife he wouldn't mind a divorce
at that point
(He felt she crossed the line by calling
his mother and inviting a third party
into their marriage)
It was not what his wife had in mind
His wife started sending WhatsApp
messages "Other people have issues
in their marriages and they manage it"
"Why can't you just admit what you
did and give us a room to heal as
a family"
"Your ego is the only thing breaking
this marriage right now. If I was in your
shoes, I would have admitted and
apologized to you! I am not asking for
too much. Decency demands that you
do the right thing"
He called his lawyer to arrange for the
divorce papers
His wife took the letter
to her family members in tears
Their marriage was 8 years old
Things had been tough for the first
five years but they had started doing
better until he did what he did
She felt he deliberately wanted to
take advantage of the issue with the
house help to dump her and walk away
The two families called a meeting
He was invited and so was his wife
Their church pastor was invited too
His wife told the gathering everything
she knew
The house help was also given the
room to speak
The house help did not think twice
about her story, she lied
She repeated the same lie right to
his face
When it was his turn to speak
He said he had only one question,
why did his wife keep the house help
around if she didn't want a divorce?
His wife said the house help was
good with the children and faithful
to her, she didn't want to reward
the girl with a sack because that
would be unfair.
It is what men with male privilege
like to do
Take advantage of girl knowing she
will have no room for maneuver
If she agrees to sleep with the man,
she will keep her job and the man
will continue to take advantage of
her but if she says no, the man will
make the house uncomfortable for
her and she will lose her job
She said she was determined not to
reward the house help with a sack
Faithfulness and truth must be
encouraged, not punished
Her husband said "You kept a lady
who your husband find sexually
attractive under the same roof with
him because you are sure your
husband wouldn't try to sleep with
her again or because you are sure
she will never allow your husband to
sleep with her?
She said she didn't think of the event
repeating itself, she just wanted to
be fair to the girl
Then her husband said "You also kept
her around for a day like this, when
you can make her witness against me
and drag me through the mud of
shame before my family and your family.
She is your witness, your evidence that
i am an unfaithful man who needed to
be shamed. Isn't that right?"
To this His wife said "If you had admitted
what you did and asked for forgiveness,
all this wouldn't happen. But you kept
quiet and started acting like a victim
You were using boldface and pretending
all my words were weightless and
I am not a fool
Stop acting as if I am foolish
I know what I am doing
You brought this on yourself
You hurt me and now you're trying
to act coy
Her husband did not respond
He walked over to the television and
switched it on, he told everybody
to watch
He inserted the flash drive which
had been with him since the day
his wife accused him of infidelity
The camera was placed in the house
to monitor how the house help treats
the children when they were not
at home
It never occurred to her to check
the incident especially because the
house help claimed what happened
between them happened in the room
The camera only covered the sitting room
The video was there for all to see
His wife saw everything that happened
with her two eyes
The family members saw, the church
leaders also saw it
The husband said he still wanted a
divorce because his wife started
building a case against him immediately
the house help told her the lie
His wife didn't even give him the benefit
of the doubt despite the fact that he
had never ever given her a reason to
doubt his faithfulness in the marriage
At that point, everybody begged him
His wife fell on her knees and cried
She admitted that she had overreacted
and messed up big time
He did played hard to get for about
an hour
Eventually, he hugged his wife
Family members and church leaders left
His wife sent the house girl packing that
same evening with curses and insults
The agent brought another house help
for them that same day
His wife had one misgiving though,
it was the fact that he held on to the
video until she had made a fool of herself
She felt he deliberately wanted her to
fall flat on her face
Why wait until everything would
blow up in her face when he had
such a compelling evidence?
Six months later, his wife told him
she wanted to take the former house
help back
She said the new one was not very
good with the children and the
former one had begged for her forgiveness
He argued against it
She brought her back
A month later, he divorced her
PS: I asked her why he did that
He said he felt his wife brought the
girl back to prove a point and he
didn't feel comfortable in the house
Family members tried in vain to
He said the fact that his wife was
willing to make him live in the same
house with a girl that accused him
of rape was a No!
The insensitivity of his wife was a No
and the fact that his wife made him
feel unsafe and probably was trying
to entrap him with the house help
to prove a point was a No
They called it irreconcilable difference
GSW"S note: The story above is a true
It happened in Ajah area of Lagos
The lady that brought the husband
to me was a Christian sister whom he
was asking out at the time
He wanted to marry her and she was
concerned his "divorce" might
have a comma or two which had
to be critically looked at
He told me the story frankly
I saw reason with him
Of course, if I knew him before he
got divorced i would have counseled
against it
Job also married a foolish woman
He wouldn't be the first
Walking away ought to be the last
He is well into his second marriage
now and the marriage had produced
a baby girl
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