Author: admin



Without the Why

Without the Why

If a man or woman would be free indeed, it is first expressed through the freedom...

Mayyim Hayyim

Mayyim Hayyim

If she had gotten pregnant by a poor man or a fellow teenager from another struggling...



The words you speak are spirit and life

Defying The Matrix

Defying The Matrix

A lady went to meet her 70-year-old father in the middle of the night

A Duty of Truth

A Duty of Truth

Part ways with a solid arrangement between the both of you of giving the children...

Grey Areas

Grey Areas

It was a shameful thing that would bring her parents shame in the church and society...

Impotent or Impotent or both?

Impotent or Impotent or both?

It was no secret that he was impotent

Christ In Me...

Christ In Me...

There is no safer place to be as a believer than in the presence of God.



Why are you fearful? Why are you discouraged?

The Seven to One Prophecy

The Seven to One Prophecy

If marriage is for companionship, people are finding other ways of meeting this...

Legalism is not spirituality.

Legalism is not spirituality.

Legalism is not spirituality.

Learn The Process

Learn The Process

There is everything wrong if you are leading them by sheer human sense.

Meet the Parents

Meet the Parents

There are tribes in Nigeria that are mean to women marrying into their families...

Learn the Gospel

Learn the Gospel

When it is not the true gospel, it is always complicated

Learn the Gospel 2

Learn the Gospel 2

They have turned husbands against wives and children against their parents in the...