He met a brother once
The brother was staunch and focused!
The brother got born again and attended
only one denomination since his
He grew in this church and became
transformed The brother lived a “Holy” life
But he had spiritual kwashiorkor
This was very obvious
His pastor was a well-known spirit-filled
man but the brand of denominational
doctrine the pastor was teaching had
placed this brother at a disadvantage!
By natural gift, the brother was a fine
artist! A sculptor
He was well trained in this craft and he
had the potential of using his talent to
make a living but the church was
vehemently opposed to fine art as a
doctrine especially bronze work and
"sculpture" which was the specialization of
this Brother.
For this reason, this brother left his career
and became an administrator in the church!
Instead of making money and
Being of benefit to the church, he became
a liability
His salary was meager and as a result,
he couldn’t live life to its full expression
By the time they met the brother was forty
and he was still single because he wasn’t
making enough to cater for his own need
not to talk of another
He was praying for financial breakthrough
and had gone to mountains and valleys to
pray over the years Somehow his elderly
aunt convinced him to talk to someone
He only agreed when he was told the
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt doesn’t have
a church and is not looking for members!
They met and talked for over four hours
The brother had experienced the power
of God in every area of his life except in
his finances
He felt God was deliberately withholding
financial blessings from him to train him
and prepare him for a life assignment
He believed this with all his heart but he
had no idea what the assignment was and
had not heard anything or seen a vision
regarding it, he was operating on plain
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt listened to
him and also prayed with him
The Holy Spirit said “Ask him about his
natural gift”
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked
him and another story began
He talked about the gift he had from
childhood as how his father noticed the
gift and nurtured it until he graduated
from technical college and proceeded to
study under the best at one of the
Universities in the East.
He spoke about his rise in the art world,
about galleries and exhibitions, about
journeys out of the country and invitations
from many institutes! He spoke about his
contemporaries and what they have
achieved in life He spoke with a glint in his
He spoke with a passion
He also told the story of how he found the
Lord Jesus and became born again
He spoke about graven images and idolatry
He spoke about the teachings of the church
and how he was convicted that his gift was
of the devil
He spoke about his father’s tears and pain
as he turned his back on a thriving career
for the sake of Christ
He spoke of heaven and dropping everything
just to “make heaven”
He was determined to give anything so that
he will not miss it
What does it benefit a man to gain the whole
world and lose his soul
Oh! How he was making a sacrifice
Just so that God will see his intention and
determination to serve and please him!
He spoke with a passion too, but this time
it was the passion of a misguided fanatic
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt listened
to him and prayed silently that the Holy Spirit
will set the brother free!
The brother was in religious bondage and
he had no idea
The problem with religious bondage was
how powerful a stronghold it was.
If you speak against it directly, the victim will
assume you want to take heaven away from
him and see you as the enemy
Heaven was not a prize to be earned by
good works!
Such doctrine and teaching negates the
finished works of Jesus Christ on the cross
Just as a son cannot miss his father’s house,
a believer cannot miss heaven
Man came from dust and will return to dust
A believer came from above, like Christ, and
will return above
Jesus demonstrated this when He ascended
in the sight of many witnesses!
He said “I go to prepare a place for you so
that where I am you may be also”
Where is he? In heaven
Where will you go as a believer? Heaven
Why the “I have to earn it mindset?”
Who has deceived you o foolish Galatians?
Can you earn salvation by the spirit and
keep it by dead works?
That was Apostle Paul’s lamentation!
But indoctrination is a conscious and
deliberate brainwashing
It is easier to convince a camel to carry
its load through the eye of the needle
than to convince an indoctrinated person
to see the scriptures as simply written
and believe it as such!
As Andrew Womack would say, we need
help to misunderstand the gospel and
people get this help every day!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt looked at
the Brother after al the story and said
“Do you see Music as a form of art?”
The brother said “Yes”
Are there songs that glorify God?
The brother said “Yes”
Are there songs composed to glorify the
devil and the flesh?
The Brother said “Yes”
Should we then stop singing to worship
The brother said in his church only a
type of song was allowed
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt said
“It the church allows only a type of music,
then it should allow only a type of
“sculpture” too
The motive and inspiration of the artist
is the key
The Holy Spirit cannot inspire you to
make idols sir!
The brother got it!
He kept nodding his head in silence
When he got home he got to work in
He started honing his gift and within six
months he had made beautiful works that
were bought immediately
His church frowned at it but he told the
pastor he was inspired by
the Holy Spirit
Of course, it led to a lot of arguments, he
eventually left the denomination
He joined another denomination as a member
and continued his work
He prospered and got commissioned works
from some institutions
His new church embraced him and he became
a minister
He found joy and gladness in the expression
of the gift within!
The Bible says “The gift of a man makes way
for him”
God told Moses about artists and craftsmen
whom He had given the inspiration to build
divinely inspired designs!
Jesus came to set us free from religious
PS: It’s been three years!
My brother is married with a child!
Today is his wedding anniversary!
I am saluting you sir, on this very public
Thank you for allowing the Word and the
Holy Spirit take precedence over the petty
control and vain imagination of men!
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