A story teller from India, a fearless apologetic
Ravi Zacharias, the Man of God with a heart
of Gold
An inspiration for many generations
A man of great meekness and understanding
A man of deep fellowship and strong faith
I remember watching you minister at the
church of Mormon
You said you followed in the Steps of D. L. Moody
You were questioned by many who only saw
dividing lines
The same way the early church questioned
Peter for daring to go to the House of Cornelious
You explained to all who care to listen
The gospel of Jesus is for every man and woman
You are my teacher Ravi, only God knows
how many hours of your messages I have
listened to in my life
I sat your feet sir and I was fed!
Michael Ramsden, Nabeel Qureshi, Sister Ann
I met all of them through you
I have been blessed by the unique fragrance
of the gospel that you seeded many with
I love your transparency, your genuineness
Your take on questions and your debates
I remember watching Os Guinness once and
wondering why God deliberately surrounded
you with such precious minds
I have since learned that the MIND of Christ
draws others with the same reality together
to drink from the same CUP that never
runs dry
You taught me to answer the questioner and
not be carried away by the philosophy of the
I remember your comment sir, that day when
you were asked to defend why Christianity
claimed absoluteness while denying others
the right to do the same
You said only Christianity offers a saviour
Other religions merely concocted religion
but man's situation demanded a saviour
and God offered the World one in Jesus Christ
I remember your teachings on Nietzsche's
writing "God is dead" and its implications on
a secularist society!
I remember your illustration given when you
were part of a team that went to broker peace
between Israel and Palestine!
You said "Don't let us argue over which son
Abraham offered to God in sacrifice but let us
know that thousands of years later, another
son was crucified on the cross for the sin of
the whole world"
The way you teach the gospel!
Your command of language and your ability
to turn words to images that stay in the mind
for many years
You are a teacher sir, A teacher of the gospel
I remember your testimony
The days you had a back injury and couldn't
tie your shoe laces by yourself
Those days when you travel with a personal
assistant because of your health
You did not use your health as an excuse
You kept on riding the wind of the gospel from
East to West
I remember that phone call you got from a
friend whom Singapore or Jakarta
The friend who told you God said He has
taken care of L1 and L2
The word of healing that led to the miraculous
restoration of your health
My friend, teacher, mentor and example
I remember the young man you met in Holland
That young man who was teaching the gospel
to a team using your resources
I remember how you instantly offered that young
man a scholarship
I cried that day
I wish that young man was me
That you would see the passion burning in
my heart to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus
I was happy for that young man and i told
myself i will do the same thing you did
for many!
I am doing that today sir!
I wish I met you to tell you this to your face
I remember the illustration of the red light
and testing if something is moving by looking
at the landmark
I remember your response to many atheists
I read everything i could afford to read of
your work sir
I downloaded the PDFs and i savoured the
riches of Christ as expressed in you
I remember your story about your relationship
wih your Father
It helped me mend fences with mine
I remember your story about your mother's
faith when your brother was sick
It helped me stand firm when my son was sick
The Holy Spirit gave me many teachers
You were a blessing to me and all those
who the Lord attracted to my works
I hear your voice in my mind often
Especially when i am counseling or answering
difficult questions
I know your style and I adapted it often
I have come to learn you Sir
To learn your ticks and tocks in dealing with
human complexities
I remember that you also had questions
as that woman you met at the airport
whose patter of feet caught your attention
I have questions too
My brother, my teacher, my friend
i remember a testimony I heard about
you once in which the testifier said you
pray for everybody you meet on your trips
The porters, bell boys, hotel managers
the audience, the UN big wigs and the
students in campuses all over the world
where you have ministered!
I remember your salvation testimony sir,
the day Christ came to you on a bed of
I remember your ordeal at a border where
a soldier was moved to assist based on the
innocence of your daughter
I remember your request to your wife
to get you a prayer bench for your birthday
I remember the conversations you wrote
about different religions and their assumptions
versus Christ and our certainty
You taught me to see good even in those
who do not agree with me
You taught me so much and I thank you!
This is the taking up of the righteous
The departure of a Christkind
The end of a golden season
Thank you for your sermon preached in 1986
The one I listened to and felt a turn in my
level of understanding
Thank you for your strength and courage
Thank you for providing answers to many
Heaven is proud of you dear saint
The world of men has been robbed of a great
But heaven has gained a saint in light
Brother Ravi, I borrowed your logo and
adapted your colours
GSWMI and RZMI, i read so many stories
on your website rzmi.org and was inspired
to write testimonies on gbengawemimo.com
I was a fan and a follower, your giant
footprints are evident on the sands of my
reality in Christ.
Thank you Ravi, AND Good night!
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