When are you getting married?
How come we have never seen any lady with you?
Most times he'd smile their questions away
At other times he would mumble something inaudible
But always they come at him
So he started dodging them
Family members are just too nosey
Leave me alone!
Some ladies at work also do it
Parade themselves around him
Can I buy you lunch?
What will you be having for lunch?
I bought two tickets, would you like to see a movie with me?
The ladies were relentless
Smiling at him like the three quarters of a watermelon
Fluttering eyelashes
Where he lives the story is the same
Beautiful neighbours striving to catch his eyes
Pushing to be in his space
Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!
Can I come in?
Sorry, do I know you?
Not yet, but you can if you want to
What is this harassment? He thinks
Sometimes he wants to hide
At church the story is the same
Silent whispers of a nameless attraction
A million words said in silence
A look, a smile, a brushing of the boobs against his back
Sometimes a whisper
What did pastor say?
Did you get the last Bible verse?
Did you drive?
Can I give you a ride home?
Being handsome made it worse
Having a good job put a target on his back
Having a good voice made him compelling
His life is ready for a loving wife
The departure of the self from the life
His mother called one day, crying
What is the problem?
Why are you still single?
At 34!
The consultations began
His mother called his cousins and sisters
Find a suitable wife for your brother
Don't leave him to his own devices
Since he seemed helpless as a man
Help him!
They were subtle, but he saw it
Their frantic efforts at selecting and introducing ladies to him
They pushed and pushed
He clocked 38
He was still single
One of his cousins told a friend
Can I introduce you to my cousin?
Check him out on facebook
His name is so and so
The friend liked what she saw
Cousin calls him, trying to set up a date
He got weary
Can i talk to you?
Cousin: Why not
He: I am gay
Cousin: JESUS!
He: I was introduced to this lifestyle years ago. I am HIV positive
I will just like you guys to let me breathe, tell everybody if you want or keep it a secret but I am tired of being hounded at every turn
Let me live my life in peace
Cousin turns to her husband, do you know so and so is gay? What do we do? How do we help him?
Cousin's Husband: Being gay is demonic, he would need a lot of counselling, listening to God's word, in filling of the Holy Spirit and a deliberate shift in mindset and consciousness
Cousin: So you are saying we are powerless?
Cousin's Husband: No. We have a duty to love and pray for him. We must provide spiritual support
Cousin's Husband: We must not judge him. We also must not condemn him. We must not ostracize him and we must not bash him. He is as human as any of us and must be loved the same way Jesus loves us all.
Cousin: I can never see him the same way again
Cousin's Husband: You must
It took his confession for her to see all the obvious signs she had noticed before but ignored
It had always been obvious
Love often select what it wants to see
She didn't tell anybody his secret
She told friends and family members to please leave him alone and let him breathe
They did
He was grateful
He had confided in the right person
Family members backed off
The secret was one of his greatest hindrance to freedom
He began to change his lifestyle choices
Frequented new places, made new friends
Worried less, had peace
Still working at it
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