Containers and Contents
For the avoidance of doubt, friends,
I believe in the fellowship of the saints.
I believe in the gathering of believers.
I believe in local assemblies of God's people.
The local assemblies of the saints provide
perfect opportunity for the expression of
various spiritual gifts to edify one another.
It is a place where sons of God minister
to one another the manifold grace of God
with their various giftings.
There is impartation of gifts, encouragement,
instructions in righteousness and
"iron sharpens iron".
I also know, for sure, that despite the proliferation
of worship centres all around us, genuine
local assemblies of the saints are hard to come
by in our days. Many of the places that we know,
including celebrated ones, are nothing but
business centres and personality cults which
use the name of Christ to gain credibility.
God cannot be mocked.
Until God opens your eyes to see, you will keep
fighting this reality.
In spite of the foregoing, the yearning in the
heart of God's children to associate and
fellowship is a natural one.
If you have such a longing, nothing is wrong
with you.
It is a healthy desire.
You are perfectly normal.
Let no one make you feel there is a dent in
your sound mind.
If you can find a place where people
genuinely gather unto God and not unto man,
do not hesitate to fellowship with them.
Please read me carefully.
I surely don't need a lesson on what the
church is.
I don't need a tutorial on how a building is
not a church. Here and now, I am talking
about the fellowship of the saints.
The Bible encourages fellowship with one
The church is a family and families that are
aversed to meeting together are not healthy.
However, if you cannot immediately find a
group of people of like minds and purpose
with whom to share fellowship around you,
do not hesitate to stay on your own.
Let no one blackmail you into attending
meetings where there's no true fellowship,
simply because you think you have to attend
Let no one railroad you to attend shrines
dedicated to mammon all in the name of
"not forsaking the assembling of ourselves".
Let no man guilt trip you into being unequally
yoked in rebranded synagogues of the jews
that masquerade as church of Christ.
Let no one drag you back to places that come
across as assemblies of God's people from a
distance but on a closer look, they have all
the trappings of a den of robbers.
Let no one lead you back into slavery disguised
as worship centres.
You are not under any obligation to belong
in a denomination.
None whatsoever.
At the moment, there are nations of the world
where believers are not allowed to gather,
yet it takes nothing away from the fact that
they are members of the church of Christ.
Membership of a denomination is not the
same as membership of the body of Christ.
Being in a denomination does not define
who you are. Being in Christ does.
"If any man be in Christ Jesus......"
If push comes to shove, gather your family
and friends together and have fellowship
under your roof. Sing songs and hymns
and admonish one another.
Jesus said: "where two or three are gathered
in my name, in their midst I am....."
It is a new day!
I'm here sipping a can of cold Malt drink,
and my soul started receiving spiritual
information via an illustration...
This is just a Container that has a label
on it, "Malt"... And because of that label
I trusted that the content in the container
will be nourishing and healthy, so I spent
money, bought it and drank it.
Meanwhile, looking at that container I
addressed it as "Malt".
This means that I judged the container by
it's content...the Identity I gave to it was
from the content not the container.
I didn't reject the Malt drink just because
the container doesn't have the same
ingredients the content is made of...
the container is not even edible but
the content is.
The container is useless to me but the
content is very useful, and that is why
I could spend money on it...
So what I paid for was the content,
which is why I can easily throw away
the container after consuming the content
- Malt drink.
God used this illustration to point to me
what He means by, "Know no man after
the flesh..."
My flesh is just like that container, while
my spirit is the content, and as a believer
my Spirit is Christ.
The value of my personality is Christ and
not my flesh.
This is why you don't know a believer
through his flesh but spirit, else you will
misjudge him. If you use the value of the
container to judge the content, you'll miss
it big-time.
If we know what Christ actually is, we will
recognise who a believer is, and once we
know this, the believers fleshy acts won't
confuse us as to his identity.
Even if the malt container is thrown inside
a gutter, as long as it is sealed, the content
is safe!
Remember the believer is sealed with the
holy spirit of promise, and even if his flesh
is "gutterly", his spirit is eternally holy.
There is something we became at new birth,
something the flesh can't comprehend!
My identity is my content, not my container
which will someday melt away.
My content is eternal.
My content needs no improvement because
it's value is not subject to the condition of
the container.
My content is Christ.
I am my content!
But note...
Knowing the value of our content, helps us
to handle the container responsibly.
When the container is neat, it draws attention...
and people can come to partake of our content.
That's how we shine the light...
Kingson Ahaneku
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