She couldn't place her hands on the moment
her husband changed
She knew he had certain weaknesses and
She was praying about it in her "own" way
She was not the "perfect" wife
She had done things within the marriage
that even she couldn't take
And he forgave her
They moved on
He had always been the reliable one
The reasonable and logical one
The change caught her pants down
It was sudden and very much unlike him
He went to Abuja for a conference
He was supposed to be away for a week
He called her on the final day of the
He called her before boarding at the
He told her the flight will take an hour
and fifteen minutes
She didn't see or hear from him after
that conversation
It was as if he dropped off the face of the
She waited all night, wondering what could
have happened to him
She called his phone number several times
It rang at first and then it was switched off
Somehow in the wee hours of the morning
she slept off
She had a dream
She saw herself crying in the middle of
a market
She was searching for her stolen crown
She searched everywhere and couldn't
find it
When she woke up from her slumber
It was 11 AM
She checked her phone
He hadn't called
She called his phone
It was still switched off
She started calling their friends and
She knew something had gone wrong
She knew it in her bones
Everybody was placed on red alert
An hour later, his immediate younger
brother called
His younger brother said "I was able to
speak with my brother, he is fine but he
might not be coming home soon"
She didn't understand
Why wouldn't he be coming home soon?
Where was he?
His younger brother was a blunt man
He told her to brace herself
He said "My brother is with a woman.
He claimed he was tired of this marriage
and had found the love of his love
If you can pray, this is the time to do so
I believe he has been hypnotized!
I asked him where he was so that I
can come and see him
He told me when he is ready
He will let me and other family members
know his location!"
She didn't get it
It was very true that she willingly and
deliberately cheated on her husband
three years before with her ex
She was caught in a web of guilt
Her ex didn't formally break up with her
He traveled abroad to study
She gave up on the relationship when
she met her husband and he offered her
the one thing she had always desired- a home
They got married
One year after their wedding
Her ex returned to the country and invited
her for a meeting
She felt she owed her ex an explanation
The meeting was very emotional
Somehow in the middle of all the talks
and tears
Her ex reached for her
She had the option of respecting herself,
her wedding vows and her husband
She also has the option of pandering to
She chose to be foolish
She slept with him
And somehow they continued sneaking
around for a whole year
Until she got pregnant and wasn't
sure who the father was?
She wanted to have an abortion
She mistakenly hinted their family doctor
of her plans
The doctor told her husband his suspicions
Her husband locked in on her activities
and discovered she had been sleeping
with someone else
It was her worst nightmare
It was a shameful thing
It was worse than being paraded naked
on the streets
But her husband did the most unexpected
He told her to make a choice
He said if she chose her ex
He would hurt but he would take it like
a man
And if she chose him, he would accept
her and treat the baby as his own even
if it turned out the baby belonged to
her ex
She was given three days to make up her
It was a rare lifeline
Her ex denied the baby outrightly
He blocked her on every communication
platform and refused to take responsibility
even for her
She returned to her husband
He took care of her
The baby was his (They did a paternity test)
And she learned her lesson
She was forever grateful that he covered
her nakedness and was gracious unto her
But somewhere at the back of her mind
She always knew a day of recompense
shall come
Men may forgive
But Karma has a long memory
She knew she would pay for her foolishness
She knew nature cannot be cheated
She told herself it was the will of God
Why should she fight it?
She stopped calling him
She accepted fate
His family members rallied around her
They made sure she and her two children
were well provided for
Her husband had locked out everybody
He was in a thick fog of darkness
Everybody around her said "The charm will
expire eventually, we just have to wait"
One year
Two years
Three years!
She suffered in silence, hoping something
good would happen to bring her husband
back to her!
In June 2018, her younger sister wrote
to the brother in Jeans and T-shirt asking
him to intervene
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt reached
out to her
She told her story
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her
about the Holy Spirit and the power of the
She gave her life to Christ
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her
there is nothing like Karma for the believer
"We get away with everything after giving
our lives to Christ!"
We die to yesterday and all its deeds and
We become new creatures, born free in the
presence of God
She got it
They prayed together and asked the Holy
Spirit to intervene
A week later, her husband called her in
the middle of the night
He was at the airport and asked if she
could come and pick him
She drove to the airport immediately
He was there
Dressed in his suit and holding his briefcase
He hugged her and they drove home
The next morning, he told his wife the
last thing he remembered was coming
out of the airport and speaking with a
lady who was pushing a trolley full of
Somehow time was suspended and he
couldn't recall anything else
His wife filled him in
Told of about the attempts made by
friends and family to reach out to him
and how he became so aggressive that
everybody had to back off
They met with the Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt that same day
His wife was afraid the lady might cast
a stronger spell on her husband to ensnare
him again
They prayed
The Holy Spirit took over
Her husband was totally liberated and filled
with the Holy Ghost
When she decided to seek the Lord,
she was able to pursue, overtake and
recover all!
Ps: This event happened in Victoria Garden City,
She lost three good years because she
felt she deserved to lose her husband
Her husband deserved better
Any human being in bondage deserves
to be fought for and freed by their loved
Lot's men had a clash with Abraham's men
Lot and his men left Abraham
Lot was taken into captive
Abraham fought and saved him
This is the model we must hold to heart
Spiritual bondage always lay glorious destinies
to waste
It is wickedness to allow someone else
remain in bondage because you got
caught up in self-pity and guilt trips!
When she decided to pray, things change
Please do not be silent
Prayer changes everything
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