

Have you ever heard the saying 
"Everybody lies"?
It is a saying that liars use to justify 
their unwillingness to tell the truth 
or to act the truth but it is not true
The liar expects others to be honourable 
and gullible, for a lie to fool anyone, 
it's victim must believe it 
The moment one becomes wise to 
a lie, its hold on the person withers
It doesn't wither slowly
It vanishes the way darkness flees 
at the sight of light
The liar then expects his or her victim 
to overlook the lie or make unmasking 
the lie too expensive for his or her 
victim to walk away from it.
He was a non-literate hunter who 
stumbled into Christianity because he 
found himself in a jam
He had a land dispute with some 
He was being cheated
He decided to put up a fight
To fend off the land grabbers
One of them hit him with a charm
The charm made him dumb
He was taken to several places for 
help to no avail
Eventually, out of desperation, his 
mother took him to a church
They were non-Christians and had 
never believed the sweet words of 
the "Kiriyo" folks but desperate 
times called for desperate measures
The moment they stepped on to the
 prayer mountain, he began to speak 
in tongues
Just like that
Nobody prayed for him
It was as if he was overwhelmed 
by the Holy Spirit
He struggled out of the company of 
those holding him and began to say 
strange things on top of his voice
They thought he had gone mad 
but the prophet of God on that mountain 
rushed down to them with another 
young lady holding a pen and a big 
The prophet listened to the strange 
words being said and told the young 
lady the interpretation
It lasted for about an hour
When he was done speaking, he 
They laid him somewhere on the 
mountain for about two hours, when 
he woke up he was no longer dumb
The prophet on the mountain told
 them what they saw earlier was 
the evidence that he had the call of 
God on His life and they should leave 
him on the mountain to be trained in the 
things of the spirit
They were quite glad that he had 
been healed and they agreed
In all, he spent two years with the prophet
He became a believer, he got filled 
with the Holy Spirit and he began to 
do greater works
The anointing on the Holy Spirit upon 
his life was undeniable 
At the right time, the prophet that 
trained him sent him forth into the 
city to start his own ministry
Within a year, the community saw 
and acknowledged that God was 
with him
He became a kingdom asset
Like the Ark of the covenant
His relatives and friends started 
coming around to identify with him
If there is one thing we all must 
know about the anointing, it is the 
fact that human beings pretend to 
love it but they loathe and sometimes 
envy the one that has it
They see it the way some promoters 
see talented artists and do everything 
to sign them and milk their talents for 
commercial and selfish purposes
When people see the "real" anointing, 
their primary desire is to manipulate 
and control it
If they cannot do that directly, they 
end up trying to control and manipulate 
the one who has it
It is a natural reaction
The anointing is a guarantee of
success for the wise
When it is given to a "fool" or an asset 
without much education or enlightenment, 
those around him become concerned
They say something like "If you know 
the value of what you have, you will no 
longer be poor"
"You are on the same level as this G.O 
and that G.O if only you know how to 
manage what you have"
They will do anything to organize religion 
around the anointing
Religion is the legal means through which 
the anointing is milked for the benefit of 
its managers
We see this in our world every day
G.O's surrounded by thieves and crooks 
We all talk about it
Some of us will say "As anointed as that 
man is, how come he didn't know that 
those around him are doing all these 
evil deeds? Are we going to say God 
didn't tell him or show him?
I have heard people say things like this 
so many times about the popular men of 
God in Nigeria
The evidence of the power of the Holy 
Spirit in their life is obvious and at the 
same time the handlers of the anointed 
one and those around him were profiting 
off it like a gang of thieves.
The anointed is the asset
Assets must be managed and owned 
for the sake of profit
This prophet refused to be owned
He would often say that he had been 
warned by the Holy Spirit that His enemies 
are members of his household and friends
His church was doing quite well but he 
was not rich
He didn't have the sweet words that 
would open purses and bring out 
fat checkbooks
He acted and lived like someone who 
had a treasure within but will die in 
His friends and relatives tried very 
hard to help him turn the anointing into 
a profitable asset
He fought them off
Eventually, they decided to get him 
a minder, a Delilah of sorts 
They were sure he needed to get married
The argument was always that a man 
of God who is not married is vulnerable 
to temptation and a swift fall
Once people identify the anointing 
upon your life, they make it their duty 
to be pointing out the possible traps 
and holes to avoid 
They needed someone in his ears
Someone who would control his 
bedroom and his heart
They found one eventually
They took the one they found to the 
prayer mountain for the scrutiny of the 
man of God's father in the Lord
They know if the Prophet on the 
mountain endorses it, the one 
the city would fall for it
It was a manipulation of the highest 
People surrounding men of God are 
usually good manipulators
Deceit is never far from the truth
Men of God are often simple-minded 
and people take advantage of their 
simplicity to hatch wicked plots and 
The prophet was convinced by the 
argument that the man of God was 
vulnerable to a fall if he doesn't get 
Those who brought the lady sold 
the story as "We are looking out for 
his good"
The prophet endorsed the union
The man of God was invited
The prophet sold the lady to 
him as a product of his prayers
"You know I want only the best for you. 
I have been praying for you and this 
morning your friends came to see 
me with this lady. 
They said God told them you are her 
They said they prayed and fasted. 
When I spoke with the lady, i realized 
she had also been prepared by the 
Holy Spirit for you. 
She is a believer, she speaks in tongues, 
she is educated and she is enlightened!
She will be a good balance for you and 
through her doors to richer and more 
educated people will be opened.
They sold him a packaged lie and he 
bought it
He told them he was going to pray
(This is another thing about people 
expecting God to tell the Man of God 
everything at all times!
It doesn't work that way
Sometimes a man of God with good 
intention will be led astray by the pressure 
and demands of those around him 
This man of God felt everybody acted 
in his best interest and it would be an 
insult for him to tell all of them they 
were lying
He married the lady
On their wedding night, he discovered 
the lady had two surgery marks on 
her tummy
She claimed she couldn't remember 
how she got them 
After another week, he discovered the 
lady was ten years older than she 
He had been duped but the lady 
expected him to be a honourable 
Man of God and stick with it
I wonder why many unfortunate 
ladies do this?
They assume nobody can have them 
if they told the truth, so 
they package themselves as walking 
lies and expect the one who fell for 
their ruse to remain foolish or act 
honourable when they are found out.
Many men also do this...
Lie in order to convince a woman to 
marry them and then expect the woman 
they deceived to deal with it! 
The prophet fainted for the first time 
three months after his wedding
His hair was all white and his ministry 
was shrinking
He had become overwhelmed by the 
fraud that was planted in his life
They went to the hospital for a series 
of tests
The wife kept claiming the doctor said 
her womb was too small
She was also dealing with some mental 
health challenges which she didn't 
disclose before the wedding
What was the man of God to do?
God hates divorce
Society will see divorce as a huge fall 
from grace, a sign of irresponsibility
A blight
A but
A failing! 
And yet the marriage was killing him
He couldn't pray
He started developing high blood 
pressure issues and the "Anointing" 
was no longer flowing due to the 
overwhelming cares of this world!
Fellow believers saw that the man of 
God had taken a one chance bus
They prayed for him 
Within a week the deceiver packed 
her bags and left the marriage
She left the same way she walked in
Like a thief in the night
As soon as she was gone, the 
schemers returned claiming the 
man of God cannot remarry
If he decided to remarry, he must 
leave the work of the ministry 
The man of God stood up and said 
"All those who had a hand in my 
previous fraud of a marriage shall 
not live to see the next seven days"
That was all he said
They all ran to the old Prophet 
to report
The prophet called a meeting and 
apologized to the man of God
He also warned 
everybody to keep out of the 
affairs of the man of God if they 
want to live long.

PS: The man of God remarried in 2017
God blessed his home with a set of twins in 2018
His wife is a banker
A quiet and spirit-filled lady
The man of God said "Tell young 
ministers to pay attention" 

GSW's notes: I recently came across another
case like the one above
The stories were similar and the 
circumstances similar
I was asked for my opinion
I did what I know to be right
A marriage based on deceit is 
null and void
If you tell the truth and you are accepted
you have done the honorable thing
But to execute a deception and 
believe the doctrine of the church or
religion will uphold your deceit because
it led to a vow is to be delusional
Your partner has a right to the whole
truth, anything short of that renders
your union a sham.