A question of Identity

A question of Identity

The sinner was once darkness 
but upon hearing the gospel and 
believing he got translated out 
of darkness into God’s marvelous 
He or she  also became light 
Though once darkness dwelling in 
darkness, in Christ he became light 
dwelling in the light 
His identity and position changed
Now in Christ, he might do some 
wrong things due to his level of 
growth and the out working of 
his new reality! 
If he got filled with the Holy Spirit 
immediately and was nurtured by 
the right gospel, he will overcome 
the carnal man quickly and make 
only a few mistakes due to the
flesh but if he got born again and 
was put in a religious gathering with t
he “performance” gospel, he will 
remain a Neppios (unskilled and 
immature) believer for a very long 
If he or she was made to wait for 
the Holy Spirit to fall from heaven 
for many months, things get a
little complicated. 
He or she doesn’t get to exercise his 
faith and remains locked in the flesh 
while his new nature is purely spiritual 
Praying in tongues helps us grow 
quickly because it is a mind bypass 
process which enables our bodies to 
\acknowledge and engage the Holy 
Spirit directly. 
The more a believer engages the 
Holy Spirit, the more he or she change 
in mindset, perception and language 
Jesus said the Holy Spirit Is the one 
who will teach, guide and lead believers 
into our new reality and lifestyle in the
His Kingdom (John 14,15 and 16)
Denominations tried to substitute Human 
moral ideologies and philosophy for the 
Holy Spirit (because they don’t know how 
to impart Him on believers and trust 
Him to develop believers) with Bible 
studies and human teachers. 
All that does was create hypocrites 
because humans were not meant to 
do the duty of the Holy Spirit in training 
the new believers. 
There is a role for human teachers and 
a role for supernatural teachers (The Holy 
Spirit and Angels) in the church. 
Apostle Paul was taught by the Holy Spirit, 
he wrote this plainly in the Galatians. 
He said all the time he spent with Peter 
was two weeks! 
When you read his writings, you will 
see the depth to which the Holy Spirit 
can take one to if He is allowed to do 
his work in us. 
Human leaders end up teaching doctrine 
and slanted gospels that legalize hypocrisy 
and keep the believer loyal and committed 
to the payment of his tithes and offering 
and also sowing seed. 
I remember the day I got ordained as a 
Deacon. We finished the ordination and 
some of us needed to use the ATM, 
so we queued up at a bank 
Suddenly a fight broke out. 
Somebody came to beg the first person 
on the queue to allow him withdraw 
some money because he had an 
The person obliged
The next person insisted he must go 
and queue at the back because he 
had given his space to someone 
who was not on the queue, he refused. 
They started fighting. 
The ordination tag was still on their 
Their language, thought pattern and 
orientation was very carnal and the
others on the queue didn’t do any 
Even pastors on the queue took sides 
depending on how they perceived 
the gesture of the man who gave 
someone who was not on the queue 
the space to withdraw some money. 
Eventually it was settled, everybody 
got to collect some money and yet
neither of them or their supporters 
parted as friends. 
It was a bitter row, the type that got 
me thinking for days with tears in my 
I am not saying believers don’t have 
disagreements, but there is a way 
disagreement ends that quickly dissipates 
bad blood and bad taste...
Becoming a deacon in that denomination 
meant you had been born again, a 
consistent tithe payer, a house fellowship 
and HOD of department(s)etc 
But it is very consistent with religion, 
to produce actors and pretend as long 
as we are on the flesh we cannot do 
This is why many are afraid of the once 
saved, always saved truth 
They know they are not yet saved, 
even though they had given their lives
to Jesus Christ and are committed to a 
church they are hoping to get saved 
somewhere along the way 
They have given their lives to Christ 
but their lifestyle was still carnal and 
full of secret sins, so they convince 
themselves they will be saved when 
they get it right. 
The moment darkness got translated 
into light, it cannot be untranslated 
Sin has nothing to do with the deed 
and everything to do with identity 
The unbeliever is darkness, no matter 
how much good he does he or she is 
still darkness as long as he or she
did not accept Jesus Christ as Lord 
and saviour 
Good works cannot save anybody 
So here is the problem The “so called” 
born again who is living a carnal life 
and doing all sorts of wrong things. 
We don’t want to believe such is 
going to heaven because that would 
mean encouraging such to go on 
living recklessly 
We want such to believe heaven will 
reject him or her if he doesn’t change 
This places a psychological leash on 
the excesses of such 
We are wrong! 
Such a believer is suffering already 
There is nothing as painful as an eagle 
living as a chicken!
I have seen sin break people in 
pieces many times I have seen pastors 
die untimely deaths and at least a 
spiritually gifted sister die of AIDS 
because of the choices such made 
after becoming a believer. 
It’s like a new born baby who crawled 
into the fire and got badly burnt
We cannot say he or she is not human, 
but he or she will have to live with the 
consequences all the days of his life 
There is a way the word of God gets 
into the reality of the new creature 
if we allow him or her to be led by 
the Holy Spirit as designed by God. 
Religion has made a mockery of this 
The doctrines show this 
You can lose your salvation by sinning 
but you cannot become saved by 
merely being upright or doing good
A very unbalanced weight 
Eternal life is temporary life depending 
on what you do. 
When you refuse to put a slave in 
his place, you create a problem! 
Solomon said it is dangerous to put 
a slave on a throne! 
If he is born again, he is a son and 
you must put him in the palace 
When he gets into the palace and 
realizes who he is, he will shed the 
old nature and grow into his royal 
status very quickly but if you keep him
in a position where he is never sure 
who he is, he will continue to behave 
Good today and bad tomorrow. 
Lacking consistency and unable to 
do better. 
A lady once came to me in tears, 
she said “Why can’t I stop cheating 
on my husband? I try and try all I can
but I cannot! 
She is a believer, a Sunday school teacher 
and yet her struggle with adultery after 
she became born again lasted over 
ten years. 
She said she went for a wedding once 
and to her shock she realized she had 
slept with almost all the men at the 
wedding reception! 
I told her the gospel and she began to 
live it. 
Believing she is a citizen of Zion and
irrevocably saved
Believing she is born of God and can
only do the things she sees God do
Confessing who she is daily “I am 
the righteousness of God in Christ 
Jesus, I have the life of God in me! 
I and my Father are one! 
Greater is he that is in me than he 
that is in the world!  etc” 
She took it as a joke at the beginning 
but within a year she was a totally 
new person
She didn't even know how she stopped
cheating on her husband
She just stopped
She even forgot what her past used to 
be like 
The last time we talked about how 
she was, I noticed she became 
uncomfortable when i referred to
how she was and how she had changed
She almost didn't believe I was
talking to her about her own past
Because by the word of her mouth 
through her daily confession and
affirmation of who she had become
she had stopped seeing herself that 
Old things had really passed away 
and  all things are become new! 
Assert your reality today!