
She didn't understand the gospel 
To her the gospel was a code of conduct for those who want to make heaven
It was meant to provide security
Stop thieves from stealing
Stop fornication and adultery
Stop sin in its tracks!
The gospel was supposed to be the hammer used to drill the fear of God into people 
Using the Law as a I3 Inches nail
The devastating effect of both will sanitize the society 
That was the gospel she grew up with
The soul that sinneth shall die!
God does not hear the prayer of sinners
God cannot behold iniquity
Be thou Holy as God is Holy
All sinners shall die and roast in hell fire
A day of judgement is coming, everyone shall give an account of his or her works
That was what the world needed to hear in her opinion!
The anger of a HOLY God!
People need fear to stop themselves Fromm doing evil
Fear is the deterrent
Judgement is the key
That was what it means to be a Christian
Fear God and obey the law!
But her husband would have none of that 
Her husband insisted that was not Christianity 
That was not the gospel 
The gospel offered a higher life 
Not a life of sin management or sin limitation 
Sin was no longer a factor in the reality of the new creation
It is impossible for the new creation to sin
Jesus had conquered sin and death by dying on the cross
He had even locked the gates of hell and death and kept the key 
The new creation was never under the law
The law was given strictly to the Jews
The gentiles were never under the law
Therefore the law does not apply to them!
Jesus did not preach the gospel to the gentiles
The one to whom he committed that ministry was Apostle Paul according to the book of Acts
When we consider the gospel therefore, we listen to Apostle Paul 
It was to him that the vision was committed!
Apostle Peter was the first to be given that mandate in Acts 10! He saw a vision and he saw the Holy Spirit fall upon the household of Cornelius while he was still talking to the people about Jesus!
But he was too much of a Jew to give the gospel the necessary objectivity required!
Apostle Paul was drafted in by Jesus himself in Acts 9, he was instructed was the gentiles must do to be saved!
So while Jesus preached "Repent and be baptized", Apostle Paul Preached "Believe in death and resurrection of Jesus and confess this belief with your mouth and you shall be saved!
But today's preachers do not divide the word rightly
They jumbled everything together
Even though it was clearly stated in the Bible to whom a message was directed!
She was very uncomfortable with this "gospel"
She kept hearing "Sin is allowed" and it offended her greatly
In her reasoning, such teachings encourage slackness towards righteousness
She told him as much
But human opinion has always been the bane of the true gospel
The gospel is a mystery
Mysteries are defined as something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.
You cannot can the gospel! 
You cannot "common sense it"
The gospel has angels working with it when it is rightly preached 
Remember Cornelius? It was an angel that appeared to him and told him to send for Peter who would explain the gospel to him
That angel was one of the guarding angels of the gospel! 
When an adulterated version of the gospel is preached there might be mental assent, applause and intellectual conviction but the same people will continue in their sinful ways as soon as they left the church!
Anyone who hears to the gospel in its simplistic form and encounters the spirit of the gospel is automatically empowered to live above sin and the law
The world has been preaching sin, law, fear, consequence, hell, death and "deliverance" from demons for centuries!
Crime increased and so did lawlessness!
But his wife would have none of it!
For them it was not an intellectual disagreement 
It was quite emotional for his wife
She wanted her husband to "Fear God" and not sleep around
For her that was the ultimate reason for the argument 
Her husband knows this!
For the silence her peace of mind, he could have conceded she was right and bought some peace for himself
But he knows the danger of pandering to emotion in the name of not offending people especially when it comes to the gospel!
The gospel is set at a particular frequency of the spirit 
It's location is far above principality and powers
But any other versions of the gospel are set at levels far below this reality
That is why many believers are living a life for below the legacy of Christ!
When you see believers who are attacked in their own spiritual space by demonic powers, when you see believers who are sick, clueless and powerless, when you see believers who are casual and apathetic to the cause of Christ, when you see believers whose hypocrisy beats that of the Pharisees, know that the gospel of common sense was what such encountered!
One day, he was seating at home with his wife
They were watching America's Got Talent and having a great family time
There was a knock on the door
He opened the door and saw the operatives of the Economic and Financial Frauds Commission 
He wondered what they were looking for 
They showed him their identity cards and asked to see his wife 
He was shocked!
Madam law and order seemed edgy
The EFCC operatives asked her some questions and eventually took her to their office
Her brother, a pastor with another mission
Had been stealing church money and depositing it in her account
She In turn kept the money for some days and then transferred it to some other people whom her brother claimed were helping him to build a house!
They had done this for about two years before the law caught up with them!
Her brother, the commander in chief of the gospel of law had to settle for a plea deal to escape the wrath of law!
Still she made excuses!
Of course she knew her brother wasn't be earning that kind of money she was laundering for him legally but she turned a blind eye because "blood is thicker than gospel"
If it was somebody else, they would be the first to cast the proverbial stone but their gospel was like a catapult always hurling the stone at others!
He supported her through it!
Ironically she still didn't see what her gospel did to her and her brother!
To her, it was an enemy who targeted her brother out of envy!
Her argument was so silly
But she couldn’t see it
Anyone who understood the gospel would
Not be so self absorbed and dark hearted
The fact that she had been in the church all her life and yet couldn’t see the difference between playing church and being born from above was shocking to him
He was also a minister of the gospel
The ironic thing was, he came into the gospel because of her!
He loved her and wanted to marry her
She told him she will never marry an unbeliever
So he went to church and became a believer
But he doesn’t do anything halfway
He took the Bible and started reading it for himself
He didn’t allow any preacher to doctor his thought
He read the word until the word came alive in him
He received the gift of the Holy Spirit right in his room on a Saturday evening
Nobody laid hands on him
He started winning souls and sharing the gospel right afterwards
It was the most natural thing for him to do
He walked in mighty miracles, signs and wonders
He had angelic visitations and got clear cut instructions from the Holy Spirit
His wife never ever moved beyond the “I am a born again and this is what I believe level”
Whenever he challenged her on it
She would say “You have a calling and God gave you an anointing for the calling! Or Apostle Paul said Do all Prophesy? Do all speak in tongues? Meaning not everybody did!
I have given my life to Jesus and I am living right according to the law! I will make heaven and that is the goal!”
He didn’t know why he couldn’t reach her!
But he continued to pray for her
Then she fell ill
It was sudden and unexpected 
The doctors diagnosed it as leukemia
She became very bitter
God had missed the mark
Nothing was supposed to by any means hurt her
She started the chemotherapeutic treatment 
She didn’t improve
After three months she lashed out to her husband 
“You heal others but you cannot heal your own wife, shame on you! I am dying and you go about acting like you are anointed! Shame on you! If you are anointed, prove it! Heal your own wife!!!”
He cried that day!
The next day, he heard his wife praying “Father, forgive my sins, don’t allow me to die like this, come down and touch me! Have mercy upon me!”
He went to meet his wife
He said “Just say after me! I am like Christ! I am not a sinner! I am the product of revelation! I am from above and I refuse to be sick!”
She said it several times!
Then he told her to stand up on her feet and walk through the pain
While she was doing this he prayed in the spirit
The gospel became real to his wife that day
She was not only healed, she was made whole!
Within a week she was out of the hospital
Right believing created in her the right mindset, the right mindset produced the right result!
You cannot be in Zion and be sick but you can be sick if all you are doing is marching to Zion!
Citizens have rights
Those trying to be citizens are aliens and have no rights 
The gospel conferred on us the citizenship of heaven
Believe it and live like it 
Stop trying to earn your way to heaven!
Ps: The encounter is happening tonight
We are in Delta State already
As I flew in, I looked at the clouds
They were beautiful
I was just admiring them and praising God
Then the Holy Spirit said to me
”They all belong to you, they are yours!”
Do you understand?
Our dominion is not just over the land
God gave us the whole earth!
God gave us the everything!
Stop mopping, slacking and complaining
Walk into your inheritance and own it
We own everything and we must occupy Until He comes!