

He left home at 6 AM 
He had to be at Iyana Ipaja before 8 AM 
A pastor called him the previous evening 
The pastor says "I have a package for 
you from America, I came home for the 
Congress and it is Important you 
come and pick it up 
The pastor sent the address 
The appointment was set
As he drove through Ikeja 
He prayed in the spirit as he 
listened to "Breathe" via Bluetooth 
His spirit was revving 
The Holy Spirit filled the air 
Guided by google maps
He got on the Lagos-Abeokuta 
Straight to Iyana-Ipaja 
He crossed into Alimosho 
Grrrrrr!!! His steering swerved 
It was a noise from one of his tyre
He slowed down
The rear tyre on the passenger side 
had expired 
It was torn to shreds 
He parked right opposite a nursery 
and primary school 
He had made good time 
It was 6:30 AM 
All he had to do was change the tyre 
and be on his way 
He brought down the extra-tyre 
It was flat! 
He took a bike 
He needed some cash 
The bike took him to a bank 
He got some cash 
He returned to his car 
He couldn't risk leaving his car there 
The local government folks would 
tow his car and make him jump through 
'some hoops to get it 
The LAWMA cleaners arrived by 7 AM 
He waited!
Oddly, the vulcanizer whose shop was
just a minute away from him didn't
show up on time 
He wondered why 
The security guy of the school opposite 
the RCCG church where he parked
his car offered to help 
They got at it but the security guard 
couldn't help with the flat extra tyre
He needed a vulcanizer 
He waited till 8 AM 
Vulcanizer was still missing 
He grew impatient 
Another young man offered to help 
He told the young man he needed 
the vulcanizer 
The boy picked his phone and
called the vulcanizer 
After a few minutes 
The young man said "He is sick sir"
Where is he? 
He asked the young man 
The young man pointed to a
building down the road! 
"Can I see him?" 
He asked the young man 
The young man shrugged and
started walking towards the house 
He followed the young man 
When they got to the Vulcanizer's house 
They met a dark mood!
There was a man with him 
An elderly man 
He said the vulcanizer was bitten by 
a snake while he was returning from
a party the previous evening 
He had been taken to six hospitals 
None had the necessary snake 
His leg was swollen and the bite spot 
was obvious 
He might die!
The local juju man insisted he 
must know the snake that bit him 
before helping out 
His heartbeat was fainting 
He didn't know how or where he 
was bitten 
He remembered falling into a pit close 
to a swamp when he was returning 
home and feeling a sting 
He didn't think much of it at the time
The young man told the vulcanizer he 
brought a customer home to see him 
The vulcanizer's wife said 
"Can't you see what is going on? 
Which work?" 
He ignored the vulcanizer's wife and 
the young man 
He went to the vulcanizer 
"Sir, my name is So and so 
Can I pray for you?" 
The vulcanizer and his family are 
It was very obvious 
The vulcanizer looked at the elderly man 
The elderly man said
 "We don't know if it is a snake or 
a shrew that bit him, 
we have to be sure to be able to help him" 
He looked at the vulcanizer again! 
and asked with urgency in his voice
"Can I pray for you?"
The vulcanizer nodded! 
He laid his hands on the swollen leg 
and bite spot! 
The leg was hanging downward
as the young man laid on the sofa
He was silent at first 
Humming in his mind 
"Just breathe your name upon me, 
Then he gained traction 
He started praying in tongues silently '
After about five minutes 
He said "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"In Jesus name, I command this poison 
to be totally neutralized! 
I command the bite spot to heal 
I command the swollen spots to be 
fully restored 
I declare that the channels of your 
body open to angelic ministration! 
You are healed now" 
Then he told the vulcanizer to move 
the leg
The vulcanizer tried
He asked the vulcanizer if the pain was 
increasing or decreasing 
The vulcanizer said the pain was 
He asked The vulcanizer how fast 
was the pain going down?
The Vulcanizer said he was feeling some 
sensations like tingling and warmth 
on his leg
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
prayed again
This time giving thanks to God
for the full restoration of the vulcanizer's
legs and health generally
His hand stayed on Thevulcanizer's body
even when he was asking him questions
This he has discovered was very
He does not touch the body briefly
Once le laid his hands on a sick body
He leaves his hands on the person for
a long time
Sometimes until the person has fully
Then he pulled the vulcanizer up! 
He said "The name of Jesus makes 
you whole" 
The vulcanizer's countenance has 
lifted and life had come back into 
his body
It happened gradually while they
were praying
He had come to recognize this sign
The vulcanizer got on his feet 
He felt no pain 
He could walk 
Goose pimples broke out in the house 
Everybody felt it! 
It was as if an atomic bomb exploded 
in the spirit! 
There was this "Moment" that happened
Nobody spoke 
Like the silence the presence of an 
angel commands
The vulcanizer followed him immediately 
to his car 
The tyres were fixed within 20 minutes 
The vulcanizer says he wasn't going to 
collect a dime 
He told the vulcanizer that would 
not be gospel 
The gospel demands that your healing 
is free and that I must not take advantage 
of you!
The vulcanizer fixed two tyres in all! 
He paid the vulcanizer and added the 
money for breakfast 
The vulcanizer was wowed! 
He asked the vulcanizer if he would like 
to give his life to Jesus 
The vulcanizer said yes! 
The vulcanizer said he wasn't religious 
though he was born into a religious 
They prayed together 
The vulcanizer became Christ!
The vulcanizer said "I've never met any 
Christian like you before 
He said "You will be another like me! 
The spirit of Jesus produces Christkind!"
He prayed with Thevulcanizer again inside 
his car 
The vulcanizer was filled with the Holy Spirit 
The vulcanizer wanted to know his church 
The vulcanizer assumed he was a pastor 
He told the vulcanizer he is a Christian 
He doesn't shepherd a church 
Thevulcanizerwas shocked 
He told the vulcanizer to attend a 
Pentecostal church closeby 
They exchanged phone numbers 
The vulcanizer cried for joy 
He drove off to Abesan Estate afterward 
He got there just in time 
He got the parcel
On his way home 
He ran out of fuel 
He prayed "Father, please I need 
money to buy fuel 
The tyres he bought had his bank 
account screaming for help 
He got to Total 
He saw a text 
One of his brothers sent him 
some money 
This event happened today! 
10th December 2019
Jesus is so real! Hallelujah!

GSW's notes: I believe everything that 
happened was divinely arranged by the 
Holy Spirit!
At first, it felt like the making of one of 
those days but as the day progressed
it became obvious the Holy Spirit had
Just as it was in Zaccheus's case
Salvation located the vulcanizer!