Beholding New Realities

Beholding New Realities

Are they not all ministering spirits sent to minister to those who will inherit salvation

You are not supposed to do most of the work you do as a minister of the gospel by yourself

You do too much when those who are supposed to minister with and for you are not empowered or encouraged to do so because of your myopic understanding of scriptures

God never gave angels a place next to him, he gave Jesus a place next to him and the angels then serve Jesus

Because you and I are seated with Jesus in heavenly places, the angels then serve believers by extension

When the declaration was made in Revelations 5 that the saints shall rule and reign on earth, it empowered believers to activate the ministry of angels in their lives

In Revelations 19:10

10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

When an angel of the Lord appears to you, you will know he is an angel of God because it will feel as if you have met God himself

When Moses had the burning bush encounter he actually met with an angel (Exodus 3, Acts 7)

The angel told him to take off his shoe for where he was standing on Holy ground

The discussion then had felt to Moses as he were talking to God directly until later when he realized he had met with an angel

Then he began to ask to see God Himself

Angels have a two fold ministry to the saint (s) they come to serve as ministering spirits for God with you and they also serve as siblings or brothers to the saints (to comfort, to minister to and to bear them up)

When angels begin to operate and function in one’s life everything becomes easy

Moses performed a lot of miracles but on the day they had to leave Egypt a miracle was not enough, an angel had to come and the visitation of the angel changed everything

The next day Israel was free

For Jacob to become Israel, an angel had to appear

The angel didn’t just battle with his carnal nature

The angel blessed him and went before him after naming him Israel

In the strength of this Angel he met his brother Esau and his brother couldn’t hurt him

When Peter was imprisoned it was an angel that appeared to him to minister to him and set him free from prison

When Jesus resurrected angels came to minister to him and they also came to roll away the sealed tombstone so that the believers can gain access to the tomb and see the empty tomb and the Lord Jesus

Many believers are quick to see demonic spirit and recognize demonic spirits within the church or among the saints or operative in the Ife of the saints than angelic spirits

Why is this?

Many saints are conditioned by fear and the flesh to see darkness and things that do not belong in Zion

Matthew 26:53 

Believers can ask for help and support from Zion by positioning themselves for angelic partnership and visitation 

Genesis 18

Many believers have no expectation

Abraham sat at the door, expectant of divine visitation 

Lot sat at the city gate expecting divine visitation 

Many believers are ignorant of the devices of God that have been given to help them in their walk with God

The language of the spirit is not in sound

When you meet an angel or the Lord you will hear him and see him but you won’t see the lips moving and yet you can hear words 

Sometimes you will just see what to do and you will then do it in obedience 

Words are not needed but the spirit imparts divine communication to your spirit

The same with everything you see In Heaven, everything in heaven is alive and animated and therefore nothing is dead or static

Angels keep believers in all their ways and prevent them from dashing their feet against a stone

So believers ought not to lose anything or befriend anyone that would rob or cheat them etcetera 

When the devil tempted Jesus, the third temptation was against the ministry of angels 

He told Jesus to jump down because angels were meant to keep him but Jesus didn’t fall for it

Jesus knew angels were with him, at his beck and call and he knew he didn’t have to be goaded into activating them

After the temptation you remember that angels came to minister to Jesus

They were always at his beck and call anyway just as they are at your beck and call

Always remember that without desire there is no sight 

Nobody told Mary Magdalene that the person she was looking at in the tomb was a gardener

She assumed and her assumption gained flesh which then covered her eyes from seeing the Lord

Until the Lord corrected her “belief” or “thought” or “mindset”, she was seeing the Lord but interpreting what she was seeing as someone else!

If you desire to see and partake of the good of the land, that is what you must train your mind to see

Not listening to news of murder, accident, kidnappings, rituals, embezzlements, diseases and sicknesses, afflictions, plagues and wars and all sorts of lust and nudity and carnal sights etcetera but desiring to see heavenly things

The two does not go hand in hand

Many Christian churches see and talk about all sorts of demons and works of darkness

They share examples of the afflicted and the abandoned, the victimized and the destroyed destinies

With this they fuel their fear of the world, Satan and his agents but they cannot build faith with this, they build vain imaginations in the heart of their members and the morbid thoughts and conversations then turn to afflictions and evil testimonies

These churches are the ones conducting deliverance services more than others in this world 

Demons practically live within their four walls because they are fixated on them

Many people will go to the church with a small problem but return home with bigger ones based on what they hear and see

If you belong to the light why are you seeing darkness and the hordes of hell all the time?

You see what you train your mind to see?

You see what you desire to see!

Hebrews 12; 22 But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, 23 to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.


If you have come to zion, why are you not seeing the wonders of Zion?

Why are you seeing spirit husband, witches, wizards, masquerades, gnomes, wraiths, demons and attacks?

There is no war in Zion, why are you seeing war?

It is like being in Nigeria and seeing yourself in Gaza or Ukraine

One must ask if you need mental examination or if you are delusional

You cannot be in Zion and perpetually see evil and all sorts of works of darkness.

Train your mind to see right

The number of angels in this world and heaven are according to the Bible 2/3 more than the number of fallen angels which is 1/3

Why you are seeing and believing and fearful of the 1/3 while never seeing even one of the 2/3 is a mystery that tells the story of the state of your heart.

Fear is a veil that does not allow you to see God

The scriptures say without FAITH is is impossible to please God

Abraham believed God long before he saw God

Samuel believed God long before he saw God

You must believe and then you must speak out that which you believe convincingly

Only then will you begin to see

You believed with your heart and then you confessed Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour before you became born again

Again, you believed in your heart that the Holy Spirit is real, then you asked for Him to fill you before you started speaking in tongues

You believed in your heart that these signs must follow those that believe, then you began to lay your hand on the sick to activate the signs

You have believed in your heart several times that nothing is impossible for God to do and you have testified several times to the miraculous power of God

The only thing you did wrong was that you acknowledged the power of darkness and then you started talking about them in your prayer and thereby empowered them to be real in your imagination

You have gained knowledge of something that is absolutely nothing.

Apostle Paul said “We know that idols are nothing”

I know that idols are nothing

I know that demons are nothing

I know that witches and works of darkness are nothing

To the unbeliever they are something but to the one who dwells in Zion, they are nothing!

This is where most believed stumble

This is where many pastors and deliverance ministry people miss the mark

They are supposed to lead the victims of these evils out of darkness into the light once and for all by leading them to Christ and filling them with the Holy Spirit

If they do this and their members grow in the word they will no longer be afflicted by any demonic power

But they keep these people in ignorance so that they can be conducting weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly deliverance on them

Imagine the irony of conducting deliverance on someone who is full of the Holy Spirit

What are you casting out of someone who belongs to the light?

Ignorance is the greatest darkness in the church today

We declare that the Light of the Holy Spirit is illuminating hearts even now.

Don’t be a victim of your own mindset and ungodly thoughts

You are of God!

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

See the greater one in you and manifest Him daily




PS: This was orinially written for the students of PSSBC school 19 ( but the Holy Spirit convinced me to share this on this platform

I know one or two of my readers who are hungry for the next level of their walk and reality in Christ will find illumination in it

You can survive on milk and arguing about "once saved always saved" for only a while, at a point you must leave the elementary things behind and grow on to maturity

To those who understood it, welcome to the Greater Light in Christ.