Guard Your Ears

Guard Your Ears

Guard Your Ears

Sometimes people come telling you stuff 
about a person but because you love that 
person you refused to accept whatever it 
was they were saying at that moment..
What you did not know was that by opening 
your ears to hear those unwholesome things, 
a seed was already sown in your heart 
against that person..
Even though in that moment, you did not agree 
with what you were told, by opening your heart 
to listen to those words, in that same moment, 
your heart posture shifted...
Gradually your tender heart started becoming cold. 
Gradually the way you view the individual began to 
be affected... 
You began to despise them very subtly... 
You began to doubt their personality... 
A distance in the heart was created..
It all began from those words you listened to...
You meditated on those words and they remained 
somewhere inside sleeping quietly in your heart
As time went on you discovered your heart no 
longer connects with that individual like you used to. 
You tried to maintain a mechanical outward connection 
but you knew deep down that you no longer flow...
You gradually began to believe the things you 
were told. ... 
The seed is growing jealously guard what crosses 
through your ears. Refuse to hear what you don't 
want to hear.... 
Do not say, "nobody can affect my thinking. 
Nobody can control how I feel about anyone"...
Only one who has switched into the mind of Christ 
can actually escape this snare. 
Many are offended not because you wronged 
them peesonally but because someone belittled 
you before them...
If you open up to the wrong words, it will 
colour your view.
Refuse to be told what you know could colour 
your perceptions about an innocent individual...
How you guard you heart is by guarding your gates... 
Do not allow certain things get in...
What you give your ears to is like food.....
 It goes straight into your thoughts.....
Hence that space is very sacred and must be 
treated as such...
Give no room for the devil

Punishment vs. Chastisement

Question: Does God PUNISH His Children?
Ans: NO.
Question: Does God CHASTISE His Children?
Ans: YES.
Because of Jesus Sacrifice, No believer will be 
PUNISHED by God ever again! (Romans 8:1, Heb 10:22)
But Because God is now your Father, you will be 
CHASTISED for necessary growth.
In fact, any acclaimed believer that is not chastised 
by God, is scripturally referred to as a BASTARD.
'... But if ye be without chastisement, 
whereof ALL are partakers, THEN ARE YE BASTARDS,
 and not sons...' (Hebrews 12:8).
The only thing now is for us to know the 
difference between PUNISHMENT and CHASTISEMENT; 
punishment is what a man faces for the OFFENCES 
he committed.
Chastisement in Biblical context for believers is 
what believers face in order to be fit for the Master's use .
'...If a man therefore PURGE himself from these, 
he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and 
MEET FOR THE MASTER'S USE, and prepared unto 
every good work...' (2Tim 2:21)
Punishment is a Consequence for what you did. 
Chastisement is an Exercise you undergo so has 
to avoid unpleasant Consequences in your Future.
If you tell your 10year old son to do 20 press-up, 
because he broke the plate in the kitchen, that is 
Punishment. But if you take your 10year old son 
to the gym every morning to do 20 press-ups in 
order to keep fit, that is Chastisement.
Can you spot the difference? 
The call to the Faith of Christ is not a call to 
Laxity and Laziness.
 It is not a call to Yielding to the Lust Of The Flesh. 
But the Human Body naturally loves to yield to 
the 'FLESH'!
This is where CHASTISEMENT comes in.
The Bible admonishes all of us to:
'...EXERCISE thyself rather unto GODLINESS...' 
(1 Timothy 4:7)
Just as to keep fit in life requires Exercise
To keep fit in the Spirit too requires Exercise.
Punishment is Stressful, but Chastisement is 
' chastening for the present seemeth to 
be joyous...' (Heb 12:11)
Punishment comes along with Hardship.
Chastisement comes along with Hardness.
'...Thou therefore ENDURE HARDNESS...' 
(2 Tim 2:3)
Punishment takes the form of a condemned
 Prisoner , Chastisement takes the form of a 
faithful Soldier.
'...Thou therefore endure a GOOD 
SOLDIER of Jesus Christ...' (2Tim 2:3)
Punishment is out of the ANGER of the PUNISHER. 
While CHASTISEMENT is out of the GOODWILL of 
the FATHER .
'...For whom the Lord LOVETH he chasteneth...' 
(Heb 12:6)
Punishment is so as to make you RIGHTEOUS
Chastisement is so as to bring out the FRUIT of the
 RIGHTEOUSNESS you already have.
'...Now no chastening for the present seemeth 
to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless 
of righteousness unto them which are 
EXERCISED thereby...' (Heb 12:11)
Can you now spot the difference?
In Conclusion: No believer in Jesus will 
face the PUNISHMENT of God.
'...For God chose to SAVE us through our 
Lord Jesus Christ, NOT TO POUR OUT HIS 
ANGER ON US...' (1Thess 5:9 NLT)
But ALL true believers will be CHASTISED by God. 
If you are not experiencing significant spiritual 
growth in your Christian walk, you need to check 
yourself if truly you are a BELIEVER!
'...Examine yourselves, WHETHER YE BE IN THE
 FAITH, prove your own selves...' (2Corinthians 13:5)
It is either you are IN the FAITH, or you are being 
deceived to THINK you are in the faith.
Being in the FAITH is provable, and one such 
proofs is in how much you are 'enduring the 
chastening of the Father'.
'...If ye ENDURE CHASTENING, God dealeth with
 you as with sons; for WHAT SON is he whom the
 father chasteneth not?...' (Hebrews 12:7)
Chastisement can include:
-choosing to stop visiting that friend that always 
lure you into fornication.
'...abstain from all appearance of evil. 
(1 Thessalonians 5:22)
-deciding not to eat in the morning except you 
have studied the word and prayed for at least 
30 minutes!
'...I have ESTEEMED the words of his mouth 
MORE THAN my necessary food...' (Job 23:12)
Choosing to fast (to a time your health can take) 
at least once every week in order to suppress 
your body and boost your spiritual sensitivity 
by the atmosphere of prayer it brings.
Choosing to consciously avoid pornographic 
'...I made a covenant with MINE EYES; why 
then should I think upon a maid?' (Job 31:1)
The baseline here is MAKE SURE YOU ARE GROWING 
spiritually. Avoid the PUNISHMENT that comes by 
earthly consequences to our stupid decisions. 
Rather embrace the CHASTISEMENT that produces 
the 'peaceable fruit of righteousness'.
Make sure you are saying NO to temptations.
It does not mean you will be perfect, but it sure 
means you don't STAY Defeated. 
Make sure you are growing.
You must Never think to WORK FOR your salvation. 
That is ERROR!
However you MUST ensure you are WORKING OUT 
your salvation for men to see and GLORIFY YOUR 
There are rewards to receive as believers:
'...I DISCIPLINE my body like an athlete,
 training it to do what it should. Otherwise,
 I fear that after preaching to others I myself 
might be DISQUALIFIED...' (1cor 9:27)
Rewards are Awards for Stewards. Be a 
faithful steward.
You can't lose salvation, but you can lose your 
Therefore do not be a believer that avoids 
As time goes by, you will thank God you yielded 
to His Chastisement.
 For only a LOVING Father chastises His Sons.

Remain faithfully under Grace.