Be Grounded
I have heard, seen and had encounters so vivid,
but were contrary to the form of sound words I
have heard and learnt, they were all trashed
and never mentioned, or given any thought.
Telling those tales would have passed me off
as being very spiritual, but I would have also
given room to deceptions, delusions and
consequently, experiences that I have
successfully forbidden, resisted and
disavowed for years.
Some things can never happen to me,
and to those in my sphere of influence.
Good things happen to people connected to me.
Life happens well through favourable circumstances.
I dwell in lights that no darkness can comprehend,
my folks cannot tell you any tale of demonic or
satanic oppression.
The truth they continue to hear affirms and
enforces their liberty and dominion over
devils and demons.
They are taught and trained to resist the devil,
and stay within the protective walls of scriptural
Truth, is our shield and buckler, the word has
given us rest, and there is no evil of current.
1Kings 5:4:
"But now the LORD my God hath given me
rest on every side, so that there is neither
adversary nor evil occurrent."
Psalm 91:4:
"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and
under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth
shall be thy shield and buckler."
Sensationalism and the spectacular drives
every deceptuon, and delusion.
That's the bait the deciever uses to lure the
It is why many spin masters pretend to be
who, and what they are not.
God forbid we check out stories and testimonies,
if they add up, even when slips, and gaffes,
appear in the script of the deciever, we would
rather invoke "walking in love," "judge not,"
and other such scriptural and spiritual proviso
as a latitude to the deciever.
Lies can only thrive for as long as we chose to
believe them.
Simply turn on the light on them, and boom,
they unravel and go bust.
Liars get more and more emboldened because
we fail to reprove and even investigate claims
and testimonies.
Believing everything and everyone as it relates
to miracles, manifestations and demonstrations
will in the long term hurt your believing and
make you doubt miracles, sign and wonders
when the chips are down.
Prove if the claims are so!
Don't allow your believing make you gullible.
Listen to your Spirit man, and never allow
anything overide your inner wintness,
not even a validation by people you know
and trust, they could and can be wrong about
people and stuffs.
Don't ever allow your spirituall capacity and
capabilities to become eclipsed by that of
others that may appear stronger and bigger.
Keep working and walking on those paths and
part that you are seeing results in/with, grow
in it, grow in your understanding and
expression of it.
It is in you already.
Overiding your inner witness is actually
walking in disobedience, away from what's
right to that which seemeth good.
Soundness of heart and soundness of mind
must never be compromised when dealing
with spirituals.
As Papa Hagin would say, "if it runs you the
wrong way, it ain't right, and ain't going to be
right later"
Wondering and amazement, isn't the same
thing with doubting the authenticity of ministries
people put forth as manifestations and
demonstrations of the Spirit.
A common rule is the profit rule.
What is the profit and who is profiting from this?
If the answer is no, it ain't the move of the Spirit.
Whatever doesn't sit well with you, no matter
how spectacular, or who is involved, shouldn't
be received or entertained.
Your inner witness is always 100% right, always!
We aren't engaging at any level of our spiritual
and faith walk for victory, we have the victory
We engage to manifest and give full, complete
and total expression to our victory.
Truth comes with power to save.
Lies come with very strong delusions.
When you refuse and reject the truth, you
have signed up for lies, and will become
full of delusions.
Why do you think people keep flocking to
false prophets, despite their scams being
exposed with video evidence?
Strong delusion!
A prophetic culture void of scrutiny lures us
into a world where we are simply participating
in someone's ambition and illusions.
So often we rally behind "The Lord told me..."
only to learn that it was nothing but personal
Prophetic evaluation is not a sign of doubt it is a
sign of maturity that insulates the saints against
spiritual manipulation in the name of prophetic
1 Corinthians 14:29
Let two or three people prophesy, and let the
others evaluate what is said.
Many years ago I stood in for the worship leader
who was running late. An intercessor who claimed
to be prophetic told me how God is going to
cause an explosion in my music ministry.
I had no music ministry,I was just standing in
for someone.
The problem, when we judge after the flesh
good or bad we prophesy to the default position
of someone and not necessarily to their
dominant grace/calling.
This was the mistake Samuel made when he
entered the house of Jesse.
The spirit immediately said to him
"Man speak to the outward appearance not God".
Many of us tend to read what is happening externally
and try to give a prophetic picture for things that
are insignificant and short lived.
- Brandon Bailey
The desire to know God translates naturally
to spending time in scriptures and in prayers,
never in the pursuits of encounters, and experiences.
Stick with the word at the expense of spirit
encounters, never to spirit encounters at the
expense of the word.
We teach the word, not our experiences and encounters.
The word will birth every experience and encounter
God intends for us to have.
Encounters and experiences must be subject to
scriptures and not vice versa.
When your encounters and experiences begin
to contradict the word, you have switched on
to a wrong channel, turn it off.
It is wise to acknowledge men as gifted, sincere
and good, but never as infallible as far as
experiences and encounters are concerned.
I have seen men that meant well, give wrong word,
prophecy and see false vision because thy were
so pressured to act.
Experiences are great, encounters are wonderful,
but never with any prejudice to the truth is scriptures.
Avoid like plague, any man that seeks to run your
life for you under the guise of any spiritual office,
calling, or gift.
You are always responsible and in charge.
We are helpers of your faith, we don't and shouldn't
dominate your faith life, liberty of choice and free will.
Like Papa Hagin would say, " never act on any
directive or instruction that is Supernaturally
given, if it isn't a confirmation of something God
has spoken to you about already, and they are
speaking for confirmation or exhortation"
There are dreams, visions, and encounters that
you create all by yourself, and for your self.
Do not confuse them for the one God gives.
Jeremiah 29:8:
"8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel;
Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in
the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to
your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed."
Don't pressure yourself into seeing visions and
having spirit encounters, that's giving room and
place to satan to deceive you.
Just as those who want to be rich fall into hurtful
lusts and temptations, so also those who want to
see spirits, and have spirit encounters will fall
into satan's deception and delusions.
Lies can be heard, felt, seen, and encountered.
That's it is paranormal doesn't mean it's the truth,
or that it is God.
In over thirty years, the most difficult task
I have undertaken is helping believers to come
out of delusions, and deceptions they have
confused into believing, and accepting as
being of God, most times religious psychosis
often go undetected.
I can't rehash stories here of lives wasted by
delusions, and deceptions that began as
spiritual encounters, angelic visitations and
experiences which violated foundational and
fundamental scriptural truth.
I have noticed that people that believe the lies
about satan become subject to their beliefs
and have every kind of trajedy their delusion
can accommodate.
Those that believe blood sucking demons cause
accidents become more prone to all sorts of
road accidents.
I hate to tell you of teal avoidable tragedies
people bring upon themselves through receiving
and believing lies about satanic / demonic
Keep your mind sound with scriptures.
Refuse and reject any and every information
that arrogates power over your life and
family to the devil, that's the greatest
lie ever told!
When you read occultic nonsense in pursuing
knowledge of the operation of devils and
demons, the lies you read will seep into your
vocabulary and experience.
How come you are the one always encountering
so-called satanic strongmen set over families
and cities every time?
That's the lie you have been feeding on, believed,
and is now experiencing.
Your tales are hair spinning and mind-boggling,
truth is, you are full of baloney.
Now you are exalting your experiences over and
beyond scriptures, you are having more and
more very bizarre experiences, truth is, you
need help to recover and become of sound mind.
I place greater value on men that understand and
flow in the things and gifts of the SPIRIT, than
talebearers of portals, dimensions and all the
We are not seekers of experiences, our walk in
the Spirit and our walk of faith will always birth
supernatural experiences, while we stick
with scriptures.
The believer can never be defeated by the
devil/demons. He can only be deceived!
Stop fighting for victory, and resist every lie
of the devil, to keep yourself from being deceived
and becoming of an unsound mind.
A sound heart and mind, is the best state a
believer must be in.
I will request that preachers avoid that phrase,
"in the spirit realm", it numbs our hearers and
has been unscrupulously used to advanced lies
and unsubstantiated hocus pocus about satan,
demons, and witchcraft.
Austine Oviawe
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