The Beyond
Most of us try to deceive
ourselves into believing that
"spiritual coldness", has always
been about the lack of time!
So, we adduce; If I have time,
I will serve the Lord!
I will pray more.
I will study more.
The "I wills"...
An endless circle of self deceit.
You have the time now.
How much praying and studying
have you done this period?
Most of us still think "
spiritual fervency", to be a
matter of more time or no time!
It is actually a matter of
Other things are chief and
more important in our hearts!
I shudder, any time I ponder
on Jesus' posture to praying!
How much time and energy,
He gave into it!
Next, are His disciples!
They went from not praying
( sleeping when Jesus was praying)
What of Apostle Paul?
God will need to help our
generation of believers
( fellow young believers),
that talk and preach so much
about praying and do so little
of it!
Dear believer, all I have been
trying to say is; we might not
have needed more time to pray,
we may just have needed to set
our priorities aright!
After now, the world will get
Wake up!
No believer can lay hands
on another believer to
'give' anything to that
Every Believer already has
all things that pertain to life
and godliness, and carries
the fulness of God.
(2Peter 1:3, Eph 1:3, Col 2:9-10)
Hence there's nothing you
can give a believer that he
doesn't already have.
However, the diverse workings
of the God-life in different
persons are at different
Impartation therefore, is where
one person technically puts
his hand into the spirit of the
other and activates a particular
working of the spirit to come
into resonance with his own
frequency and sometimes a
higher frequency!
It is bringing out of one's belly,
the same dimension of
expression that is already
working in yours.
It is Resonance!
This could be by Teaching or
by Laying of Hands
So 'Impartation' is not a
'Giving to'...
It is a 'Drawing out of'...
It's all in your Belly!
-Dr Val
"If God sent Coronavirus, I
don't need such God" said
an unbeliever friend of mine
It's really sad to see our
amazing God being
misrepresented by so many
Christian preachers.
"The pandemic will bring
people to repentance"
said a preacher on TV.
Even if it does at what cost?
Soon they will turn away
once everything comes back
to normal.
There is no fear in love; but
perfect love casts out fear,
because fear involves torment.
But he who fears has not been
made perfect in love.
~ 1 John 4:18
True repentance is only
through the goodness of God
not evil of the devil.
Preaching "the Coronavirus is
brought by God to punish
sinners" is Preaching another
Tell me, how many people did
Jesus went around making
If our earthly fathers don't
break our legs to teach us a
lesson, how can we say our
heavenly father sends us
Don't ever forget the power of
the mind and the power
resident in a stable and
focused heart posture.
In all circumstances and at
all times, we must be conscious
of our mind, heart and
spoken words.
Our heart is a gate and a
navigating system for exploring
the realms of glory, for spiritual
intercourse, fellowship and
Our mind is a powerful tool,
function in the order of a
supernatural machine,
we can stretch, bend and twist
it as we desire for a particular
purpose in accordance to and
with the will of our Father.
Our spoken words, in itself
carries living substance, the
know hows to construct
systems and structures in
time and can transport
tangible Immortal realities
from the realms of the
immortals (bosom of Father)
and Forge the edifice we
desire in times.
The heart and the Mind
constructs the mental space,
atmosphere via consciousness,
and constructs a conscious realm
for angelic order of ministrations
and this beings are engage by
our spoken words.
Therefore, Our words must
be those with the signature
of Christ.
Words with the signature of
Christ, are the testimony of
Jesus, (The revelation of the
finished work of Christ.).
Rev 19:10, 2Pet 1:19
Angels are attracted to the
are engaged and deployed to
do the bidings of the saints.
Ps. 103:19-20, 1Pet 1:11-12,
Eph 3:10-11, John 1:50-51,
Hebs 1:14.
Tools for supernatural possibilities.
The Beyond.
Culled from Taiwo Akinyemi's
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