Bitter Pill 2

Bitter Pill 2

After she got married and relocated to 
She kept an eye on the marriage of her 
first love
Not in a peeping tom manner but 
because of the prophecy from her 
pastor and his pastor that nipped the 
bloom of their relationship in the bud
She prayed for him and his home once 
in a while
She really wanted him to do well
They didn't stay in touch
After the prophecy and her text message 
that he should stop coming around, 
he texted her three times
Once on her birthday, the other time 
on Christmas day and the third occasion 
was when she went to sing at a 
church's jamboree festival
He was at the occasion to cheer her on 
but he didn't come around to say hello
He sent her a message congratulating 
her on the success of the ministration
After he got married, she didn't hear a 
word from him
Marriage does that to most old friendships
It changes the dynamics of communication
You don't want to continue certain types 
of communications because it makes no 
sense to continue them
What would he say he wanted to talk to 
her about?
The one thing they had in common was 
love and he had given his heart to another
She sent him a congratulatory message
She wished him and his bride well and 
prayed for them right after she recovered 
from the shock and returned to the 
studio to finish her album
He didn't reply to her message
Not even a "Thank you
but she didn't take offense, as much as 
it hurt her that 
the door of his love had been effectively 
and firmly shut in her face, she bore him 
no ill will
It was God that decided two of his 
children wouldn't find joy with each 
other in His own wisdom and even 
though it was a bitter pill to swallow, 
she swallowed it!
After she got married 
life happened
A pregnancy from the first week of the 
wedding, her husband's return to the 
USA to resume his job, and her 
relocation process
Her husband was an American citizen
It made things quite easy but she still 
had to wait until she delivered her 
baby before everything fell into place
His thought barely crossed her mind
Three years after she got married, she 
got a message on Facebook
It was from him
He said he would have called or sent 
her a WhatsApp message but he had 
lost her phone number
He said he desperately needed to talk 
and went ahead to 
pour out his heart
The crux of the matter was his mother
His mother was a witch
His mother had five children, four of 
them were married and none of them 
had been able to have a child
He was the third child and the first son
He said he had a dream on his wedding 
Right after 
consummating his wedding with his wife
He said he saw his mother harvesting 
his semen from his wife's body right on 
their honeymoon bed
He said the dream was so real
In the dream he was on his knees, in 
tears and powerless to do anything 
while his mother told his wife to open her 
legs and called the seed in her to come 
into the calabash she was holding in 
her hand
He said his wife couldn't resist too
She did as she was told and he saw 
with his eyes his semen pour out of 
her into the calabash
He said once her mother finished 
harvesting, she looked at him 
and said "I have done you no evil. 
You didn't give me my due and I 
came to take it! 
I have pledged all your children to 
the initiates, it is in your sorrowful 
quest to become a parent that my 
ascent to the realm of greater power 
lies. So strive hard and fight hard, 
your struggle is my crown"
He said he watched his mother walk 
out of the room afterward and 
immediately jerked awake from sleep.
He was in the same hotel room, his 
wife laid naked beside him but the 
atmosphere had become so dark that 
he couldn't even pray
He just found himself sunk in a pit of 
He said when his wife woke up, the 
first thing she did was ask him to 
change their hotel because she was 
suddenly feeling unsettled in that room
He had been scared she had the dream 
too and would give him grief about it 
but she didn't
She only sensed that the atmosphere 
had become ominous
They changed hotels but the honeymoon 
had become "bitter"
He couldn't share with his wife what he 
saw and it was eating him inside
Every time he made love with his wife, 
he felt he was empowering his mother 
in witchcraft because his mother had 
said all his 
efforts at having children will be the 
reason behind her ascent in wickedness
It made lovemaking lose its allure for him
His wife noticed his reluctance and felt 
she had done something to offend him
He wanted so much to tell her the truth 
but he felt it would do more harm than 
When they got home from the bitter 
honeymoon experience, he reached 
out to his older ones
He told them what he saw in his dream
The eldest child, laughed and said 
"Why do you think i keep far away from 
your mother? On my wedding night, 
she came into the room and gave me 
a portion to drink
The portion was as bitter and sour as 
water from the grave. 
She made sure i drank every drop, and 
then she said to me three times 
"Your cup of struggle is my cup of glory"
I told my husband about it - I cannot 
say if that was a mistake or not but 
he lost interest 
in the marriage immediately and it 
showed in his mannerism
The marriage did not last up to a 
year after the experience
It was a shocking revelation
He wondered why his older sister 
didn't at least warn her younger ones
His older sister said, "Would you 
have believed me?"
He wouldn't have
His other married siblings all confirmed 
in their own way their suspicion about 
the source of their affliction
They said they had prayed and fasted 
and cried to no avail
His marriage had become a nightmare 
by this time
His wife was constantly unsettled 
especially around the time of the month 
when her expectations would be high 
regarding pregnancy only for her period 
to show up
She felt he didn't care about her getting 
pregnant and was too nonchalant about 
the marriage
Knowing what he knew, and his inability 
to tell her the truth was the 
bane of the marriage
After five years of sorrow and despair, 
his wife finally walked out of the marriage
She said rather than the marriage adding 
to her, it was draining her
She didn't feel any joy beyond her wedding 
She was right
He couldn't even argue with her
He felt 
letting her go was an act of love
It didn't seem fair to keep her in bondage 
especially when he couldn't bring himself 
to tell her the truth so that she can know 
what she was contending with and make 
her own choice whether to fight or to flee
His wife left on the morning of the 
day he sent her the lengthy message on 
It was while reading his message that it 
dawned on her what God saved her from 
when the message came that she shouldn't 
marry him despite being in love with him
At that time she was bitter and angry but 
she didn't want to live her life in regret
So she grudgingly complied
She didn't know that there were battles 
beyond the emotion in a marriage
His message made her cry like a baby
In her reply, she sent him the phone 
number of the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She had ministered at Night of Glory 
and seen 
The power of the Holy Spirit at work
She urged him to reach out to the minister 
and see what God can do
He did.
He replied her message immediately 
after he did
He told her he had secured an 
appointment with the brother
She encouraged him to do everything 
the Holy Spirit tells him to do

PS: On the day of the appointment, it 
was discovered that this brother was 
not filled with the Holy Spirit and had 
very little knowledge of what it means 
to be a believer beyond dying and 
going to heaven
He was taught that a joint heir with 
Christ cannot be afflicted because 
Christ cannot be afflicted
He got baptized in the Holy Ghost and 
he began to correct his mindset by 
confessing and practicing the word.
21 days after he met the brother in 
Jeans and T-shirt, he went to Ibadan 
to see his mother
Immediately his mother saw him, she 
shouted "Korede" and fainted
She was rushed to the hospital and 
diagnosed to have been afflicted by stroke
He told his mother he wouldn't let her die 
until she becomes a believer
He told her he would keep her on the bed 
of affliction for as long as it takes in the 
place of prayer and he would 
also tell the Holy Spirit to make sure she 
does not recover
His mother resisted for 32 days but when 
the pain became unbearable she sent for him
He showed up with the Brother in Jeans 
and T-shirt
His mother said it was polygamy that 
drove her into witchcraft and the only 
way she 
lived that long was by pledging the unlived 
lives of here grandchildren to the initiates
She gave her life to Christ and recovered 
from the sickness within seven days
It's been two years
Korede's older siblings, the ones that 
were married 7 the last child who got 
married in 2019 had all become parents
Korede is still trying very hard to regain 
favour with his wife and remarry her
Korede's oldest sister relocated to 
Ireland in 2020
The Lord restored the good fortune 
of the family
She said she wasn't sure she would 
have been able to cope if she married 