

She didn't know what her mother was so alarmed about!
Yes it is biologically true that she was very big for her age
by the time she was eleven, she could easily pass for a 
sixteen years old
All the features of a woman were present
But she was still a girl
She was so much of a girl that at that age and with
all the curves in the right places
She was yet to have her period
It started with the period
Her mother kept disturbing her
It was first with the talk
Who were you talking to?
If anything is wrong, you come and talk to me?
At first, she didn't understand why her mother was all
"Talk to me", "Come to me"
She has two elder sisters and sometimes
she would hear her mother telling them
"I hope you are not talking to your sister behind my back
It is my duty to have the talk with her
but she is so secretive, so withdrawn"
It wasn't as if she suddenly became withdrawn
or secretive
She had always enjoyed being inside her own head
She enjoyed drawing, writing poems, listening to old soul music,
jazz, rhythm and Blues on her iPod
She was not so much of a "friend" person
She wasn't interested in being a good friend to anybody
And she doesn't want anybody to be a good friend to her
Her mother complained to her Father
"Her attitude is worrying,
she is not mixing,
she is quiet and withdrawn,
I have read about the symptoms
Maybe she is being bullied in school
Maybe she is being sexually abused
Maybe she is suffering from depression"
Her mother was a dog with a bone, a worrywart 
Whenever she had a fixation about anything in her head
She would gnaw at it until it becomes powder
Her father had tried to talk her mother out 
of the habit several times
"You are fond of choking people in the name of
trying to help them! Let people breathe! 
Those who are facing challenges deserve to breathe
the most!
So what if your sister is 35 and still single?
You will call her in the morning, pray with her in 
the night, advice her in the afternoon, 
call a meeting on her matter in the evening
Be calling your other siblings about her 
in the midnight
You hounded the poor lady until she started 
avoiding your calls
Let people be!"
Her mother would retreat into her self righteous 
"I am merely concerned for her" look
But it doesn't last!
She would be at it again the next minute
Jumping from one issue to the other in
the name of love!
Unfortunately for her, she was the one with the 
target on her back this time and her mother
does not shoot to scare!
One night, her mother came to her room
Her mother: Are you pregnant?
She was half asleep when her mother walked
into the room but the question popped her
eyes open!
She was eleven years old!
How can she be pregnant?
Her mother: Are you pregnant?
She: No, ma!
Her mother: Our neighbour, the one selling provisions
on the street said she saw you whispering with one boy
this evening
She: I was not whispering with anybody! 
I was on my way home from school, the boy followed me 
and was saying some things
Her Mother: JESU! And you kept quiet, 
why didn't you report to me?
(She kept quiet. The last time she told her mother about a boy toasting her, her mother dragged her to the boy's parent's house and told them 
"If my daughter got pregnant, it is your son! 
If my daughter gets missing it is your son, 
if my daughter had a bad dream it  is your son,
 if my daughter dies, it is your son!"
It was the most embarrassing day of her life!
Since then she had learnt to deal with such issues 
independent of her mother!
The next morning, her mother told her they were
 going somewhere together
She dressed up and got into the car
Her mother drove her straight to the hospital!
After a few minutes, a nurse came around
The nurse and her mother talked for a while
Then they took her to a room and asked her 
to take off her clothes
The next thing she knew, the nurse's finger was inside her!
It was a virginity test!
She didn't know exactly what happened after then!
She was just mad!
On the drive home, as much as she tried to hold it,
the dam broke!
She cried like a slave about to be sold to the white man
Her mother at first ignored her
But later as she suddenly opened the door of the car 
and tried to jump out of the car while in motion
Her mother paid attention!
Her Mother: Mogbe! Mogbe! Mogbe! I'm in trouble!
You want to jump out of the car! 
Do you want to kill yourself?
I know what I am doing! 
I am your mother!
Her mother parked the car!
As soon as the car stopped, she jumped out and ran!
Her mother tried to chase her to no avail
She just needed to leave the pain and oppression behind
It took her three hours to walk home
Her parents and siblings were all on the balcony
waiting for her
Later that night, deep into the night
She heard (right from her bed) her mother having a conversation 
with someone
"She has not had her period, I am sure of it! and I am also 
sure she is still a virgin!
 I took her for virginity test earlier today, and it was confirmed
I promise I will get it to you as soon as she had it"
She pinched herself to be sure she was not dreaming
The next morning, she told her Father what she wanted
Two weeks later, her father drove her to a private boarding school
That same day, she had her first period!
Time asked questions, seasons answered
She graduated from secondary school
Somewhere in between secondary school and University she
gave her life to Christ
She studied architecture at the University and graduated with flying colours
Her relationship with her mother worsened and worsened
to the point where they hardly talk to each other in a year
She got married and started having children
But her other siblings, two elder sisters and two younger brothers 
seemed unable to, make any headway in life
She was the go-to person for all their needs
And they were all graduates!
On the last Friday of October 2018 she drove to the vigil announced by 
She knew her own prayer request 
What she wanted was an atmosphere of the Holy Spirit
As everybody prayed, she cried to the Lord
"Set my Family free".
The following Tuesday, her mother called an emergency meeting
Her Father and all the children were present
Her mother said "My mother cursed me few weeks after I got married. 
She was scolding me about some decisions I made as regarding my home and I shouted at her that if she had home training she wouldn't 
have me out of wedlock!
My mother was hurt by my statement and she said 
"Because you sucked my breast and insulted me like this, none of your children shall get married"
She left our house in anger that day and died in a motor accident 
on her way home!"
I quickly went to tell the elders of our family what happened because I don't want the curse to come to pass!
My aunt told me to bring the blood of the first period of my children to her, she would help me work on it and none of my children would ever get pregnant!
For the boys, I was told to bring some strands of their pubic hair
I did as I was told for all of you except so and so!
As time passed I realised that the "work" I asked them to do 
didn't have the expected outcome
The one I didn't do it for is married, has a good job and is 
living a fulfilled life
While the ones I did it for are stagnant and unproductive in life
I called this meeting because I tried to undo the "work" but 
my aunt said the herbalist she gave the job to had died!
Her siblings couldn't believe it!
They cried all day!
She called the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
He  arrived at their family house by 4 pm that same day
He explained to them that if they give their lives to Christ the past 
wouldn't matter anymore
They surrendered their lives to Jesus
He prayed with them
Filled them with the Holy Spirit and blessed them!

PS: In six months, the stories have turned around
The two older sisters got married on Saturday 23rd March 2019
At the ages of 36 and 38 respectively
One of them got a job with a popular PR Firm
The other married a school proprietor and manages one of the schools
The brothers are gainfully employed as a software developer 
and lecturer respectively!
God answers prayers!
We have another vigil on Friday 29th March 2019
If the Holy Spirit is inviting you to come
Please obey Him!
Thank you