Dreams and Dream Agents
Believers put too much stock in dreams
So much so that sometimes the word of
God would practically be rendered
impotent because someone had a
bad dream
This is absolute nonsense
Please don’t get me wrong
I have seen cases where someone would
have a dream and the person’s whole
life would be turned upside down
I am not in any way invalidating these
I am only saying; SUCH A PERSON
A woman once told me, straight to
my face
That she had a great business and
she was making megabucks
One day she had a dream
She was driving a car and someone
shot a gun at her car
The car was stopped in its tracks
And she woke up from the dream
The very next day, the business started
experiencing certain problems
Within a month, she was in debt
She asked me what she was to do
“This is the work of the enemy” she said
So I laid my hands on her head and
prayed in the spirit for a few minutes
Then I told her that I saw angels
descending upon the car and repairing it
And after the repairs she got into the
car and drove on
She began to cry
“Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus”
She left my presence in tears of joy
Weeks later, things have turned around
She came to my office in her shiny new car
Suddenly those owing her started paying
Suddenly those who refused her lines of
credit opened the line again
She was into mobile phone and accessories
Before long she started opening outlets
all over
She told me it was all thanks to me
But she was wrong!
I knew from experience that she was
tricked out of position spiritually
The dreamcasters of darkness wanted to
knock her off her flying position
So they created an illusion
The illusion created fear
Fear brought her torment
Torment brought about a negative turn
in her fortunes
I have met Pastors, great men of God
who told me they could trace the genesis
of their undoing to a dream
Come on!
Dreams are for old men!
My grandfather was not a tongue
talking Christian
He told me once that anybody who gave
him food in the dream was just helping
God to feed him
I laughed at his simplicity at the time
But he was much smarter than most of
us who claim to be spiritual
Just Imagine Jesus having a dream
And in that dream Jesus was tied up by
witches and wizards
And Jesus was powerless to do anything!
Do you think that is possible?
Well, as Jesus is, so are you!
Every time you agree with someone that
the enemy caged you, the enemy tied you,
The enemy shot you, you are fighting
karate with the enemy, you are indirectly
saying you are engaging your spirit man
in a battle and pretending it is the
Holy Spirit!
It is the spirit in man that still contends
with the evil one
The Holy Spirit does not!
He has given us the victory forever
and ever. AMEN
Henceforth when you have an evil dream.
Wake up, laugh and sleep again
Bring that dream back into your mind
through your imagination and reset the
scene until you win, then thank the
Lord for victory and go back to sleep
I assure you after doing this for some
time, you will stop having meaningless
dreams all together
Don’t ever wake up and panic over a
dream, some Christians say “I prayed
about it but it still happened”
Why would you pray and validate an
evil dream?
Redream that dream and win!
Dream Agents
Another erroneous Christian belief and
practice is seeing visions, dreams and
prophecies that announce evil and an
untoward happening about a believer
and announcing such
When you hear people say “I dream a
lot and all my dreams come to pass
even as an unbeliever” please walk
away from them
They had been wrongly wired
We have a “more sure word” of prophecy
not based on human experiences!
We have the Bible
We have the Holy Spirit
You will see a Christian who heard
about a disaster and says “Oh and
I warned the brother because the Lord
showed me that thing in a dream”
If I was dreaming and I saw a brother
or sister in trouble, I would defend
such a person and make sure the
person got the victory!
Daniel dreamt solutions
Joseph dreamt solutions
But we have spirit filled Christians
running amok all over the place
dreaming problems
They have turned the scriptures
upside down!
When Agabus told Apostle Paul a
prophecy concerning his arrest in
Jerusalem, it was a warning
If Apostle Paul didn’t go to Jerusalem,
the prophecy wouldn’t have come to pass
And even while he was in captivity,
Apostle Paul was still living the
victorious life
A born-again Christian cannot be in
spiritual bondage
He or she is a spiritual king
To kill or conquer a Christian
Such a christian would have to be
engaged in physical scuffle
Or be thrown to the lions for sport
But if you take the matter into the
realm of the spirit
That is the territory of the Christian
He is a son, his father is The spirit,
the Father of all spirits
Once a believer was allowed to get
into the spiritual realm
The opposition must automatically
lose the battle!
A pastor once came to me
He said a prophet met him on the
road and told him
That somebody shot him several times
spiritually, and he choked in his own
blood and died
He said from that moment, he developed
a disease
A heart and lungs problem
He had spent all he had trying to be
cured of this malady
I couldn’t control my tears
I cried as if I had been flogged!
His spirit was healthy and powerful
Yet his body was withering away
against his wishes
I looked at him straight in the eyes
and I said “You demon of affliction,
I come against you”
He started shaking from his core
He shook until his eyes were bulging
Then he collapsed
His younger brother and wife wanted
to lift him up
I told them no!
He was just 37 years old and he was
already walking with a stick!
My people perish indeed for lack of
After about five minutes, he struggled
to his feet
I told him to start walking up and
down the corridor
He looked at me as if I had given him
the greatest punishment in the world
As he walked around, I prayed in the spirit
He struggled at first but his legs
eventually became lighter and lighter
Until he started running
The sickness was totally gone
His spirit man was manipulated and he
forgot that the Holy Spirit and his spirit
man are not the same thing
When you bring the Holy Spirit’s power
to bear against demons
it is like bringing a bazooka to a knife fight
You have rendered all the gladiators useless!
Only a fool will have ASLAN and go into
battle on his own strength!
Engage the Holy Spirit consciously today
You can actually tell the Holy Spirit you
don’t want to have night dreams again
Just like that!
You will sleep everyday without a dream
and you will enjoy your life
I know some people who gets agitated
if they don’t dream in a week
They say “I haven’t had a dream for a
while, it is through dreams that the
Holy Spirit speaks with me!
Anyone in this category is pathetic!
The Holy Spirit is a master communicator,
if he wants to tell you something, he
will do so even if he had to shine a
light from heaven and call your name
aloud in front of many witnesses!
Those who depend on night dreams
to hear from God are the most gullible
and easiest to manipulate!
Whenever anybody comes to you
screaming “I saw an evil dream about you”
Ignore it!
Tell the person “You cannot dream about
me, I dwell in indelible light that casts
no shadow, how can you see me through
the light of Christ?”
Such a person will keep quiet and
walk away
As long as you don’t hear the dream,
the seed for its manifestation will not
be planted in you
Be very weary of those who come to
you every time saying they have a dream
and they want you to interpret it
Just tell them to go to Jeremiah 33:3
and speak to the Holy Spirit about their
dreams for themselves
Putting so much stock in dreams limits
a Christian
Unless of course it is the type of dream
Martin Luther King had
A dream about your future, goals
and plans
A dream about your ministry, marriage
and career
That is the dream you are allowed to
pray and fast over
Finally, I was at a ministration once
when a pastor made an altar call
He said “If you lost something in the
dream, somebody took your shoes
in the dream, you saw yourself
eating in the dream, somebody gave
you a bad eye in the dream, somebody
slapped you in the dream, somebody
took something that belonged to you
in the dream, he counted the list on
and on, come out for prayers now
The list was as long as the 600 laws
of Moses!
People trooped out and he started
praying for them
Some fell under the anointing, others
At the end of the day, he told them
they had been restored
I was pretty impressed
(This happened in 2009)
Two years later I saw the same pastor
He was seated a few seats away
from me at a conference
The Prophet preaching left the altar
and came directly to stand in front
of this pastor
The prophet said “Sir, I saw you in
a cage, bound by the power of
darkness, please follow me”
The pastor refused to leave his seat
The prophet saw that the pastor
wouldn’t cooperate and shrugged
his shoulders
The prophet moved on to somebody else
After the service I went to ask the
pastor why he chose to embarrass
the prophet like that
The pastor said, “A trick I learnt to
use years ago under somebody, he
wanted to use the same trick on me!
How can we have such a crowd and
many people will not have a bad
If he was a man of God, he would say
“I fought a battle alongside you and
freed you from a situation,
congratulations brother”
I was shocked!
It was a trick to get people to come
out for laying on of hands?
I am anointed
I don’t need to trick anybody
I don’t even want to see vision to
But if I see the works of the enemy
I stop it in its tracks!
I have a duty to do so because evil is
weak and good is strong
Darkness is cowardly but light is bold
I and my Father are one!
-Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
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