Escaping Justice

Escaping Justice

His mother always told him to disregard
 the tears of a stranger 
His mother would say "Everybody, can't 
be fortunate" or "For someone to be 
fortunate, someone else has to be 
His mother was a woman of means, not 
materially but in an extra-mundane way 
She was a witch of sorts 
He didn't realize this until when he got to 
the secondary school 
One of his friends was very brilliant 
The friend also lived in their neighbourhood 
The friend likes to show off that he was 
brilliant and would often mock him for 
being an average student! 
One day the friend spoke out of turn on 
the football field, the friend said "All you 
know how to do is run around and play 
football, but you end up copying me during 
tests and examinations. Mr. Empty Brain" 
What the friend said was true but there 
were many people there and they all 
laughed at him
He told his mother when he got home 
His mother used her wrapper to wipe 
his tears 
His mother said "That your friend will never 
pass an examination again" 
They were already writing examinations 
At the end of the term, none of his friend's 
scripts were found 
Not one! 
And from that term his friend seemed to
 lose interest in academics and life generally 
He didn't go crazy but he started behaving 
like someone whose brain was full of bubbles 
It was a turn that took the whole school by 
His friend's parents started seeking for help 
all over 
His mother reminded him of their conversation 
after several weeks 
His mother said "The powerful owned the 
world, we do as we like! 
Don't you dare forget that!" 
His mother's firstborn was married to a teacher 
They had three children 
One day her mother came home from a party 
and said "I am tired of waiting for your sister 
to make it in life, I cannot wait forever! 
Two weeks later, his sister came home to 
see their mother 
They talked for a long time 
The following morning, her mother took his 
sister to the home of her new husband to 
be the third wife 
He expected some trouble 
There was none 
Her sister's husband didn't make any fuss, 
not even a whimper 
Her sister too left her children behind and 
walked into another marriage without any 
It was somehow... 
When he asked his mother 
She said "The matter was settled since, all 
i did was re-arrange the pieces 
Her sister's marriage brought them a 
change of fortune 
The new husband appreciated their mother 
more and made sure they never lacked 
When her immediate elder sister brought 
home a husband after NYSC 
Their mother objected and threatened to 
curse her if she insisted on marrying her 
own choice "Can't you see how your sister 
made a mistake that took me years to 
correct, the elders must choose with wisdom 
otherwise you will miss it! 
Stop arguing with me! 
I will curse you with my breasts and you 
will die a useless death!" 
His sister was a strong character 
She had never been drawn into their 
mother's aura of diabolic superiority 
She refused to be a part of their mother's 
Their mother told her she would be moving 
from one husband to the other until she 
came home crying for help! 
Her sister had her way but the marriage 
lasted only three years! 
She has been married five times and had 
four children 
Their mother's words rang true 
When it was his turn to go for NYSC, their 
mother called him and told him to learn 
from her two elder sisters 
"Do not bring any girl home for me
let me help you plan and build your life" 
He has always been his mother's favourite 
His father died when he was only seven 
years old 
He obeyed his mother and refused to go 
into a serious relationship with anyone 
When he got home, he expected his mother 
to have a wife waiting for
him His mother told him to be patient 
He waited one year, three years, five years 
He had girlfriends from all over 
Eventually, he told his mother he had fallen
 in love 
It was true, he met a lady at his office 
The lady was beautiful, intelligent and 
gainfully employed 
She was the one!
Her mother laughed and said "She will run 
like a scared rabbit soon" 
A month later, the lady told him she had a 
bizarre dream and after narrating the 
dream to the wise people around her they
 told her that she was involved with 
someone whose mother was a witch! 
She needed clarity!
He broke up with her immediately 
Her elder sisters call their mother a witch 
They say so to their mother's face anytime
 their mother came up with her antics either 
to collect money from them or just to 
draw attention to herself 
Their mother was a drama queen who 
wanted to be at the center of everything! 
Even her children's lives and marriages 
And she was the type who will shout it 
at the rooftop that she was responsible 
for the successes of her children and 
their failures if they disobey her 
She would say "I took XYZ out of poverty! 
I made her rich and when ABC refused to 
do my bidding, I scattered her path in life! 
The child that listens to me will get help 
but the one that dishonors me shall die 
of poverty and lack" 
His mother was overbearing and could easily 
be labeled as a witch but he wouldn't tolerate 
it from an outsider
None of them had any friends while growing up 
People generally steer clear of their mother 
and the children 
When he told his mother what had happened 
with his girlfriend in tears, his mother took 
him into her room 
His mother said "I have been given a binding 
spell by some friends
I just don't want you to die of poverty 
Go out there and find a rich girl, any rich girl 
who you know has enough substance to sit with 
Don't talk to her, just find out as much as you 
can about her and bring me the details 
I will make sure i settle you into abundance 
and wealth in my lifetime 
This was how he became an essence harvester 
In five years he dated three ladies 
He made sure they had money in the bank and 
He would give his mother their details 
His mother would do her thing 
They would be bound to him until he had 
drained them of everything...
He bought a land a built his first house directly 
opposite his mother's house 
He bought cars 
He was working with the local government but 
the job was just a front 
He also had a beer dealership outlet with
trucks and all
He fleeced rich but spiritually vulnerable 
His mother told him he would be able to 
pick and choose any beauty
he wanted after he had acquired as much 
wealth as he desired He was taken to a river 
in the dead of the night and his face was 
washed with a special soap 
His mother told him he would be able to see 
the right ladies to choose because there are 
ladies whose virtue cannot be mixed
with his own! 
It worked It wasn't true love but it brought 
him popularity and enjoyment 
Money brought friends and a lot of parties 
The rich ladies he met brought other rich 
ladies to him 
He started his own laundry outfit and opened 
several outlets all over their city 
He remained single until he was forty
 The day he clocked forty, his mother told him 
there was only one thing more for him to do 
to secure his wealth and get married to 
any lady of his choice 
His mother told him she had made inquiries 
and for there to be no backlash for him, 
he must sleep with her!
He protested but his mother told him to 
remember that source of wealth stinks
He had worked hard to become wealthy, 
he must jump the final hurdle
It made sense to him
By this time he was no longer a novice 
in the occultic process
He knew the abominable births the 
That night, he slept with his mother 
seven times before daybreak
He had entered the hole through which 
he was given life
He had escaped wrath and vengeance
He was free
He traveled out of their state for the 
first time the following week
He lodged into a hotel and rested
His conscience had been so troubled 
over the years
He was so sure he would meet an 
unfortunate end
But somehow he had found security
His mother made a way!
Later that day he went to the hotel's 
to have a meal and relax
That was where he found her
She was a waitress 
She was so beautiful
She had to be the one
When he was paying for his meal, 
he gave
her his business card with his room 
number conspicuously written at the 
back of it
She smiled politely and thanked him
As she was turning away from him
he stretched his hand to touch her arm
It was a very polite touch but it was
loaded with meaning
He just wanted her to know how much
he dearly wanted to see her
She paused a bit, looked at him, smiled
and walked on
He smiled and went to his room
He was so sure she would come to 
see him
When he got to his room, he couldn't 
sit still
He was restless and giddy like a 
Suddenly he felt the heat rising from 
his feet 
Within a minute he was sweating 
Then he started screaming
He didn't know why but he couldn't stop
He screamed on until his ears started 
ringing and his eyes turned all red!
The hotel management called for help
An ambulance arrived at 2 AM
Seven hours after he started screaming
He arrived at the hospital around 3 AM
This was 2006!
The hospital commenced his treatment 
His conditioned seemed to defy all
scientific and medical diagnosis
His mother was the first to arrive at the
hospital the following evening
She insisted her son must be released
to her for traditional treatment
The hospital discharged him to her
She took him home
The journey began
Ekiti today, Ilesha tomorrow, Akinmorin
Benin, Cotonou, Abeokuta, Odeda
Ilorin, Beyerunka, Ijebu Ode, Remo,
Ila Orangun, Ile-Ife, Oke-Oogun
Days rolled into years 
The cars were sold, the houses were 
Everything he gathered from dust 
returned to dust
His mother died on the 11th of June 
He was left to roam the streets and 
fend for himself some months after that
Nobody had the time and patience
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt met him
at a filling station in December 2018
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was
traveling to Ibadan for a ministration
He branched at a filling station to buy
some fuel and ease himself
When he returned to his car he found
a mad man admiring himself in the 
mirror of the passenger side
His first instinct was to chase the 
madman away
But the Holy Spirit restrained him
He stopped in his tracks and watched
the mad man for almost five minutes
He walked into the Filling Station's 
supermarket and bought a bottle of 
carbonated drink
He opened it and took a sip, then he 
breathed into the remaining content
and closed the bottle
He walked to the madman and offered
him the drink
The madman took it
Then the madman said "Thank you, Sir"
He didn't know the mad man had such
a presence of mind
He asked the madman what his name
They started talking
The madman talked on and on
Sometimes coherently and sometimes
off point
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt pointed
to the drink at a point and told the 
madman to take a sip
The madman drank everything and 
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told the
madman that he would leave something 
with the petrol attendant for him
The madman nodded
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt gave the
attendant his phone number
He said "He will come to ask for it, I 
cannot say if it would be today or in a 
month's time. Please give it to him"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt gave
the mad man some money and left
Four days later, the madman called!
He had been healed completely!

PS: I have come across many who went
deep into the diabolical
Some of them are people I see every day
now as they grow in Christ
Other are people I see often as their
situation worsened every day
By the grace of God, I have seen many
healed of mental affliction
Some of them are caused by life issues,
some by drug abuse and yet some by
their adventure into the dark end of the
supernatural realm
You can only find light in One Person
That person is Jesus
Nothing else is worth having!

GSW's Notes: Brother Berea is a dear
friend now!
He came to Lagos twice to see me
The first time, i was in Ibadan for the
Men of Issachar Vision conference
He didn't call before coming but my
colleagues in the office at the time
helped to provide for his immediate
The second time was December 2019
We met at my former office in Magodo
I led him to the Lord and He got filled
with the Holy Spirit
He is one very cheerful and wickedly 
witty man whose jokes can make you run
around all day long
He asked me once who that woman was,
(The hotel waitress)
and what part she played in his 
I told him she was "Justice"
When a cup of sin had gotten full to a point
of no return, justice steps in!
His sisters are still alive and well
The one changing husbands like clothes
finally settled down in Ibadan.
There is something the Bible called the
Unsearchable Riches of Christ
It is Inexhaustible
Get that and you are settled for life!