I see a lot of arguments on doctrine on the timelines.
What most believers don't get is that doctrines are not made by the Holy Spirit, they are made by men. Yes! Men full of the Holy Spirit in many cases but men all the same. Men with their biases and experiences. Men who know in part.
Isn't this the issue our parents have? They go to a church and they become indoctrinated into the ways of that church and then they go to another and they see the difference in doctrine and either embrace it or run far away from it.
I remember when I met a lady attending a white garment church; I followed her to church one day for choir rehearsals and joined their choir. This was year 2000.
When I got home and told my born-again mother, she almost had a fit. "How dare you set your feet into such a church?" She queried. This is a woman that had been praying for me to have a divine encounter and start serving God. She was a Baptist and her son had strayed Into Cele! You cannot imagine the war that followed all because of doctrine.
If the lady had been from the Baptist Church, she wouldn't have minded but a white garment church with strange doctrines was too much for her to handle.
I resisted her push and we were on it for 8 years. When I eventually left after the lady broke up with me, my mother termed it- "freedom from demonic forces." It was all about doctrine.
The church believed in some things that she felt were fetish and strange. She didn't mince words. She insisted the right doctrine was the Baptist way; then she discovered MFM and switched to their doctrine. MFM and Baptist are night and day when it comes to doctrine. The Baptist Church does not do back to sender or power must change hands whatever!
It was doctrine Apostle Paul contended with. Read the book of Corinthians and Galatians; he kept wondering why believers will go back to the law or works when they had been given grace and truth in Christ Jesus.
The scriptures are profitable for doctrine but this means men have to search the scriptures and settle on what they want to settle on as doctrine.
Jesus gave no one a doctrine. He said "A new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you."
He said he would give us the Holy Spirit to teach, guide and nurture us on the
path to take in order to fulfil our divinely ordained destiny in Him (John 14,15,16 and 17).
This church will use water to pray, that one will use oil. This one believes in baptism of the dead, that one believes in only baptising the living. This one believes in eternal salvation, that one believes Jesus saves only to a point but not eternally.
This one will lay hands on the sick, that one will leave the sick to live or die. This will believe God can make a Believer sick, that will insist God does not make believers sick.
This one will insist poverty is a virtue, the other one will say poverty is a curse. This one will say you can marry outside the faith, that one will say marry only within our denomination.
This one will say ladies should keep natural hair, the other will say they should make hair. This one will say pray for your enemies, that one will say, "If you don't kill them, they will kill you." Etcetera.
That is the Work of doctrine. It accentuates our differences in opinion about the faith and leads us to build our own churches and start our own denominations.
You may believe your doctrine is the best but it has holes in it.
Doctrines can never be perfect but the Holy Spirit is. Can you shed the weight of doctrines and embrace the life of the Holy Spirit?
I was watching TBN one day and the founder was talking about how they bought their first satellite. He said it was offered for a fee he didn’t have and he prayed. On the day the deal was to be consummated, he said he went on a walk and met a man from a backward doctrine; he said the man saw him and said, "God told me to give you the money you need for your satellite." He was shocked. How could God talk to a man from a church that does not believe in the Holy Spirit?
He took the money and paid. TBN was birthed as a result.
Even among the Jews they had doctrinal differences.
The Sadducees didn't believe in angels and the resurrection of the dead, the Pharisees did. This should give you a clue so that you can rest.
Christ is my doctrine. Christ is my denomination. Christ is my life. Christ is my reality.
Christ is my joy. I live for Jesus and no one else.
Glory be to God!
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