Everlasting Father
Yesterday I was studying my experiencing
God book and the topic was knowing God
by experience.
At the end of that day’s study, there was a
list of names, titles, and descriptions of God
alongside bible verses.
One of those names was “wonderful counselor”
and the accompanying bible verse is Isaiah 9:6
which says “For a child is born to us, a son is
given to us. The government will rest on his
shoulders and he will be called: Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace”.
I have known this verse for years now,
but yesterday the term “Everlasting Father”
jumped out at me and I started to think
about it.
The word “Everlasting” means lasting forever
so consequently “Everlasting Father” means
a father who lasts forever.
I am my father’s favorite child (it’s common
knowledge) but while growing up, I believed
my dad had deal breakers – things I would
do that would make him disown me or cancel
me with red biro – I don’t think so anymore
The first deal-breaker was if I performed
poorly in my academics.
Examples of such poor performances include;
failing an exam, getting a position other than
first, repeating a class, having a carry-over,
graduating with a grade lower than second
class upper, having an extra year, etc, you
get the drift.
It didn’t help matters that my mum was
always telling us about her father, my
maternal grandfather, and his policy of
always telling his children that he doesn’t
pay for repetition and he meant it.
If any of his kids repeated a class, he
stopped paying for their education and
it was left to their mothers or older siblings
to take over funding their education.
Thus my main drive for doing well in
school was to please my dad and not
have him disappointed in me.
The second deal-breaker was if I came
home with an unwanted pregnancy.
I don’t know why I thought this though
but as far as I was concerned, if I got
pregnant outside of wedlock especially
if I was still a student and dependent
on my parents’ my life was essentially
over and I would probably be thrown
out of the house.
This fear was the main reason why I
remained a “good girl” in school and
didn’t “wild out” even though I schooled
I am sure we all have things we believe
are deal breakers for our parents and if
we did those things, they would be
extremely disappointed in us and may
even go as far as disowning us.
But this attribute of God as “everlasting
father” means that there is absolutely
nothing we can do that would stop him
from being our Father – absolutely
He is our forever father and we can
rest in that assurance.
In the story of the prodigal son that
most of us are familiar with (Luke 15),
the younger brother asked his father for
his share of his inheritance.
Typically, children only receive their
share of their father’s inheritance
after he dies but this son asked for
his while his father was alive.
The way I thought of this was like
this son is the type of child that could
have killed his father to get his
inheritance if his father had refused
to give him.
However, the father obliged him and
gave it to him.
And after he squandered it and returned
home ready and willing to be a servant
and no longer a son, the father threw a
feast for him and re-instated him as son
meaning he was once again an heir and
was now entitled to his share of his
father’s inheritance a second time!
how mind-blowing is that?
I believe one of the reasons the older
brother was upset with his father was
because the younger brother returning
home meant his own inheritance would
now be reduced by half!
Anyway, the moral of this post is that
God never disowns his children so we
can rest in that assurance that we would
always have a father in him no matter
the atrocities we commit.
This is no license to continue in sin though
but it helps us to understand that even
when we do wrong, we don’t hide
ourselves from him like Adam and Eve
did, but we return to him like the prodigal
son did.
Just like the father in that parable,
he is always waiting eagerly for our
return when we wander away from him
and runs to embrace us and re-instates
us to the position of sons and heirs
with full benefits and our inheritance.
I pray we would all know God as
everlasting Father because I believe
more than all his other attributes, that’s
how he wants us to know him.
Knowing God as Father is the highest
level of intimacy we can have with him
and that’s why when Jesus was teaching
his disciples to pray, he said they
should start their prayers by
acknowledging God as Abba or Father.
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