Rush Hour
Getting to the office early in the morning most days is hard work
He had to drop the children in school
then head to his office
This means actively participating in the rush hour traffic
Other parents are also on the same mission
Drop the children in school before 8 AM
Get to the office also before 8 AM
The cars hit the road at once
Motorcycles, school buses, tricycles and cars
He naturally prefers to avoid the road at that hour
But sometimes it is inevitable
The teachers have to get to school too
The best time to drop the children is between 7:20 AM and 8 AM
He took off that morning at 7:20 AM
As he drove the children to school, he prayed with them
They got to the school at 7:27AMM
By 7:30 AM he was on his way to work
He drove carefully, singing and praying in the spirit
Of course, there was the hullabaloo of the other cars
horns blaring, feet pattering, the usual noise of the day
He was oblivious of it all, he just enjoyed the company of the unseen
It took some time to get to the main road
He wondered what the problem was that morning
The traffic was heavier than usual
He shrugged it off!
The traffic moved a snail speed at first but eventually
stopped moving altogether
After about fifteen minutes of non-movement
motorists became impatient
Some got out of their cars
The motorcyclists seemed to be the only ones moving
One of them said the standstill traffic was
caused by a faulty tanker
It is a very irritating thing to be stuck in traffic
Some motorists started turning their vehicles around
He considered it and turned his vehicle around too
There was a link road a few meters from where he was
He could connect to the expressway and access the
estate where his office was located through the second gate
Thankfully, the expressway was free
He drove on, now relaxed and praying again
He was about to turn into the second gate of the estate
when he heard the "bang!"
He quickly checked his rearview mirror
He didn't see a car, he checked the side mirrors
He didn't see anything!!
Just then a bearded young man hit the windshield by his
side with venom
He was startled! he quickly checked the central lock of the car
The doors were locked
He assumed he was getting robbed in broad daylight
The bearded young man hit the windshield again
This time he was screaming hoarsely
He wondered what happened
He wound down!
The bearded young man pointed right in his face
"Is it because I am riding a tricycle?
You sit there in a car and drive and wound up
without a care in the world
Do you think you are better than me, do you think
you are richer, do you think you deserve to drive
a big car and look down on everyone else?
Who do you think you are?"
He didn't know the bearded young man from Adam
He didn't say a word!
The young man persisted
"Go to hell! You live in an estate
Fence out the misery of others
Ignore the pain of others
Treat us like garbage, didn't you see that I was
about to get on the road when you suddenly turned in?
Didn't you think in your ******* mind that you
owe me an apology?
Was it because I was riding a tricycle?
You think you are better than me?
Let me tell you, I curse you this morning
This car will catch fire, you will lose everything
You will become dirt poor
You will know what hardship is
You will be so broke, you will see goat faeces and
call it money
I curse you and your generations today
May it never be well with you!"
He watched the bearded young man
He would have driven off but the bearded young man
had locked his shirt
A crowd had gathered
Some just watched for the entertainment
Others were road users who had been delayed by the drama
Someone pulled the bearded young man away
As soon as he was free, he drove right into the estate
Sometimes it is tough to be a Christian
Some people will provoke you sorely and you will have
to fight yourself so as not to react in such a manner
that will portray the spirit of Christ in a bad light!
How could somebody harass him like that and his
reaction was to take it on the chin
It was so unfair!
It made him look guilty!
He didn't even put up a defence
What made it all so painful was the fact that he did
nothing to deserve the treatment
As he drove on, he didn't know when he started crying
The tears just fell
He hated being made a spectacle of
It was just too embarrassing
He shrugged it off as soon as he got to the office
The Holy Spirit took over
He forgot about it
Three days later, as he was driving towards the estate's second gate
He saw the bearded young man
Seated on a stone by the roadside looking very sad!
He parked and walked towards the bearded young man
He: Good afternoon brother, how are you
Bearded young man: (Looking puzzled) Good afternoon sir
He: Do you remember me?
Bearded young man: No sir
He: It's okay! I remember you. What's wrong? Where is your tricycle?
Bearded young man: The Task Force seized it sir, I have tried everything
to get it back but that is not even the biggest problem now sir,
my wife is pregnant sir, she is seven months pregnant and now
she is suddenly sick
The doctors don't know what is wrong with her
I just don't know sir, my life is coming apart
I called somebody to help me with some money
The person promised and sent the money
The person showed me the evidence of the transfer
Could you believe the money didn't get to me
I have been to the bank and filled forms
This morning, the person who sent me the money
went to his bank to complain
They reversed the money to his account and he has
refused to transfer it back to me saying he had
need of it now!
Please sir, however, you can please help me!
He: This is the effect of a curse at work
Bearded young man: Yes sir! Many prophets and
pastors have told me that my family is under a
spiritual siege!
The enemies have tried and won for a long time,
please sir, what I need is help for my wife and a good
job! The tricycle owner is doing her best to get it
back from the task force but she had told me I will not
be riding it for her again!
He looked at the bearded young man!
He: Do you remember three days ago about this time
you harassed a man who was driving into the estate
and you cursed the man!
Bearded young man: Yes! That bastard deserved it, I
didn't know you saw what happened! I have been meaning
to lay my hand on one of those rich kids for a long time!
Their fathers stole the nation's money and put them in
estates, sent them to school abroad and they return
home driving fancy cars and feeding fat on our resources
and on top of that treating us like dirt!
I had to let him know!
It was circumstances that bent my crayfish
I am a graduate and I am very intelligent
I was just a victim of life!
He: I was that bastard!
Bearded young man: Ye!
He: What you don't know what that I was praying before
you came to harass me and I had the Holy Spirit in
the car with me! All your curses that morning took
to life and had been affecting you!
It is not everybody that you can curse!
Some people are associates of the God-kind
When you curse them, your life is cursed!
Bearded young man: Jesu! Please, sir, pray for me
They prayed!
He blessed the bearded young man
They exchanged phone numbers and became friends
He drove away that morning thanking God for
PS: The bearded young man now works with
estate agency
His wife had since delivered a baby boy
Stop cursing! Stop it! Stop it!
Jesus said "Bless, curse not"
God said to Abraham "Those that bless you shall be
blessed and those that curse you shall be cursed"
If you still curse people, even if you are a General
You are walking in disobedience and you are of the devil!
Your spiritual maturity is measured by the words
of your mouth!
If you have been cursed or even cursed yourself,
I bless you today
Be blessed in Jesus name!
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