

She called him Man of God
He called her daughter
He was fifteen years older than her
He was a minister of the gospel
She was a lawyer
She had followed his ministry since 
the days she was a student at the 
University of Ife
He went to minister at one of the 
campus fellowships and 
she saw the mighty miracles God 
did through him
When she got home she told her 
mother all about him
Her mother told her she ought to have 
taken advantage of the occasion to 
ask the Man of God to pray for her
Her mother told her she was a 
beneficiary of such a grace when 
she was an undergraduate
Her mother said a minister of the 
gospel came to the University of Ibadan 
and some of her friends went for the 
programme and came back to the hostel 
screaming with awe
Her mother (She had slept off and didn't 
go for the programme) set out for the 
venue as soon as 
her roommates were calm enough to 
tell her all the mighty miracles and signs 
they saw during the programme
When she got to the hall, the Man of God 
was still around
She went on her knees and he blessed her
Three days later, she met her husband at 
the recruitment event organized 
some companies
She went hoping to get employed into 
the Nigerian Customs and she ended up 
falling in love with the recruiter sent to 
their school by the Nigerian Customs
Three years later she was happily 
married and had opened her 
ophthalmology practice.
She knew it didn't happen 
by chance
She knew the grace of God was released 
upon her in the place of prayer and she 
was always grateful for it
She never attended the Man of God's 
church or met him again but that fateful 
day remained an encounter she could 
never forget
She reminded her daughter of this 
story when her daughter told her about 
this man of God she met on campus 
who was walking in the supernatural
As soon as her mother reminded her of 
the story, she promised herself she 
would locate the man of God and get 
him to pray for her
She searched for his handle on the 
social media and began to follow his 
He was an itinerant preacher who 
travels a lot
She was sure the wind would bring him 
her was eventually, and it did
He was invited to minister in a church in 
Kano, she and her parents were living 
in Abuja
Her life was at a standstill at the 
Even though she was employed in a law 
firm, her job was more like that of a 
personal assistant
She was earning stipends and there was 
no immediate prospect of advancement
She wanted to go for her Masters in law 
but the school she wanted was quite 
expensive and her parents 
couldn't afford to sponsor her to England 
as she desired
She really needed a break
So she packed her bags, withdrew her 
savings, and took a flight to Kano to 
attend the ministration of the Man of God.
She got to the venue on time and the 
atmosphere was charged by the
Holy Spirit 
She waited until the man of God stepped 
down from the altar before approaching him
The ushers wanted to stop her but the 
Man of God motioned them to let her be
She fell on her knees just as her 
mother did
The man of God blessed her and left
By the time she got back to Abuja the 
following day, a letter of employment 
was waiting for her from the chambers 
of a lawyer she met when she went to 
file some petitions
They had a brief chat and both of them 
went their separate ways
The meeting was over two years 
before that day
How the man still remembered her was 
a mystery
She took the job and her fortunes changed
Unlike her mother, she sent her tithe to the 
ministry account of the man of God and 
became an online member
There are many pastors and prophets in 
Nigeria but her spirit clung to the man of 
God and his ministry
As the year 2018 
was coming to an end, the man of God 
announced that he had been invited to 
Abuja to minister at a pentecostal church
She sent him messages immediately that 
she would like to see him during the event
He replied her by giving her an 
appointment but the event was
 jam-packed and she 
couldn't even get a seat in the church
She really wanted to see the man of God 
but the people that brought him to the 
city kept his location secret and 
refused to share any information with her
A door of opportunity to study abroad 
suddenly opened in her new office, 
she was not 
even qualified to apply because she 
was a new staff but she was sure if 
he prayed with her, she would get it
She was desperate and she tried her 
best but she wasn't able to see him 
before he returned to his city
Throughout that week she was not 
herself, by Thursday she picked her 
phone and called the office of the 
Man of God
She told the secretary it was a family 
She said her family wanted to have 
a close of the year prayer meeting 
with the Man of God
She explained that his ticket fee and 
accommodation etc shall be taken 
care of
He just needed 
make himself available for one day 
before the end of the year
The secretary got back to her after 
30 minutes that December 27 was 
She booked the ticket & the hotel
The man of God came and blessed 
her family
By January 2nd, her boss decided 
to sponsor two people for the trip 
to the UK
The one that had been chosen and her
Just like that
She knew what worked for her
Her parents threw a lavish party when 
they heard the news
The year had started on a perfect 
She traveled by September that 
same year
The lines had fallen unto her in pleasant 
She called and shared her testimony 
with the man of God
The Holy Spirit had specially ordained 
him to be a blessing unto her
She kept in touch with the ministry
She never missed a church service 
and she grew in the knowledge of Christ
She also began to pray in the spirit 
and by 
the end of her first session, she was 
completely transformed
Then the Man of God was invited to 
minister in Wales
It was too good an opportunity to 
miss out on
She got on the first available train and 
got to the church a day before the 
programme began
She told the ministers of 
the church that she was the advance 
party for the man of God
She sent the man of God a message 
and all the man of God did was send 
back a smiling emoji
He didn't travel with an entourage
She was his entourage, his protocol 
The ministration went well
The man of God had 
other meetings in the UK
They left Wales together by train to 
The man of God lodged into a hotel
She sat at the reception and acted 
as his PA
A lot of people wanted to see him
She worked all-day
When the last person left, he ordered 
food for the two of them
They ate and 
she went home
(Her school and flat were in Cardiff)
The next morning, she had arrived 
to resume her PA duty
The number of people reduced some 
but she still worked all-day
While attending to people in a private 
room, she had access to his hotel 
room keys and all
Whenever he needed 
anything from his luggage she would 
run upstairs to his room to get it
By that evening she was spent
When the last person left the private 
room, the man of God found her asleep 
on the chair at the reception
He woke her up and told her to go and 
take a nap in his room
He waited at 
the reception until she came down later 
that evening
She went home
By the time she returned to the hotel 
the third day, there was nobody at 
the reception
The man of God was still asleep
She walked upstairs to his room and 
He opened the door and she walked in
It felt so 
They talked a bit
They ate
He joked and he laughed
She talked and he listened
At a point, she wanted to use the 
bathroom and walked right by him
His body brushed hers and she turned 
They kissed and clothes started splitting 
like the red sea
Somehow they got on the 
bed and the man of God's hands began 
to do signs and wonders
She waited for him to finish it after the 
The man of God couldn't
He busted into tears, hot tears
It was totally unexpected, anticlimactic 
and it made her feel self-conscious
She got up and dressed up and left 
He never called her again
She never called him too
She stopped following his church online
She was angry for many reasons
Not because she didn't know he was 
married with children and what happened 
was wrong but because it felt like he 
rejected her
it made her skin crawl in shame 

PS: She told me this story in tears
Many months after the incidence
They didn't have sex and yet she 
couldn't pray
She didn't feel like being close to God
She was just angry and she couldn't explain why
The Holy Spirit stepped in and helped her
He restored her to Himself

GSW's notes: There are some boundaries
that once they are crossed, they will ruin
a great thing forever
There is no coming back from them
There is no recovery
We must nurture our relationships and
avoid crossing boundaries that will
ruin everything
In this case, the lady lost an asset and
a friend
The Man of God lost a daughter and
his reputation
Familiarity is the culprit.