The Escape Plan

The Escape Plan

There was a season of my life when
 I felt or assumed Jesus didn't bother 
with counseling people
From all the accounts I have read in 
the scriptures, i didn't see Jesus sitting 
down listening to sob stories, all he 
did was "speak a word" and problems 
were solved.
I was young and 
naive at the time
I will meet with people, hold their 
hands or look at them and tell them 
what the Holy Spirit says to me.
It worked
It kept complaints out of my ears and 
i was able to attend to more people
It is a fact that some people can gripe 
and cry and tell you sob stories 
from morning till night!
Sometimes while listening to them, 
you get carried away and start to 
cry with them
It doesn't solve their problem and it 
reduces you to a sympathizer
The worst time is when you just had 
a church programme or a vigil
You have prayed and they have prayed 
And yet after service, they will still 
come to you with the same problem 
they have prayed about speaking as 
if the service you had and all the 
prayer they prayed had not changed 
things in their favour
Sometimes you had to remind them 
that they had prayed and should 
walk in the reality of the time spent 
dealing with the issues before God
I do not take people's challenges lightly
Many believers had not learned how to 
walk or live by faith
Everything is according to senses and 
their words and understanding reflects 
It is therefore frustrating for any 
minister of the gospel to pray and fast 
and lead services only for those who 
attend the service to start talking as 
if he had just wasted his time and their 
problems were bigger, stronger, and 
greater than the ministration.
So one day after service, a young man 
walked up to me, he wasn't wearing 
his wedding ring and he really didn't 
look married
He said he wanted to see me
I said "Okay"
As soon as he opened his mouth, 
I said "You're not the only one 
sleeping with her"
That was what I heard (In part) 
I didn't wait for the words to flesh 
out (Those days I was always scared 
of forgetting what the Holy Spirit said 
or assuming it was my thoughts, so as 
soon as he speaks to me, I would 
blurt it out! 
Sometimes in the course of praying, 
the instruction fleshes out and makes 
a complete whole, sometimes while 
praying the vision becomes clearer 
but all I said was what the young man 
heard, his mouth hung open and he 
said Thank you, then he left.)
Two months later, a lady came to my office
She was the young man's wife
She said she and her uncle had a 
relationship she had tried everything 
possible to get out of but she 
She said she was sure the man was 
using something fetish on her because 
often times she would only come back 
to her senses after having sex with him
She was a lawyer and her husband 
was an architect
She convinced him that they must 
relocate to Canada and they started the 
She said she saved hard towards the 
traveling and was committed to all 
the tests
She said all she wanted was to put a 
huge distance between herself and 
her uncle
She had been sleeping with him since 
he made it a condition before helping 
her with her tuition when she was 
17 and it continued until she graduated
She said she had assumed it would stop 
after she got married but it didn't
She had fasted and prayed and gone 
for deliverance several times
She was attending one of the deliverance 
centred ministries and had even sown 
seed to be free of the 
soul tie or voodoo manipulation to no avail
According to her, three days after she and 
her husband returned from their honeymoon, 
she discovered herself in her Uncle's 
office doing it with him again.
She said her uncle told her, "You must 
balance it. You must take care of me too" 
She said she never told her husband 
the truth about the relationship she 
had with her uncle
She knew it would break him
Her only hope of freedom was the 
escape to Canada.
But then they got the visa and traveled 
and her escape turned to hell!
As soon as they got to Canada, her 
husband called a cousin of his who 
came to pick them at the airport but 
when the cousin arrived, her husband 
stopped her from getting into the car.
He took only his luggage, got into the 
car, and drove off with his cousin
She said it was obvious that he had 
discussed his plans 
with his family members and friend 
and only pretended they were still 
together before they traveled
She said after she found a hotel to 
lodge in, she started making calls to 
find out what was going on
Eventually, her husband picked her 
call and said "Go and be with the 
other guy you are sleeping with. 
This marriage is over"
She said she didn't know how he knew
Nobody under heaven knew she was 
sleeping with her uncle
She never met with him in a hotel
It was always at his office and 
sometimes (before she got married) 
when they travel abroad together 
Her uncle was as discreet as she was 
because he had a family and children 
who were her agemates
She knew her husband was just 
making things up or being lied to
He couldn't be referring to her 
relationship with her uncle
so she denied it
She called his parents and told 
then he cooked it all up
Eventually, her husband told her where 
he got the information
She tried to dissuade him that "prophets" 
lie all the time and all but he refused to 
take her back
She had not resigned her job and didn't 
see any point in staying back in Canada 
when the marriage was 
After a month, she returned home to pick 
up the pieces of her life
Then one of her husband's friends told 
her who her husband met with that 
scattered her home
She said she wanted to let it go but a 
question had been on her mind that she 
wanted an answer to
How come God was quick to destroy her 
marriage but folded his arms while she 
prayed to be free of her uncle?
How come God didn't tell her husband 
the full story?
How come God made it seem like she 
was deliberately committing adultery? 
Couldn't God see that she was a victim 
of circumstances? 
Her story moved me to tears
it is not good to walk with the Holy Spirit 
with a preconceived mindset
We should let him live through us
He is thorough and proper in all His 
If only i had made proper use of the 
mind of Christ?
I would have seen the whole picture 
and my words 
and judgment would have been what 
the Holy Spirit had in mind.
I apologised to her
I told her we will make amends
I prayed with her
I led her to Christ and got her filled 
with the Holy Spirit
Then i showed her from the book of 
numbers why anyone in Christ cannot 
be afflicted or or attacked spiritually 
(Using the story of Balaam)
I instructed her on how to read the 
scripture, pray in the spirit and be in 
We prayed two specific prayers
Within two weeks, both were answered
The uncle got what he deserved 
(He didn't die) but he wouldn't be able to 
take advantage of another person again 
in this lifetime
I called her husband and humbly explained 
I told him I was sorry
If I had been patient enough to listen
to him, the Holy Spirit would have 
opened my eyes to see the full picture
Her husband considered the chain of 
events and the calamity that befell 
the uncle
He understood that his wife was in 
a miry clay
He forgave her and took her back!
On October 1, 2020
I will be teaching during the Homo 
Christus Conference: The Theme is 
Supernatural Advantage
Other ministers of the gospel will be 
Somebody paid for 100 copies of 
Lambano to shared to the first 100 
people (Not PSSBC students) to arrive 
at the conference 
We will learn to walk in this Light
We will learn to master the things of 
the spirit
We will learn how to be consistent
We will walk the path that shines brighter 
and brighter in Christ
This is not someone looking for church 
members to poach
Let's learn Christ together and grow

PS: This event happened in Lagos
in 2018
The testimony posted above
came from the Night of Glory we
had yesterday night.
We bless God for the miracles and
transformed destinies
Glory be to God