He wrote ICAN for twelve years.
He started writing it with enthusiasm
until he found himself lean in his soul
toward it, yet, persisted in his failure
year in, year out.
He almost gave up on the whole thing
but the same shame that was prompting
him to quit compelled him to continue
the process.
His boss was a chartered accountant
He was an orphan
He lost his father to a motor accident
when he was five and his mother to
another motor accident when he was
The church took over his education and
He and his three older ones were placed
in a boarding school (Owned by the church)
His life was not one of great pain like that
of other orphans, but it was as if there
was a huge gulf in it that nothing could
fill up
It took him time to adjust to the death of
his mother, it cost him two academic years
but he somehow pulled through
He gained admission into the University and
tried very hard to be the best but despite
everything, he barely escaped the third
class grade
He was average in everything
He got a job with the church as an accountant
It was in a way the only way out for him
as soon as he graduated
The church had fulfilled the promise to
educate him
He tried getting a job elsewhere but he
He returned to the church and he was
graciously offered a job
The salary was not fantastic but he had
access to loans and room to study for
his ICAN
He was also attached to a man who took
a very strong interest in his
career and life as a whole
Something just wasn't right with him
He struggled very much to know what it was
He was a born again Christian
He sowed seeds, fasted, and prayed
He studied very hard
It got so bad that he would go for special
prayers from pastors and leaders of the
church before every exam but his results
were always a mixed bag
Sometimes he would pass only one course
out of six
It was crazy
Everybody told him to get married and
start a family but he felt inadequate
He told himself if he got married, the ICAN
thing may never work out
He was failing woefully without any distraction
He wanted so badly to scale that hurdle
He started writing ICAN at the age of 28,
ten years later, after receiving his results
for that year, he found himself plunged
into depression
It had gotten so bad that nobody bothers
to ask him what the results were
Failure had become a permanent fixture
in his life
Depression led him down a very dark path
Whenever he got back from work, he would
walk to a local drinking joint and drink
himself to stupor
Sometimes he would blackout while
drinking and forget how he
got home from the drinking joint
Sometimes he would drink until he started
retching and making a fool of himself
His church members knew nothing of this
He kept a straight face at work and nobody
suspected a thing
He began to do crazy things to fund his
new habit
He took a little
money from here and a little money from
there until he found himself in a huge debt
It was a path of destruction and he had
fastened himself to it
He had lashed out at failure and failure
had used the opportunity to grab him by
the scruff of the neck
He saw a testimony of Twitter
and reached out to the brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
He wrote of his situation through a direct
He said he was tired of the failure and
the debt
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt met with
him and they prayed
Something happened three days later
He got a message from an audit
firm he didn't apply to
The letter requested that he showed up
for an interview
He got to the venue of the interview all
excited only to be told by the Human
resources manager of the firm that it
was all a mix-up
The lady told him they only employ
chartered accountants at the
firm and asked him to come back once
he had passed his examinations
He looked at the lady and said "I don't
know if I would ever pass that thing"
The lady looked at him and asked him
to sit down
He did
The Interview was being held on a
Saturday and he had no other place to be
They talked for a while
At first, he assumed she was considering
him for the role but he later realized that
was not the case
Hours later as they both left the firm, the
lady said, I have made up my mind to
help you pass your ICAN examination
He laughed
She smiled
They worked
out a weekend meeting
She had been a chartered accountant
since she was twenty-two and had
helped several of her colleagues and
younger ones to scale that hurdle
They met at his office at first, until it
was no longer convenient
Then they began to meet at his apartment
She was quite good
He sat for his exams for the twelfth
time that year and passed in flying colours
Something else happened too
In his own words, "Brother Gbenga, she
not only coached me, but she also took
care of me.
Her presence alone made me stop the
drinking habit because I didn't
want her to see me that way and then
walk out of my life
She came to my house with raw foodstuff,
so that while I studied, she cooked
She would make a meal that will last me
the whole week and then return the next
weekend to teach me and cook again
At a point, Thank you was no longer
enough, I got her pregnant"
The church must not hear of it
He was trained and raised to do better
than that
He knew the standard and he had breached it
He was scared he was going to lose his job
His predecessor, though a married man
was sacked for impregnating and then
aborting the pregnancy for a lady
He said he has told the lady the pregnancy
was a No-No
She had to terminate it
The lady had not made the decision yet but
she was extremely disappointed and willing
to do what he wanted
The Brother in Jeans and T-shrit told him to
invite the
lady over to his office
They met on a Saturday
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked him
if he loved the lady
He said Yes
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked the
lady if she loves him
She said Yes
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told him
they should get married
The church
suspension thing is a small price to pay
and it is only for a few months
"What about my job?" He asked
The Brother In Jeans and T-shirt said
"You will get promoted"
They all laughed
He went to meet with the lady's parents
and family two weeks later
After the meeting, they went
to the registry and got married with only
a few trusted family members in attendance
The Sunday after the registry wedding,
he told his boss what had happened
According to the church rules, he had
to be suspended and he was
When he got to the office the next day,
he was promoted to the position of chief
Apparently, his boss saw the letter from
an audit firm offering him a job and decided
he was too valuable an asset to lose
The suspension as a worker in church
lasted three months
During this period, the lady delivered a
baby girl
The church was in full attendance during
the naming ceremony and the pastor used
the occasion to lift the suspension
Forty days later, both parents and their
baby was wonderfully celebrated as
they brought their baby to church for
Glory be to God!
PS: Someone said the lady was desperate
How could you be teaching a man how to
pass an examination and be cooking for
him at the same time with your money
consistently for several months without
creating a "come and do me" mentality
I got the point
Another person said she should
have called it quits the moment he started
making sexual advances towards her
Someone else said they shouldn't have
been meeting in his house
Everybody had an opinion
Opinions cannot change facts
We deal with issues and sort them out
as they happen, not as they ought to be
JUNE 2021, The Month of Havilah
Havilah, is a Hebrew name with several
meanings, It means a complete circle,
"a bundle of joy," "the one that travails
and brings forth blessings,"
And "a land of gold, silver and many
other riches." Genesis 2:11
For GSWMI, the month of June 2021
has been declared as the month of
Havilah, the month of Supernatural
completeness, the month of bringing
forth that which had long been promised
and the month of full habitation of our
riches and inheritance in Christ
This month, wombs that had long been
travailing shall be supernaturally opened
and they shall bring forth children, the
groanings of the whole of creation shall
be fulfilled as we manifest Christ in every
sphere of influence and human endeavour
We have come to Havilah, the unsullied
land of natural blessings in Christ and we
have come to Abide in Him to bear much
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