The Garb
They were engaged for almost two years
He was an architect
She was a lecturer
She was deeply religious
He was religious too but in a moderate way
She always complained about it
You are too lackadaisical about your
commitment to God
You should pray more
The spiritual leadership of
the home lies with the man
He tried his best to do better
She invited him to her church
She wanted him to experience God
the way she experienced Him
Her church was a good church
One of those old churches founded by
missionaries and run on solid doctrines
The visit was helpful
He understood why she was so hung up
on religion
Her father was a pastor in the church
Her mother was one of the women leaders
The music of the church was top notch
He saw the types of musical instruments
he had never seen before
He also developed a high level of respect
for her folks
They were good people
They treated him very warmly when
she went to visit them after the service
He was very impressed
Her father especially was extremely warm
Two days later, he went to see her father
in his office to ask him for the formal
permission to court his daughter
It was her idea
Her father was very happy he did so and
her father gave him the requested consent
When the relationship was a year old
His consulting firm won a contract in Abuja
The project would take him roughly a year
to complete He would be shuttling between
Abuja and Lagos every week
She wasn't happy about the distance
The so-called Abuja babes are dangerous
She has heard a lot about them
Even though he was not a womanizer by nature
Some ladies are desperate and she wasn't
comfortable with the idea of a long-distance
relationship at all
He couldn't afford to miss the opportunity
At the same time, he didn't want to displease her
He proposed
She said yes
He asked her to inform her parents that he would
be bringing his parents over for the introduction
Her family gave them a date
They had a successful introduction
He went to Abuja in February
By March, he noticed that she had gone cold
She stopped returning his calls
She stopped replying his messages
He traveled down to Lagos
He didn't know what was wrong
She started making all sort of abstract claims
"Something told her he was cheating"
It was beyond ridiculous
He called her father
Her father listened and told him to pray
Her father said "Let us fast together that
God will stop the hand of the devil"
They fasted for three days
He called her father every morning and evening
and they prayed
He went back to Abuja
One month later, she called off the engagement
Everybody begged her
His mother called
His sisters called
Her father told him not to worry
Her mother told him they were praying
It was very painful
The funniest thing was
She couldn't give him a tangible reason
It was a cliffhanger
Her father told her not to give up
She would come around
He trusted to hope
Three months later
He saw her at the mall
As soon as she saw him
She turned around & scampered into a
shop suspiciously
He knew it was her he saw
He followed her into the shop
It was her
She was pregnant
All the while he was in Abuja
Being accused of all sorts
Wasting his time and energy trying to convince
her that her dream was a lie from hell '
She was the one cheating on him
He couldn't even say a word
She was just starring at her feet in shame
He moved on...
One year later, now engaged and planning to
relocate with his woman to Singapore
He got a call from her
She was sorry
The man she got pregnant for married her
But the marriage didn't last because he was
a cheat and he was abusive towards her
She had gone to pray and realized that
she made a mistake
Could he take her back?
She promised to love him and be very grateful
Her father also called
"My son, this is what the Bible calls the
Test of Love, will you please consider forgiving
her indiscretions and take her back?"
Her father went on to explain that things
were really tough for her and her son
He was their last hope...
He listened to all her father had to say
Then, He laughed and walked away
Ps: Religion is garb anybody can wear
The Character of Christ is consistent in
the true heirs of salvation
We shall know them by their fruits
Not by their level of religiosity
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