When Grace Speaks
The first time she had an abortion
He thought it was a matter of life and death
She told him her father would kill her
She said her father kicked out her elder sister
because she got pregnant and he never
allowed her back into the family even after
the man who got her pregnant took
She acted so terrified
She didn’t give him the room to express his
He had no say in the matter
The pregnancy must be aborted
She insisted he must give her the money
she needed to get it done
They were both kids But for him getting an
abortion was way wrong
He was the only child of his parents
He was from a rich family
He might not be allowed to marry her because
he was just nineteen
But his mother would gladly take care of his
babe and the baby
He was very confident of that fact
She wouldn’t even consider his suggestion
It was done
He learnt his lesson
No more skinny dipping
He loved her and wanted to marry her
He also wanted many children
He didn’t want her to lose her womb
But she would have none of it
She claimed condoms made her uncomfortable
All they needed to do was be careful
He said No!
He still had nightmares about the abortion she had
He was there when it was done
He saw everything
She told him he was a ninny
Was it not her body?
Was she complaining?
He said No
It was a stalemate
He refused to sleep with her
She accused him of getting "it" from
somebody else
He called her a heartless fool
It was a dirty fight
They sort of broke up
He went off to school
Three months later, she showed up in
his school
She said she needed money to take care
of an emergency
He said he didn’t have money
She pleaded and begged
He said No
She slept in his room that night
Throughout the night she kept trying to have
sex with him
He resisted
The next morning She left without saying
Later in the day, he discovered some money
was missing in his room
He went straight to her parent's house to look
for her
He was told she had returned to her school
He got to her school by noon
When he got to her room
He found her in a pool of blood
She was clutching to the leg of her reading table
as her life was ebbing away
He cried for help
They got her to the hospital just in time
The doctor confirmed his fear
She had used the money for another abortion
He stayed in her school until she recovered
He asked her what happened
She said she slept with her new boyfriend
and he refused to take responsibility for the
He was the only one she could turn to for
help and when he refused to help her
she took the money she needed
Why were you having unprotected sex? he asked her
She said that was the only way she was comfortable
He told her she had no sense
“Must you have sex?
And if you must, should you have to get pregnant?
Even if condoms made you uncomfortable,
was abortion more comfortable than the
use of a condom?
What if you catch an infection?
Why risk your future for nothing? He asked
She said it was her body, he should not act
as if he had paid her dowry
He left her school
He swore it was over between them forever
Few weeks later, there was a national strike
Schools shut down
They returned home
Their houses were minutes apart
She came to say sorry
One thing led to another
They started having sex again
He was very careful
He knew she didn’t care what the
consequences were
She was like a child
But he did!
They patched things up
School resumed
She went off to her school
He went off to his school
Few months later, he went off to her school
to see her He met her roommate on the road
Her roommate welcomed him and told him
something weird
“Your woman had been throwing up for weeks
and she had been very choosy with her meals!
It seemed she could only eat pap and moin-moin
He didn’t say a word
He knew from experience how she gets
when she is pregnant
It sounded very much like morning sickness
to him
When he saw her, she looked pale and very sickly
He was sure she was pregnant again
He told her they had to go to the hospital
She refused
He insisted she had to see the doctor
She said No
He left her school in a huff
Three weeks later, she came to see him
She was back to her robust self
He knew she had done another abortion
He asked her to tell him the truth
She denied it
He insisted the relationship was over if
she didn’t tell the truth
She said she is fine with his decision
It was her life
If she had an abortion, it was her body!
What can he do?
They broke up!
This time, he moved on for real
He graduated and got a job in Lagos
He got married and had two children
He became a pastor
The Holy Spirit started working wonders
through him
A man came to see him
The man told him about his marriage and
the inability of his wife to conceive
The man wanted them to pray
He told the man to bring his wife
The man brought her
It was his old girlfriend
She had told her husband that she never
ever had an abortion before
It was God that was delaying her from getting
The man believed her and was running
about with her
Seeking help
When he saw her
He didn’t say a word
Neither of them said a word about the past
She said she had given her life to Christ
He told her husband to join hands with her
He blessed the two of them
They were both filled with the Holy Ghost
And miraculously, she got pregnant after
four years of waiting!
In all, she had nine abortions
Her cervix was damaged
She had no hope of being a mother
She knew this all the while her husband
was running around
The Holy Spirit didn’t consider her past or
her attitude
He blessed her with the fruit of the womb
Grace spoke for her
PS: The events happened in Ibadan and Lagos
Know that grace still speaks
Grace speaks through the name of Jesus
Misdeeds are washed away
Mercy is released Lives are given a meaning!
When you go to church, you say to God “I believe”
Nothing is impossible to those who believe
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