Flesh Peddler

Flesh Peddler

She became a prostitute at the 
age of 13 
That was when her mother 
deemed her old enough to officially 
get into the room with a man and 
do a professional job! 
Before then she was an apprentice 
who watched her mother and elder 
sisters do their things while learning 
the trade
She earned some money doing some 
small but supervised sexual stuff 
with rich clients who wanted to be 
with children! 
Her mother made sure there was 
no penetration 
She just did stuff with her hands, 
mouth and young body
 The society is full of all sorts of damaged 
and depraved men and women! 
Sexual issues are very rampant and 
often kept under the clothes until 
they force the keeper to seek an outlet 
of expression for such!
Many were damaged through sexual abuse! 
The abuse was not their fault but it had 
hampered their sexual drive and response 
Hurt expresses itself in many ways! 
Some just want to role play and fulfill 
their crazy fantasies! 
Dark thoughts and imaginations of many 
of their clients had gained life in their 
hearts and seek to be birthed through 
the services she and her siblings offer! 
They try their best to satisfy their 
Her mother was a Nigerian immigrant 
She came from a popular city reknown 
for international prostitution services 
all over Europe! 
Her mother was trafficked to Italy as a young
teenager and she worked her way upward 
until she met her father when she was 
Her father bought her mother and took 
her with him to Belgium! 
That was where they settled 
Her mother was her father's first prostitute 
and madame to the other prostitutes 
that came to work for her father! 
Her father was a dangerous pimp 
who took no nonsense from any of 
his "girls"! 
Her mother was good! 
She helped to keep many of the 
girls alive by teaching them the trade 
and helping them to see that all hope 
is not lost! 
Many of the girls find Europe a bust! 
They thought the streets would be 
littered with cash but they found it 
littered with pain and misery! 
Her mother got pregnant for her father 
at the age of 21 
Her father allowed her to keep the baby 
She had been pregnant before due to 
sloppiness and the pregnancies were 
That was how her mother became a 
semi-retired sex worker! 
Her father forbade her from working 
unless a client demanded for her by 
Her mother had another baby at 23 
before giving birth to her in the mid-80s! 
The world she grew up in was all she 
Her father was appearing and 
disappearing figure 
Her mother had evolved into a consultant 
of sorts who helped newly arrived Nigerian
girls to settle down and work for their 
owners without much fuss! 
She was a late bloomer 
She saw her menstruation at the age of 13 
Once she was done with it, she was deemed 
ready for the streets And she took to the 
streets with aplomb! 
Her father died that year in a knife fight
Her Father's prostitution ring was broken 
and they moved to another city 
Her mother became her manager and 
they started making money 
They had a list of clients (personal and 
corporate) they serviced and didn't have 
to stand on street corners 
They offered a wide range of services
And sometimes call other girls to join 
them when they have events 
Her mother had expanded the business 
to include ushering and escort services! 
It was registered and well structured! 
They were like the Charlie's Angels 
Helping the world tame dark demons 
lurking in many hearts...
She was nineteen when she was struck 
by the thought of going into a church 
Nobody preached to her 
She had never really met or engaged 
any Christian in a proper discussion! 
She just saw the church one day and 
she felt a strong pull towards the
She fought it off that day
But the thought wouldn't go away 
At a point she started avoiding the street 
where the church was located 
She didn't understand why the church 
had such a strong influence over her! 
Eventually on her way home from the 
supermarket one Sunday morning she 
went into the church building
Everything was strange 
She just sat there and watched It felt 
somehow like a meeting 
Everything was strange 
And her body was on fire! 
Her fingers were shivering, her skin 
was crawling and her head was 
feeling all electrified! 
She didn't know what was happening 
Tears started flowing
She cried throughout the service 
After the service, people left 
She remained there, crying 
She cried for hours 
Something was happening inside 
of her 
Something she couldn't explain 
When she finally felt relieved 
The parish pastor came to her 
He told her about Jesus and salvation
It was exactly what she wanted to hear 
She gave her life to Christ 
The pastor asked her for her address 
He promised to send a follow-up team 
to help her with her Christian faith 
She gave him a wrong phone number 
and address 
She wouldn't dare bring Christians to 
their house
Her mother and sisters would think she 
had gone mad and she would never hear 
the end of it! 
She returned home a Christian, full of the 
Holy Spirit! 
She knew this because there was this joy 
she felt there was still warmth and liquid 
love oozing through her 
Everybody saw it when she got home 
Her mother asked her if she had fallen in love 
because she was glowing 
Her sisters all observed she had somehow 
She really didn't know how to pray 
She just talked to the Holy Spirit 
whenever she felt a strong prompting in 
her spirit to do so 
It was good
She didn't stop prostituting 
She kept at it and saved up as much as she could 
She needed to leave home and make 
something of her life 
Prostitution was all she was trained to do
It was all she knew
She needed to live on her terms 
She needed money to do so 
So she kept peddling her flesh 
Sometimes in tears and sorrow 
But she had an end in mind!
She saved up enough after working 
for four years! 
She left home 
She traveled to France and started 
a new life 
She joined a proper charity organization 
and a proper ushering and event 
management company 
She learnt the trade as she should 
for two years 
Then she and two others
Started their own organization! 
She specialized in reforming prostitutes 
and helping sex traffic victims heal and 
discover their purpose in life 
She started going to church and ministry 
to the youth She has been doing this for 
twelve years! She never rededicated her
 life to Jesus
She was born again from the moment 
she gave her life to Christ 
The Holy Spirit kept working in her and 
with her even through the four years 
after she became saved! 
He led her out of darkness into his 
marvelous light immediately 
It took her time to work it out in 
the physical!
This is why it is erroneous for you as 
a believer to wear a judge's wig and 
be classifying believers whom you 
didn't save or write their names in 
the book of life as "genuinely saved" 
and "fake saved" 
The Holy Spirit is at work in all believers... 
He works out Christ in us!