Fourth Dimension

Fourth Dimension



Good morning My Brothers, My Sisters


As I “sit” in prayers this morning, The Holy Spirit nudges my heart to write these to us; I write as I hear HIM inside me.


First of all, I give thanks to our Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

HE has brought us to our “Fertile Year” - HAPPY NEW YEAR!


*Some of us will carry out assignments; pending jobs HE has instructed us to start, continue or finish.


*We will need to be “Intentional” in “Personal Growth, Development and Fruitfulness”

- Change relationships

- Change stereotypes

- Change negative patterns and habits

- Broaden your association

- Broaden your knowledge

- Broaden your assets/investments

- Learn a trade / Acquire a skill


*The Holy Spirit will break stereotypes and challenge status-quos - Be ready for strange and unconventional instructions.




*As I prayed in tongues now, I saw a big plain open land”.

HE says, “I have placed before you an open land; build”. The land is “Opportunities”


Note please:

We all won’t build the same thing

We all won’t build the same way

We all won’t build the same time

But be it as it may, let us all BUILD.


*As I worship and sing:

“You deserve the glory and the honor, so I lift my hands in worship as I praise your holy name

You are great

You do miracles so great

There is no one else like you

There is no one else like you”


I have this witness saying, “At every opportunity you have, give The Holy Spirit a platform for expression”; in Public and Private Places.


*Whatever you give HIM to use this year, HE would use:

If you give Him your hands, He will use them to heal

If you give him your mouth, you will speak life through them

If you give Him your tongue, you will speak mysteries

If you give Him your mind, you will create

If you give Him your feet, He will take you places


Eyitayo Felix (Abeokuta) 01/01/2019

Ps: This is strictly for ministers of the gospel


Years ago, whenever people come to me for prayers I would sit down and listen to all the things they have to say. As they speak, I would be using my outer ear to hear and I would be using my inner ear to probe my spirit to see if I would have a word from God for such s person! Most times, I hear nothing!

I end up standing on the word of God, praying and hoping for the best

Sometimes prayer is in itself the convenient excuse for a minister who walks in religion.

He or she would conveniently say “It is God that shows mercy, ours is to pray”

If it works… “God be praised”

If it didn’t work … “At least I prayed”

That way I absolve myself of the responsibility for the results I get when I pray

Most pastors I know are still wired this way

Please don’t be!

Run away from the unprofitable servant’s mentality

“Doing just what was required by human standards”

As disciples of Christ, we were empowered by the Holy Spirit to do much more!

If only we would be bold enough to embrace who we had become in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Another thing I used to do was listen to people’s sob tales

As the saying goes, a problem shared in half solved

People love to give convincing performances of their dilemma

This one will come and fill pastor with sorry tales for one hour

By the time he or she is done, the pastor would almost be crying

The story was so moving, it has moved the pastor out of the realm of realm

He is back into full empathy mode

His prayer had its root in emotion and not in faith

His review would be nothing but “My pastor is a good listener, I felt better when I talked to him”

Pastor had become no more than a psychiatrist or a counselor

Sometimes he would end up offering logical advice to the troubled

“It is best to leave that house if you are having nightmares in it”

“If he or she is diabolic and threatening you, take some time off, leave the toxic environment behind”

“Wisdom is profitable to direct”

“Have you seen the doctor? What was the diagnosis?”

Religious people have perfected this pathetic mode of ministry

I used to be like that too…

Not anymore!


The Holy Spirit asked me to study Jesus intimately

I did so for many months

I read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John over and over again

There was no place it was written about Jesus in the Bible

That he listened to someone’s troubles for one hour

All he did was see a problem and instantly provide a solution

He didn’t want to know if someone from the village is firing spiritual arrows at someone in the city

He didn’t care about ancestral curses

He didn’t bother himself with “The enemy” who had to die

If he would ask any question, it would be

“What do you want me to do for you”

“Would you be made whole”

“Do you believe I can do this?”

And then he would go ahead and heal the sick and/or deliver the oppressed

After almost two years of studying the Person of Jesus

I got it!

I stopped listening to tales of “I had a dream and somebody shot an arrow at me”

Or “An old woman comes into my dream and so this and that to me”


All I ask I people is “What is the problem?’ or “What do you want me to do for you”

And then I do such in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit

Everything changed once I got who the person of Jesus is in my spirit

I became what He intended for me to become when he sent me the Holy Spirit

He was the light that made me a light

He was the son that made me a son

I am the expression of his image in the flesh

I have his fullness in me

Grace for grace!

So I occupy

I take charge

I tell demons to flee

I tell human bodies and brains to recover and they do!

At my word, afflictions, infirmities and diseases flee

Christ in me, the hope of glory!


Many of us pray in his name

I have discovered how to pray in his “person”

When you discover this

You have walked into the fourth dimension


  • Gbenga Samuel - Wemimo