There is a couple I have been counseling
Husband has been sleeping in a hotel
for 22 days
They recently separated because the wife
travelled to Dubai on a whim
(To buy goods and stock up her shop)
in apprehension of Covid-19 without
consulting with him and without making
adequate plans for the children!
She was gone for five days
The husband had to get some church
members and his younger sister involved
in babysitting and cooking because
he was also under pressure at work
because of Covid-19.
At that time this lockdown was only a
matter of time!
He felt his wife prioritized her business
above the family!
The wife said she saw an opportunity for
her business which she couldn’t ignore.
Anyway, the wife got back home and he
moved out immediately.
The wife reached out to me and I reached
out to him
We became friends and even met twice
He said he would eventually go home
but he would only do so when he was
satisfied his wife had learned her lesson!
After the covid-19 lockdown was confirmed
I sent him a message to go home and
lead his family through the crisis!
Uncle sent me a message in the middle of
the night
“If this thing we are doing ends up in a
third baby, I will come and drop the baby
at your house Brother Gbenga!
This morning, his wife wrote to me,
she said “He didn’t say a word!
He was forming Ninja!
I didn’t know what to do.
I just prayed and slept naked!
Brother Gbenga!
God answers prayers o!
He stayed in the sitting room till 2 am!
I was lying in bed waiting for him,
I didn’t want to sleep off.
He showered and laid down at the
edge of the bed.
I didn’t want him to scream at me so
I just prayed and waited
Then he reached for me with hands
I didn’t sleep till 5 am
It was as if we were teenagers again
We didn’t discuss adult problems
We didn’t trade blames
It was primitive and unrestrained
He smacked me and I smacked him
This lockdown is a reset trigger
I hope I dont get pregnant
Me: Lockdown babies are coming
14 days lockdown
A lot of pregnancies
are coming out of this especially from
married couples The "I have retired cabal"
The "do not touch me gang"
A lot of bedroom activity
A lot of bonding and cuddling
Keys and keyholes finding expression
Pastors naming brand new babies soon
Instead of mourning, we shall have
Instead of burials, we shall have
naming ceremonies
Cheating spouses shall stay faithful
and find delight in their marriages
Families shall communicate better,
spend more time together, pray together
We are profiting from this
I will like to categorically state the following
1) I am from Zion
2) I am here as an ambassador of Christ
3) I live according to the rules and regulations
of Zion
4) As an ambassador, I respect the laws of
my host country and abide by it 4
5) I do not trust in science to solve
(Science has been wrong too many times.
Science claimed the planets were nine
once and many people passed and
failed examinations based on this.
Science later claimed the planets
were more than 50 and counting without
saying sorry for those they had previously
I have seen science and medicine fail
I know that mankind must trust in
something and if they have chosen to
trust in science I must respect this.
So I do respect this.
But I walk in realities far above science
I am a Christkind
I make no apologies for this at all
I am from above and he that is from
above is above all
I believe in the Lord Jesus and walk in
the reality of the power of the Holy Spirit
I do not mock or consider ignorant
the power of God made manifest in
His church through the Holy Spirit
called the Anointing!
I am anointed!
The word of God is the reality I live in
My life is set on a certain course in Christ
I operate daily with myriads of angels
to accomplish the desires of heaven in
the terrestrial plains of men
I do not cower in fear when the storm
I was built to ride and reign over storms
Many have turned to me in this trying time
and they found my reality as supernatural
as it was before the crisis
Many are still turning to Christ through
my walk with him today.
I am asking fellow Christ-kinds not to get
carried away by the noisome pestilence
It is a fleeting discomfort.
Do not neglect the power of your
confession at this minute
Do not deny the Lord and enthrone
“science” as your salvation at this time
You have the “cure” in Christ if you truly
Be glad
Be steadfast
Remember, Jesus gave us an overcomer’s
You Win!
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