Grove claims

Grove claims

There was a strange reality about her 
She was not sure why 
Nobody seems to know the answers 
But nobody can deny the fact that 
the family needs serious help 
The men in her family die young 
Those who survive the age of forty 
often develop mental illness before 
age 50
They were usually early bloomers 
Racing through the early stages of 
their lives with a jet speed 
Her father, for example, got his Ph.D 
in Mathematics at the age of 29 
By that age, he was already married 
with three children! 
Her father's elder brother was equally 
fast, he became a chartered accountant 
at the age of 19 and was married with 
three children by the age of 30! 
That was the pattern 
The ladies in the family also have their 
own peculiar challenges! 
They were fantastic money managers 
and business oriented! 
But they always end up as single parents
Either through early widowhood or 
getting pregnant for people who wouldn't 
marry them or being side chicks! 
In fact a many of their women 
(Her father's generation) ended up settling 
in the UK with loads of cash but without 
settled homes! 
It was the pattern she was born into!
She was the first child of her father 
Her father and his siblings were very close 
(those who stayed in Nigeria) 
They had noticed the pattern and were 
always looking out for each other 
They had meetings once a month and 
made sure all their children had a very 
close relationship!
On her fifteenth birthday, she had a 
little teenage spat with one of her cousins! 
Her father three her a party and encouraged 
her to invite all her friends 
There was a boy she really liked 
He lived in their estate 
He came for her party 
But her cousin latched on to the boy like
Soap to sponge 
She couldn't take it 
She tried as much as she could to control 
Her cousin conducted herself shamelessly 
But at a point, she had to lash out 
Especially when she saw that her crush 
was totally hooked by her cousin's antics 
She called her cousin a prostitute
After the party, their parents called a 
meeting and told them that there was 
warfare the family was facing! 
They had gone for consultations and they 
had been told that the family must fight 
the battle in unity! 
The enemy is out to her them! 
There shouldn't be infighting! 
She had suspected all along that the 
closeness of the family was not normal! 
They threw parties (rotating among siblings) 
every three months! 
Their parents confirmed that the parties 
were sacrificial offerings they were told 
to do constantly within the family to ward 
off evil!
She gained admission into the University at 
She was already writing her ICAN 
Her father's elder brother clocked forty 
They had a party 
Two weeks later, he died! 
Wow! His wife said he had been seeing 
coffins and burial ceremonies in his dream 
It was a shocking exit! 
Her father was 38 
He had started having the same dreams 
It was obvious the sacrificial offering parties 
didn't work! 
Her father ran to a church 
He needed divine intervention 
The church founder told her father he 
had to resign his job and become a 
pastor under him! 
His father
He was desperate to live 
He resigned his job, started a consulting 
firm and became a pastor under the 
church all within a year! 
The dreams stopped! 
Her father also became very careful 
He wouldn't go on any long journey, 
are well and did his exercises! 
He wanted so desperately to live! 
She was in 300level when her father 
clocked 40 She went home for the party 
It was a glorious day 
Friends from all over the world 
celebrated him 
That night she had a dream that 
her father died 
The following morning, at about 9 am 
Her father slipped in the bathroom and
hit his head on the bathtub! 
Her mother discovered him a few minutes 
He was rushed to the hospital 
He wasn't dead but had slipped into a coma 
The doctors gave him a very minor chance 
of recovering 
They said if he recovered, he might never 
be normal again! 
The serpent had
Struck their family again! 
She reached out to the brother in Jeans 
and T-shirt 
She had given up on her father 
She just wanted to know how the pattern 
wouldn't cross over to their own generation! 
He asked her if her father was still alive 
She said yes! 
He said she shouldn't make
act as if it was over for her father! 
Her father was a pastor, that counts 
for something! 
They prayed! 
Her father's body responded to treatment 
Three days later, her father came out of 
the coma! 
She couldn't believe it! 
Her father was discharged two weeks later 
They came to see
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
Her father said they were told by elders 
that there was a banana groove in their 
village dedicated to their lineage 
It was the demons in the banana trees 
that gave their ancestors children when 
they were barren and looking for children 
but as Bananas trees grew quickly and 
spread quickly but do not have a long 
life span, so it was with them! 
They were told never to fail to offer 
sacrifices and to stick together as a family 
That was what they had been doing and 
yet death kept taking them away at will! 
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt told 
him to stop all sacrifices immediately! 
He told him as long as he was offering 
the sacrifices by sending money to 
priests in the village he was still pledging 
allegiance to the demons!
 Then he led him to Christ! 
The next day the family had a Meeting! 
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed 
with them and led them to Christ! 
He told them to live free of the fear
they had of death, mental affliction and 
marital dysfunction 
Such has been totally removed from the 
Two weeks later, they got a report from 
the village! 
The Banana trees in the groove all turned 
black and started to rot! 
The priests called issuing warnings of dire 
consequences and all sorts! 
But the family stayed clear of idols! 
The banana trees died! 
The entire groove perished! 
No member of the family died again 
The Holy Spirit had taken over the 
family completely! 
It's been eight years 
The Holy Spirit established them in 
a living church 
There was a total turn around in the 
The devil doesn't have the power to make 
human beings 
Don't believe such lies 
The moment you give your life to Jesus, 
you are free! 
You no longer have to service any entity
 to live the right kind of life! 
In Jesus, you were born into eternal 
life and liberty! 
Demons are nothing! 
Witchcraft is a joke! 
Don't fall for devilish illusions and 
Come to Jesus today and become a 
citizens of Zion!