

He broke out of  a particular denomination
He was a gifted Sunday School and Bible Study teacher
He was a teacher by calling and profession 
He studied the Bible inside out for many years
He walked with the Holy Spirit to a certain level
He developed many important doctrines as a result of his studies
He grew in the faith and in the knowledge of Christ
At a point, he realised he had outgrown his leaders
It wasn't as if they do not know the scriptures
It wasn't as if they do not know the Holy Spirit
But one would only grow to the height he or she desires
He had the room to grow more because he thirsted more
Like Paul, he took the gospel as his life
The Holy Spirit saw the capacity in him to do more
The Holy Spirit endowed him with more
He began to prophesy, with great aunction and accuracy
He also developed the stamina to fast for many days
Oh, how he grew!
The leaders noticed him
How could anybody deny such an obvious manifestation
of the Holy Spirit?
Envy, malice and jealousy apart! 
He was far above many of his peers in the ministry
Eventually, the opportunity came for the church to establish a branch
He was the obvious choice to head the parish
The church laid hands on him and sent him forth
He started the parish from a classroom!
Within a year, by divine power, the church got a big piece of land
People poured into the parish from everywhere
He was more comfortable speaking the English language
Unlike the local dialect, they spoke in the mother church
This attracted upwardly mobile, forward thinking
members to his church
Miracles, signs, wonders and undeniable supernatural
manifestations were evident in the ministry
The building project was done in record time
On the day of the launching of the building
He made the first bold announcement
The church would no longer be a branch of the old
He has been named by the Holy Spirit
He has been singled out by the Holy Spirit
He has been called by the Holy Spirit
To tow a new path and build an enduring church
one based on vision, revelation, relevance and a mandate!
The church will now be called XYZ church
He will be the General Overseer, as stated by the 
Holy Spirit!
The church members loved it!
The burden of ordinances and cumbersome doctrines
of the former denomination was choking
Uneducated old men who held fast to old ideas while
disregarding the reality of modern time
The brand new General Overseer is a man of Vision
A Moses, A Joshua, A Paul, A Visioneer and a leader
He will take them to the promise land!
Members prospered!
A lot of testimonies rolled in!
People come from far and near to partake of the living waters
From Prophet, his title was increased to "Apostle"
He started planting branches of his own 
But he had become a God!
Just like Moses was made a God to Pharaoh and
Aaron was made a Prophet to Moses!
Nobody could question a God?
Nobody could give opinions and suggestions to God?
Nobody could tell God to rethink his actions!
Nobody dares question God!
One of his church members had issues with the way some
issues were handled and subsequently left the church!
He waited until the following Sunday, told the church
to open to a particular portion of the scripture and 
used the scripture to rain curses on the man!
He insisted that God should take all the blessings
the "traitor" that left the church got while in the 
church and turn it to dung!
Other church members became afraid!
Is this how we would be cursed by the congregation
of believers if we left the church?
A woman whose husband had been abroad for 
several years couldn't make it to a vigil because
her husband was returning home and she had to go 
and meet him at the airport!
He said "So she chose her husband ahead of heaven?"
She will hereby be suspended from the workforce
of the church with immediate effect!
When the lady got to church the following Sunday and
heard what he said, she left and never came back!
He opened another scripture the following Sunday
and cursed the lady and her family!
Where there was once liberty, brotherly love, joy, 
peace, growth and power
Fear, torment, murmuring, backbiting, bitterness,
anger, darkness and dread reigned!
He made a law that members must always kneel
down when addressing him and other principal
Suspicion became the order of the day!
The Choir Director's daughter got involved in a 
ghastly motor accident! She survived but spent many
months in the hospital! He said it was because
the choir director was not faithful in tithe payment!
He ordered all the couples in the church to do
"remarriage" because the vows they took was
"For better for worse" instead of "For better, for best"
They all obeyed!
 He told all the young people of marriageable age
to drop their names and by the Spirit matchmade 
all of them!
Some of them accepted his verdict!
Some protested!
Those who protested were termed rebels and cursed!
Many left the church at this time!
It was obvious the glory had departed!
He got angry because people were walking away from God!
The sheep were willingly deserting their shepherd
A particular young lady (A singer) whom he groomed and 
invested a lot in also refused to marry the man he 
chose for her!
She left the church and joined another Pentecostal church
He called her one morning and told her
" For betraying the time, sweat, money and grace i invested
in you in such a heartless manner,
You will never become a mother, you will die barren
This will happen unless the Lord has not called me!"
She quickly ran to his house with some believers
She wanted to beg him and plead that 
he should revoke the curse
He refused to give her audience
She cried and begged and wailed
He wouldn't budge!
She left!
She got married two years later in 2009
and relocated to Lagos!
The curse held!
The doctors declared her medically sound
The doctors declared her husband medically sound
And yet she couldn't conceive
She tried everything!
Artificial insemination, IVF, and so on
Nothing worked!
She went to the pastor at least twice every year
His church had become "Icabod (gloryless)" and he had grown
very bitter, angry and unforgiving 
She read some stories on gbengawemimo.com 
They resonate with her spirit but talk is cheap!
She made the call!
On a Sunday morning, she went to see the 
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt in Church
"Just come with me to beg this pastor" was her plea
But Jesus did not die on the cross to set
us free so that any man can put us in bondage!
No way!
How can light be put in bondage by light!
How can freedom ensnare freedom?
How can Jesus curse Jesus?
No way!
He showed her the scripture and explained it
to her
"The Bible tells us that “like a fluttering sparrow
 or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does
not come to rest” (Proverbs 26:2b). 
This means that foolish curses have no effect. 
God does not allow His children to be cursed. 
God is sovereign. 
No one has the power to curse one whom 
God has decided to bless. 
God is the only One able to pronounce judgment."
They prayed in the spirit for sometime
He said "A word of blessing destroys a million words
of curses! Jacob Cursed Reuben, Simeon and Levi Gen 49:3-7
"Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the first sign 
of my strength, excelling in honour, excelling in power.
Turbulent as the waters, you will no longer excel, for you 
went up onto your father's bed, onto my couch and defiled it.
"Simeon and Levi are brothers-- their swords [1] are weapons 
of violence.
Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, 
for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung 
oxen as they pleased.
Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their fury, so cruel! 
I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel.
But Moses reversed the curses on Reuben,
“Let Reuben live and not die, nor let his men be few” 
(Deuteronomy 33:6)
and on Levi in  "Exodus 32: 29
Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the
 LORD today, for you were against your own sons and 
brothers and he has blessed you this day"
Therefore as I lay my hands on you, this very day,
you shall be blessed and the yoke of the curse shall be
destroyed totally!
He laid hands on her!
She screamed and cried for a long time
Service ended, she left for her house
Two hours later she called
"Sir, by the time I got home, I was soaked! I didn't know
where the blood was coming from because I was not
due yet for my period! I ran into the bathroom and a 
huge lump dropped right from my body into the toilet!
I have done many scans and doctors always told me
I didn't have a fibroid or anything growing in my system!
Where did that giant of a thing come from?
I took it to the hospital and the doctors confirm it
was fibroid!
Prayer did that?

PS: This event unfolded in Lagos (2017)
A believer shouldn't go about cursing people
It is evidence that you are not of the Lord 
Jesus said "Bless, curse not"
Misuse of anointing will be judged
If you take the currency of heaven to do evil
You shall account for it
The lady delivered a set of twins in 2018
through the caesarean session (Her choice)
If you have been cursed by anybody,
And you think the curse is effective in your reality
"For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, 
 that he might destroy the works of the devil.
I command that Curse to be broken right now
in Jesus name! Amen!!!