Job Chronicles 3

Job Chronicles 3

At some point, while still searching 
for an NYSC job, I read a book titled – 
Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. 
The book was essentially about 
hacking and the art and science of 
encryption and decryption called 
That was my first-time hearing about 
that field and it sounded quite intriguing 
to me particularly because the book 
said cryptographers are usually great 
at math and I loved math and believed 
I was great at it. 
I googled the field of cryptography, 
saw that it was a subset of Information 
Security, and became interested in 
Information Security as a profession. 
I did not know any company that 
specialized in that field, but by a stroke 
of luck, the brother of my sister’s friend 
had a friend, V,  who worked in one 
such company, DJL. 
He introduced me to B and I sent my C.V. 
to B as requested. B was able to schedule 
me for an interview on a Tuesday I think. 
I got to the interview in Osborne foreshore 
estate and mehn the first thing I noticed 
was the décor of the office. 
The furniture looked very classy and I just 
jumped inside the conclusion that they 
paid very well (all na scam lols) and I was 
determined to work there.
I was asked a bunch of questions and I 
answered them to the best of my ability. 
The interviewer asked me what my 5-year 
plan was and I foolishly said I planned 
to go for my master’s degree after 
working full time with them for one year. 
Wrongest of the wrongest answer in 
the world. (P.S. If you don’t yet know
 what’s wrong about this answer, let me 
just say here that if ever you are asked 
for a 5 or even 50-year plan during 
an interview, your answer must be 
within the context of the company) 
Anyway, I left the interview in excitement 
and in my mind I had nailed the job – 
All that was left was for me to receive 
a call back to start work. 
My mum got me an interview with a 
family friend of hers and I attended it. 
They were a bunch of young people 
who had gotten a customer relationship 
manager (CRM) project with the 
now-defunct Oceanic bank and were 
looking for fresh engineering graduates 
like me. 
They offered me the job and we negotiated 
my salary but I wasn’t too keen on working 
with them so I asked them to give me 
till Friday to get back to them as I was 
hoping that by then DJL would have given 
me an offer. 
By Friday, DJL had still not called me 
back as expected so I called B to ask him
 if he knew the reason why and he told 
me he’d get back to me.
The following Monday, I was in yaba on 
my way home from the NYSC office 
when my B called to tell me that DJL 
wouldn’t be accepting me for the NYSC job. 
Devastated doesn’t even begin to describe 
how I felt. 
I was on the verge of tears but I decided 
to call the CRM people to accept the offer. 
I called my interviewer and primary contact 
and told him I was going to accept the offer 
but to my surprise, he informed me that 
they were going with someone else as 
I did not get back to them the previous 
Friday like I Said I would. 
You guys - right there and then in the 
middle of yaba market, I started to shed 
hot tears. 
As in I was weeping profusely like someone 
had died. 
The Friday before I thought I had 2 job 
offers and just 3 days later I was back to 
square one. 
After crying for about 5 mins, I stopped 

abruptly. I decided that I Wasn’t going 
to kill myself and I shopped for fried 
rice ingredients and plantain, went home 
made my badass fried rice and plantain, 
ate it, and slept off. 
I am just a weird person I know. 
It was after these rejections that I took 
the offer for the NYSC IT job where I 
was not retained.
I remembered I had passed KPMG and 
P&G aptitude tests in my final year at 
UNILAG and I sent emails to the 
recruiters at both organizations asking 
them to continue with the recruitment 
I was scheduled for my first interview 
with a senior at KPMG at Ikoyi. 
I borrowed my sister’s TM shirt, wore 
it over black pants and black pumps, 
and drove to Ikoyi with my learner plates 
on one lane on Ikorodu road from Magodo. 
I had not prepared for the interview at all 
as I felt my GPA, my major, and the 
University I attended more than qualified 
me to be employed there. 
After the interview, the interviewer told 
me he’d recommend me for the second 
stage of the interview but for subsequent 
interviews I should wear a suit as I 
wasn’t appropriately dressed. 
I thanked him and left. 
I heeded his advice and wore my elder 
sister’s suit to attend the second stage 
of interview this time with the Senior 
manager (honestly one of the things 
I miss about being skinny is being 
able to wear ALL my sisters’ clothes). 
I arrived earlier than scheduled and 
was ushered into the interview room.
My interviewer came in late and if I 
was unprepared he was much more 
He kept asking me random questions 
and wasn’t paying attention to my 
answers – instead he was pressing 
his blackberry messenger device. 
I am someone who feeds off the 
energy of my listeners when speaking
 – I perform better when my listeners 
are attentive and giving encouraging 
signs like nods, but falter in my 
performance when I am being ignored 
by my listeners or if my listener looks 
At some point, I stopped speaking 
because he was obviously not listening 
to me but he told me to go ahead and 
lied that he was paying attention. 
The interview went downhill from there. 
Afterward, I narrated the experience 
to my sister who worked there and 
she told me I could contest the interview 
or something of that sort – essentially 
complain and ask to be assigned another 
interviewer but I wasn’t too keen on 
working at KPMG. 
Leaving the house at 5.30 am only to 
return at 11:00 PM is not my idea of 
work at all – I consider that to be slavery, 
forced labor, or child abuse.
I was scheduled for my first interview with 
P&G and again 
I borrowed my sister’s work clothes to 
attend (my sister tried for me when 
it came to lending me clothes). 
This time around though, I didn’t tell 
anyone in my house I had an interview 
as I didn’t want to be the object of 
anyone’s pity if I wasn’t offered the job. 
I wanted to work at P&G though because 
it is a multinational and would look great 
on my resume, they paid well, their office 
was beautiful and it was less than 
15 minutes from my house. 
After my first interview, I was scheduled 
for a 2nd interview which I did and 
then a 3rd interview and that’s when VP 
intervened and things went awry. 
During my 3rd interview, the first 2 
interviewers along with a new 
interviewer were present. 
I was asked if I had any leadership 
experience and I said I had none. 
(Again I did not prepare for the interview. 
I am not even sure I know you were 
supposed to prepare for interviews). 
They told me it didn’t have to be 
anything major it just had to be a 
situation where I led a group project 
or made some people do what I 
wanted them to do. 
I should have just kept quiet and not 
disgraced my ancestors but I told 
them that I had experience making 
people do what I requested.
I told them that I came from a family 
of 5 kids and I was the 2nd child. 
I always did the cleaning as we did 
not have a house-help and after I 
cleaned, I would insist that none of 
my siblings wore their slippers on 
the clean floors and I made them 
work bare feet for the next couple 
of days after I cleaned. 
This recommendation always met 
with some resistance but I always 
insisted and ended up having my way. 
That's how my evil recruiters, with 
incredulous voices, reiterated the 
statement I made about my leadership 
experience being able to successfully 
convince my siblings not to wear slippers 
on the floors I cleaned and started 
laughing hysterically. 
It was like the floor should open up 
and swallow me. 
Anyway, I packed my load and left and 
said goodbye to a fantastic opportunity. 
In addition to sending applications 
online, I started to reach out to all my
 contacts and buzzed B at DJL telling 
him I was still in need of a full-time job. 
He told me they weren’t hiring at DJL 
and eventually recommended I attend 
an information value chain program 
that was held one Wednesday every 
At the end of the program, he would 
point to the CEO and I could walk up 
to her and tell her I needed a job.
On the day of the program, I wore my 
best work clothes (my youngest sister
 by 10-years’ clothes) and headed to 
DJL office. 
I felt weird leaving the company name 
blank when I signed in but I wrote just 
my name and went to the room where 
the program was being held. 
I felt a bit intimidated by all the suits 
in the room but I composed myself 
and after the meeting, B stylishly pointed 
at the CEO to me.
I hung around her and as soon as she 
was standing alone, I swooped in and 
introduced myself and said I was 
looking for a job. 
She was surprised and must have asked 
how I came to know about the meeting 
but I can’t remember. 
She asked me to give my resume and 
contact details to her assistant which 
I did. 
A few days later, I was called to have a 
chat with the MD. I went to see her and 
explained that I had been turned down 
during NYSC but because I really wanted 
to work in the infosec field I didn’t give 
up trying to get a position at her company 
despite my previous rejection. 
She told me she admired my tenacity 
(I think that was my first time hearing 
that word) And confidence but unfortunately, 
they had no openings at the time. 
But she was expecting a couple of 
projects in the coming months and would 
get in touch with me when that time came. 
I thanked her and left and I did not hope 
to hear from her again.
You can imagine my surprise when I 
received a text the following evening, 
Thursday, asking me to come and give 
a presentation titled “Becoming a 
successful IT Consultant: Key 
Requirements and Challenges” 
the following Monday. I was so excited! 
As soon as my mum returned from work, 
I borrowed her internet and googled 
the topic. I saw a book on it which I 
downloaded immediately and started 
That day I was super grateful that I 
love to read and I read fast. 
I had only given 2 presentations in 
my life before then – one for IT defense 
and the other for Project Defense and 
my slides were nothing to write home 
about. Kia (immediately), 
I buzzed a brother, Effanga who is a 
presentation guru asking if he could 
help me out and he told me we’d do it 
together but fortunately for me he didn’t 
have time to put me through and just 
sent me the final slides a few hours 
after I gave him my content on 
Monday morning. 
You guys the slides were so beautiful, 
if I could cry, I’d cry. 
Anyway, on the night before my presentation, 
my sister asked me to practice with her 
as my audience but she kept correcting 
me saying I sounded too rehearsed, I 
wasn’t using my hands, etc. 
At some point I told her I wasn’t rehearsing 
again because all her corrections were 
making me nervous and unsure of myself. 
But I imbibed her feed-back about not 
letting my slides be too wordy and only 
including the salient points.
Thankfully, when I read stuff, I retain 
almost everything I read and after reading 
the book I could talk about everything 
I read. 
I went to DJL and was ushered into 
the interview room by the HR where 
the CEO, COO, and my contact, B, 
were waiting for me. 
I was asked to set up and that's how my 
hands and body began to shake. 
HR nearly shouted on me saying my time 
was going and I only had 20 minutes 
I was just praying through it all and 
telling God that my disgrace was 
his disgrace and he should help. 
I Started nervously and after a minute 
it was like my body was invaded by 
someone else. 
I started to speak very confidently 
maintaining eye contact with my 
audience and using my hands effectively – 
I was barely even looking at my slides. 
My audience was paying rapt attention 
and the CEO was nodding in agreement 
from time to time. 
I went above time but they let me finish. 
After I was done, they clapped for me 
and the shoulder pad just magically 
appeared on my shoulders. 
Even if they didn’t offer me the job, I 
was very proud of myself. 
The COO asked me if I had notes on 
the slides on my laptop that were not 
visible on the projected slides and 
I said no. 
He was surprised and asked how I 
was able to speak solely from my head. 
He did not know that i am a brainiac. 
Anyways they asked me a bunch of 
questions and I answered them after 
which they said they’d get back to me.
Later that evening, B  called me to 
tell me they were very impressed 
with my presentation and my confidence 
and the CEO said they’d offer me a 
level higher than an entry-level position 
and I was super excited. 
I got an email from the CEO a few 
days later asking me to come in 
for negotiations. 
She repeated what B said and told 
me they’d offer me a Senior Analyst 
role and a certain amount of money. 
IT was my very first role and I accepted 
the offer without negotiating. 
She said I should pick up the offer 
letter from HR in a few days which I did. 
I did not open the bulky envelope until I 
got home so I could look at it with my 
Only for me to get home, open the letter, 
and see the role of Analyst and an amount 
that was N500,000 less than what I was 
I was already upset but I assumed it was 
a mistake so I contacted HR who told 
me I’d need to speak with the MD about 
the issue but she had traveled. 
I got her email from him and sent her 
an email saying what I received wasn’t 
what I was offered and she replied 
saying “oh what I was offered must have 
been a mistake and the offer I received 
was what she meant to say and I should 
accept it as she’s sure I’ll be a high flyer 
and rise in no time. I had already made 
up my mind to reject the offer but my 
parents, elder sister and Effanga asked 
me to accept it and use it as a starting
 point seeing as I had been home for 
5 months without a job. 
You guys I cried my eyes out and 
decided to accept the offer. But I had 
already formed a negative opinion of 
the MD and I resumed work with a 
chip on my shoulder about not being 
adequately compensated and being 
To be Continued…

Instagram: @firecracker_toyeen
Twitter: @firecrackertoyn