A Kind for A Kind

A Kind for A Kind

Dear young man, I have a piece of 
advice which you might choose to 
take or ignore.
Avoid the company of a "slay queen" 
as much as you can, regardless of 
where you first met. 
Resist being with her with every 
ounce of energy that you can muster. 

Meet a slay Queen
She doesn't have a wealthy background 
but she presents a facade that suggests 
she came from one. 
To the undiscerning, she comes across 
as posh, upscale and sophisticated.
She spends all the time and resources 
she can get on good looks. 
The only asset she has is her body. 
The only thing that occupies her brain  
is how to acquire the next fashion 
paraphernalia and flaunt them. O yes! 
She flaunts the things she could not 
actually afford with a view to slight her 
fellow women and call attention to herself.  
Apart from the foregoing, there's nothing 
more to her. 
She's like a beautiful automobile with 
superb aesthetics but without a functional 
She is on every social media platform trying 
hard to showcase her body for the highest 
The most expensive item in her possession 
is her smartphone. 
She would do anything to acquire a phone 
that is not even her size.
A slay queen is a lazy lot. 
She feels too classy for certain jobs. 
She cannot get her hands dirty to earn a living. 
Working is like a taboo for her. 
Ask her to choose between starting a small 
scale business for her or buying her a 
phone that is worth 1000 Dollars, 
she would go for the phone. 
Ordinarily, women are natural assets 
and a plus to their men but a slay queen is
 not a plus to anyone. 
She is not an asset. 
She's a liability. 
She's a capital project that never ends. 
She's a high-maintenance woman who does 
not want to lift a finger to sustain her 
expensive lifestyle. 
She's like a graveyard that never says 
"it is enough". 
She is a bottomless pit. 
She is insatiable. 
She's a money guzzler.
 And to crown it all, she feels entitled 
and she's ungrateful, no matter what 
you do for her.
Forget about the pet names she calls you. 
She is actually not interested in you but 
in herself. 
She's extremely egocentric. 
All she wants is to have you sponsor her 
vain lifestyle. 
She will drain you financially, emotionally 
and also waste your time resource. 
Fall in love with her and you have fallen 
in love with your own ruins
In actual fact, it takes a foolish man to 
fall in love with a slay mama. 
She is not capable of loving in return. 
To her, you are nothing more than a 
sponsor, never a lover. 
Never think you can spend the rest of
 your life with her. 
Never get stuck with her. 
Wake up and smell the coffee before it's 
too late.
She has left many victims in her trail. 
You don't have to join the list. 
Don't be carried away with her charm. 
The day you are broke is the day she 
moves on to the next victim. 
To every young lady out there, never 
aspire to become a "slay queen". 
Slaying is not a career.  
There's no future in it. 
It is a road that leads nowhere. 
Do not model your life after the 
much-touted slay queens.
 Everything about them is unreal.
 They are more or less repackaged 
However, If being fashionable and 
stylish comes naturally to you or it is 
in-born, by all means, go for it. 
Looking good is good business. 
Be fashionable all you can but stay 
within your means. 
And never neglect to be industrious. 
Be real. 
Be comfortable under your skin. 
Be genuine. 
Being genuine is attractive enough. 
Be industrious. 
There is beauty in industry. 
A man who despises industry in a 
woman is not a real man. 
A man who cannot see the beauty in 
your industry and genuineness is not 
deserving of you. 
Be proud of yourself. 
Be proud of your hustle, whether it 
yields little or much. 

It is a new day! 


A Kind for A Kind

 As I read this post on  PastorTaiwo 
Akinyemi's Facebook page, I remember 
a lady I met several years ago
I was barely in my 20s and I grew up in
Intelligence and street wisdom were
two different things
I had the former and didn't even know
the latter was a real thing
So I met this babe
Elegant and classy, the type of babe that
my friends in the hostel will see and 
say "You be correct guy"
We got talking and became quite friendly
with each other
As expected, the friendship led to her
making suggestions about buying her
She was always in taxation mode
When i take her out for a meal, she will
eat the most expensive dishes and
even pack extra to give to her friends
in the hostel
The conversation with her was always
She liked to play Ludo and to bet
The only thing she will bet with was
sex if she lost a game and if she won
you get to pay her a certain amount
of money
She told me she was in a tertiary institution
but she was always willing and available
even during the school session
About a month after we met, I had not
asked her out or anything like that
We were still "friending" each other 
My younger sister came to say hello
to me
They met
They got talking
When my younger sister was leaving
she said "Where did you meet fake Barbie"
I laughed
She was an excellent judge of character
but Fake Barbie?
My sister said "She is not in school,
she is one of those girls doing runs for
a living, she probably thought you had
some money and would enhance her
How can't you see through that facade?
I was three years older than my younger
It was the first time she berated me ever!
The following weekend, i found my way
to Molete
I didn't tell her I was coming
She told me she would be spending
the weekend with her parents and
I decided to "take my eyes" to the source
It was terrible!
Her sugar daddy was throwing a birthday
party for her
Her sugar daddy was a commercial bus
The wife of the commercial bus driver
showed up with her friends
The fight was dirty
I saw everything from across the street
I got there just in time!
I made sure she saw me before I left
She was from a world I never thought
 I would ever even imagine being a
part of
A world where people are dull things
to be manipulated and used for shiny 
She had charms in her bag
While she was fighting with her sugar
Daddy's wife, she brought out rings
and charms and threatened to turn
her attackers into imbeciles!
It was way too much
Her kind was for the kind of men who
see ladies as sex objects without any
other value in life
I was not that kind of man
I walked away with a head full of

Olasupo Oladapo