Keeping Vanity

Keeping Vanity

#She insisted she did everything 
she did for love
She said "If i was as wicked as many 
are claiming now, I could have used 
the opportunities I have to help myself, 
to make some money, to travel abroad, 
to achieve great feats but I didn't. 
All I did was defend my territory, all I 
did was protect my turf from being 
invaded by strangers
All I did was fight to keep what was 
She was in her later fifties when her 
children dragged her to the office of 
the brother in Jeans and T-shirt. 
She had five children, four boys and 
one girl
Her first son, 43, had been married for 
13 years without a child, her second 
son 40, had been married for 15 years 
without a child, her third child 38, had 
been married for 10 years without a 
child, her only daughter 36, was not 
married and the last child 34 had 
been married for two years without a 
The children had called a meeting at 
the beginning of that year among 
themselves wondering how they had 
all been struggling to move forward 
in life generally and specifically in the 
area of childbearing
How can a mother have five children 
and none of the children was able 
to start a family
They decided to fast and pray
They needed a revelation and a 
On the third day of their fast, they all 
had a similar revelation
They saw a pregnant woman, lying in a 
pool of blood, calling their mother's
 name and cursing their mother's children 
with bareness and all sorts of maladies 
before life drained out of her
It was strange for two people to have 
the same revelation of the night at the 
same time but four of them had this 
revelation and could describe the details
The only one of them who didn't have 
the revelation that night was 
accosted by a pregnant woman on her 
way home from her office on the evening 
of the same day
The woman walked up to her and said 
"Lady, you desire to be pregnant, to 
carry a baby! You're praying for the fruit 
of the womb but the blood and cry of
 the innocent will not allow you and 
your brothers to hear the patter of little 
feet in your home. Too much blood, too 
much wickedness, too much evil! 
You need to talk to your mother!"
Later that evening during their 9 pm 
prayers over the phone, the oldest 
brother shared the revelation and they 
were all struck by fear. 
They decided to had to see their mother 
and find out how she was involved in 
their plight
The travelled to their mother's location 
the following Friday and told their mother 
what they had seen, they begged their 
mother to shed some light on the issue
Their mother smiled and said 
she didn't know anything about their 
The children were shocked
Their father died at the age of fifty and 
only witnessed the wedding ceremony of 
the second son, so he was in no position 
to answer their questions
Their mother had decided not to say a 
word (They were sure 
she knew so much more than she was 
claiming to know)
So they decided they would all abandon 
her because she was a witch
She was working with the sanitation 
department in her state as a street 
cleaner at the time
She was earning some money but they 
supported her with a stipend every 
After three months, she called her 
first son and told him he should hold 
himself and his siblings responsible for 
anything that happened to them from 
that day as a result of their silent 
The children called for another meeting 
and traveled down to meet with her
This time they tricked her that they 
wanted to take her somewhere for 
medical treatment and brought her to 
the office of the brother in Jeans and 
They were convinced once their mother 
confesses to witchcraft everything 
would be resolved and they would be 
able to move on to the next level of 
fulfillment in life
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt berated
 them for their tactics, he found it
He met their mother and apologized to 
her on behalf of her children
Then he told the mother why the children 
did what they did
They had been 
provoked to wrath
He asked the family to join their hands 
He joined his hands with them and 
prayed for unity and a turnaround
As soon as they finished praying, their 
mother started to cry
She said she did what she did for love
What did she do?
She heard from a friend 
that her late husband had married a 
second wife secretly and that the 
woman was pregnant
She couldn't believe her husband 
would betray her that way
They started with nothing and were 
still struggling to make ends meet
She confronted her husband with 
the facts she had gathered and 
her husband told her that was the 
instruction he got from one of the 
spiritualists he went to for spiritual 
Her husband said the spiritualist told 
him that until another woman delivered 
a child for him, he would never have a
 breakthrough in life
She couldn't just make sense of it
They were so poor that their children 
had to hawk groundnut and palm oil
# every day for her to put food on the 
The children were practically wearing 
rags to school and in all that the little 
he was making from his waste disposal 
business was being shared with 
another woman somewhere
How does that make any sense?
Her husband had always been one of 
those people who would rather work 
for today while believing in sudden 
wealth for the future
He always wanted to be rich but he 
was neither prepared nor equipped 
for it
She knew all about his spiritual 
consultations with all sorts of people 
all in the name of making money but 
the one thing she didn't see coming 
was another wife with children
From the moment she confirmed that 
fact from her husband, she became 
It was the one thing she couldn't 
accept for what it was
She didn't bargain for poverty but she 
had accepted it with hope but accepting 
the other woman was too much for her 
to take
She found her own spiritualist and 
explained her dilemma
The spiritualist gave her options and 
she chose the one she felt would teach 
her husband never to take her for 
granted again
She was given an enchanted doll made 
in the shape of a pregnant woman with 
She followed the instructions and 
threw the doll into the fire she was 
using to make dinner for the family
Three weeks later, the other wife died
Seven months later 
her husband fell sick and died too
When she returned to the spiritualist to 
ask why her husband died, she was 
told she shouldn't have thrown it into 
the fire within the household
She should have followed the instruction 
given to her and journey far into the 
bush to start th fire 
she would use
By burning the enchanted doll under a 
roof, all those under that roof had 
become afflicted
That was their mother's secret
She said she had done everything within 
her power to correct the wrong that was
 done but it was all to no avail
The children, hearing the story 
for the first time started to cry and lament
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt just laughed
He said, "Wow, I thought you guys were all 
born again, Holy Ghost-filled habitations 
of God"
The children nodded
"Why are you crying and lamenting," 
He asked them
They just looked at him... 
James 1: 22 Do not merely listen to the 
word, and so deceive yourselves. 
Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens 
to the word but does not do what it 
says is like someone who looks at his 
face in a mirror 24 and, after looking 
at himself, goes away and immediately 
forgets what he looks like. 
25 But whoever looks intently into 
the perfect law that gives freedom, 
and continues in it—not forgetting 
what they have heard, but doing it—
they will be blessed in what they do."
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said 
"You guys are oscillating between 
your human reality and your reality 
in Christ
You have to choose a side and stay in it
The day you gave your life to Christ, you 
walked out of darkness into the light, if 
this is the truth, then walk in the light!
Darkness cannot have a hold on the light
There can be no accord between light 
and darkness.
You have given the devil a foothold in 
your light by walking in the flesh after 
yielding your life to Jesus and getting 
filled with the Holy Spirit
You have to renew your mind and walk 
away from this wrong mindset"
The oldest son, who also happens to be 
a pastor said "How do we do this sir"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said
 "Your mother just told a fantastic story 
that directly affects your human spirit.
The Bible also told us the story of 
salvation in Jesus that directly affects 
your reality in Christ
Which of these stories would 
you believe and walk in with conviction
The Oldest son said "The story of 
my salvation in Christ"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked 
the other children the same question
They all said they would rather 
believe the truth of the gospel and its 
eternal salvation
They prayed for 
some days together via a phone call 
where they read the scripture and 
prayed in the spirit
Three months later, the first three 
brothers recorded pregnancy in their 
marriages for the first time
The first of baby was born on the 
23rd March, 2019 and named "Jabez"
His birth was 
followed by other births and a wedding 
for the only daughter in April 2020.
The entire family's reality was turned 
around by the understanding of their 
realities in the light and the right 
fellowship that nurtured the right mindset
Their mother is still alive and enjoying the 
blessings of the gospel
She has also given her life to Christ and 
now lives with the first son and his family
This event happened in Jos and Lagos 
state, Nigeria!

PS: Some Christians are taught that 
after they had given their lives to Jesus, 
demons still have a say in their 
It is like a slave that got adopted to 
become a son but in his mindset was 
still a slave
He will only always act as a slave in reality
You are the light now, shine!
You left a location and its ills for another 
location and its blessings
You cant be in two places at once